This page describes the contents of the PanSTARRS-1 system metadata database tables.  These tables include information on the flag values, filters, surveys, and other similar metadata. The information is not specific to individual objects but is useful in interpreting values from the object data tables. These descriptions are extracted from the PSPS Schema Browser interface created by the University of Hawaii. 




Description: Contains a description of the optical filters used in the survey (Tonry et al 2012, ApJ 750, 99).
NameUnitData TypeSizeDefault ValueDescription
filterIDdimensionlessTINYINT1NAFilter identifier.
filterTypedimensionlessVARCHAR(100)100 Filter name.


Description: Contains descriptions of the models used in fitting detections in images, both PSF-like and extended galaxies. References: de Vaucouleurs, G. 1948, Annales d'Astrophysique, 11, 247; Sersic, J. L. 1963, Boletin de la Asociacion Argentina de Astronomia La Plata Argentina, 6, 41.
NameUnitData TypeSizeDefault ValueDescription
fitModelIDdimensionlessSMALLINT2NAModel fit identifier.
namedimensionlessVARCHAR(100)100 Model name.
descriptiondimensionlessVARCHAR(100)100 Description of the model.
param1dimensionlessVARCHAR(100)100 Description of model parameter 1.
param2dimensionlessVARCHAR(100)100 Description of model parameter 2.
param3dimensionlessVARCHAR(100)100 Description of model parameter 3.
param4dimensionlessVARCHAR(100)100 Description of model parameter 4.
param5dimensionlessVARCHAR(100)100 Description of model parameter 5.
param6dimensionlessVARCHAR(100)100 Description of model parameter 6.
param7dimensionlessVARCHAR(100)100 Description of model parameter 7.
param8dimensionlessVARCHAR(100)100 Description of model parameter 8.
param9dimensionlessVARCHAR(100)100 Description of model parameter 9.
param10dimensionlessVARCHAR(100)100 Description of model parameter 10.


Description: Contains descriptions of the various PS1 Science Consortium Surveys.
NameUnitData TypeSizeDefault ValueDescription
surveyIDdimensionlessTINYINT1NASurvey identifier.
namedimensionlessVARCHAR(100)100 Survey name.
descriptiondimensionlessVARCHAR(100)100 Survey description.


Description: Contains photometric calibration information for each filter and detector image combinations.
NameUnitData TypeSizeDefault ValueDescription
photoCalIDdimensionlessINT4NAPhotometric calibration identifier.
filterIDdimensionlessTINYINT1NAFilter identifier. Details in the Filter table.
photoCodeDescdimensionlessVARCHAR(100)100 Photometry reduction code name.
ABmagnitudesREAL4NAAB magnitude.
zeropointmagnitudesREAL4NAPhotometric zeropoint (excluding long term variation).
extinctionmagnitudes / airmassREAL4NAPhotometric extinction term (excluding long term variation).
colortermdimensionlessREAL4NAPhotometric color term (excluding long term variation).
colorExtndimensionlessREAL4NAPhotometric color dependent extinction (excluding long term variation).
orphanCalColordimensionlessREAL4NAColor adopted for magnitude calculation.
orphanCalColorErrdimensionlessREAL4NAError in calibrating color.
startDatedaysREAL4NAModified Julian Date of the start of this configuration.


Description: Contains descriptions of the types of stacked images constructed.
NameUnitData TypeSizeDefault ValueDescription
stackTypeIDdimensionlessTINYINT1NAStack type identifier.
namedimensionlessVARCHAR(100)100 Stack type name.
descriptiondimensionlessVARCHAR(100)100 Stack type description.


Description: Contains descriptions of the types of difference images constructed.
NameUnitData TypeSizeDefault ValueDescription
diffTypeIDdimensionlessTINYINT1NADiff type identifier.
namedimensionlessVARCHAR(100)100 Diff type name.
descriptiondimensionlessVARCHAR(100)100 Diff type description.


Description: Contains descriptions of the types of image tessellations for the sky.
NameUnitData TypeSizeDefault ValueDescription
tessID TINYINT1NATessellation identifier.
name VARCHAR(100)100 Tessellation name.
description VARCHAR(100)100 Tessellation description.


Description: Contains information flag values for images.
NameUnitData TypeSizeDefault ValueDescription
name VARCHAR(100)100 Name of flag.
hexadecimal VARCHAR(16)16 Flag value in hexadecimal form.
value BIGINT8NAFlag value in decimal form.
description VARCHAR(100)100 Description of the flag.


Description: Contains information flag values for detections.
NameUnitData TypeSizeDefault ValueDescription
name VARCHAR(100)100 Name of flag.
hexadecimal VARCHAR(16)16 Flag value in hexadecimal form.
value BIGINT8NAFlag value in decimal form.
description VARCHAR(100)100 Description of the flag.


Description: Contains information flag values for detections. References: Petrosian, V. 1976, ApJL, 209, L1.
NameUnitData TypeSizeDefault ValueDescription
name VARCHAR(100)100 Name of flag.
hexadecimal VARCHAR(16)16 Flag value in hexadecimal form.
value INT4NAFlag value in decimal form.
description VARCHAR(100)100 Description of the flag.


Description: Contains information flag values for detections. References: Kron, R. G. 1980, ApJS, 43, 305.
NameUnitData TypeSizeDefault ValueDescription
name VARCHAR(100)100 Name of flag.
hexadecimal VARCHAR(16)16 Flag value in hexadecimal form.
value INT4NAFlag value in decimal form.
description VARCHAR(100)100 Description of the flag.


Description: Contains information flag values for objects.
NameUnitData TypeSizeDefault ValueDescription
name VARCHAR(100)100 Name of flag
hexadecimal VARCHAR(16)16 Flag value in hexadecimal form.
value INT4NAFlag value in decimal form.
description VARCHAR(100)100 Description of the flag


Description: Contains information flag values that denote if an object is real or a possible false positive.
NameUnitData TypeSizeDefault ValueDescription
name VARCHAR(100)100 Name of flag.
hexadecimal VARCHAR(16)16 Flag value in hexadecimal form.
value INT4NAFlag value in decimal form.
description VARCHAR(100)100 Description of the flag.


Description: Contains information flags for the photometric calibration of an object.
NameUnitData TypeSizeDefault ValueDescription
name VARCHAR(100)100 Name of flag.
hexadecimal VARCHAR(16)16 Flag value in hexadecimal form.
value INT4NAFlag value in decimal form.
description VARCHAR(100)100 Description of the flag.


Description: Contains information flags that denote if an object has had its astrometry corrected and other information related to the astrometry correction process using Gaia EDR3. See PS1 Astrometry Correction Using Gaia EDR3 for details.
NameUnitData TypeSizeDefault ValueDescription
Name of flag.
Flag value in hexadecimal form.
INT4NAFlag value in decimal form.
Description of the flag.


Description: Contains information flag values that define ForcedGalaxyShape chisq surface failures.
NameUnitData TypeSizeDefault ValueDescription
Name of flag.
Flag value in hexadecimal form.
INT4NAFlag value in decimal form.
Description of the flag.

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