This page describes the contents of the PanSTARRS-1 database object and detection tables.  These tables have information such as positions, magnitudes, and morphological descriptions for the objects in the PS1 catalogs. They also include time-dependent measurements of those parameters.  Tables with multi-epoch measurements are not included in the DR1 data release and are listed separately.

These descriptions are extracted from the PSPS Schema Browser interface created by the University of Hawaii.  For a high-level overview of the tables, see the PS1 Source extraction and catalogs documentation page. 


The starting point for the PS1 data archive is at Pan-STARRS1 data archive home page.

Tables included in DR1


Description: Contains the positional information for objects in a number of coordinate systems. The objects associate single epoch detections and the stacked detections within a one arcsecond radius. The mean position from the single epoch data is used as the basis for coordinates when available, or the position of an object in the stack when it is not. The right ascension and declination for both the stack and single epoch mean is provided. The number of detections in each filter from single epoch data is listed, along with which filters the object has a stack detection. References: Szalay, A. S., Gray, J., Fekete, G., et al. 2007, arXiv:cs/0701164.

Note that as of June 2022 the raMean and decMean positions have been updated using Gaia EDR3 and new columns have been added with proper motions for a subset of objects.  See the PS1 Astrometry Correction Using Gaia EDR3 for more information.

NameUnitData TypeSizeDefault ValueDescription
objNamedimensionlessVARCHAR(32)32NAIAU name for this object.
objPSONamedimensionlessVARCHAR(32)32NAAlternate Pan-STARRS name for this object.
objAltName1dimensionlessVARCHAR(32)32NAAlternate name for this object.
Altername name for this object.
Altername name for this object.
Well known name for this object.
objIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique object identifier.
uniquePspsOBiddimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique internal PSPS object identifier.
ippObjIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal object identifier.
surveyIDdimensionlessTINYINT1NASurvey identifier. Details in the Survey table.
htmIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAHierarchical triangular mesh (Szalay 2007) index.
zoneIDdimensionlessINT4NALocal zone index, found by dividing the sky into bands of declination 1/2 arcminute in height: zoneID = floor((90 + declination)/0.0083333).
tessIDdimensionlessTINYINT10Tessellation identifier. Details in the TessellationType table.
projectionIDdimensionlessSMALLINT2-1Projection cell identifier.
skyCellIDdimensionlessTINYINT1255Skycell region identifier.
randomIDdimensionlessFLOAT8NARandom value drawn from the interval between zero and one.
batchIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAInternal database batch identifier.
dvoRegionIDdimensionlessINT4-1Internal DVO region identifier.
processingVersiondimensionlessTINYINT1NAData release version.
objInfoFlagdimensionlessINT40Information flag bitmask indicating details of the photometry. Values listed in ObjectInfoFlags and here
astrometryCorrectionFlagdimensionlessINT40Information flag bitmask indicating details of the astrometry correction. Values listed in AstrometryCorrectionFlags and here
qualityFlagdimensionlessTINYINT10Subset of objInfoFlag denoting whether this object is real or a likely false positive. Values listed in ObjectQualityFlags and here
raStackdegreesFLOAT8-999Right ascension from stack detections, weighted mean value across filters, in equinox J2000. See StackObjectThin for stack epoch information.
decStackdegreesFLOAT8-999Declination from stack detections, weighted mean value across filters, in equinox J2000. See StackObjectThin for stack epoch information.
raStackErrarcsecREAL4-999Right ascension standard deviation from stack detections.
decStackErrarcsecREAL4-999Declination standard deviation from stack detections.
raMeandegreesFLOAT8-999Right ascension from single epoch detections (weighted mean) in equinox J2000 at the mean epoch given by epochMean.
decMeandegreesFLOAT8-999Declination from single epoch detections (weighted mean) in equinox J2000 at the mean epoch given by epochMean.
raMeanErrarcsecREAL4-999Right ascension standard deviation from single epoch detections.
decMeanErrarcsecREAL4-999Declination standard deviation from single epoch detections.
milliarcseconds per yearFLOAT8NULLProper motion in right ascension direction from single epoch detections.
milliarcseconds per yearFLOAT8NULLProper motion in right ascension direction from single epoch detections.
milliarcseconds per yearFLOAT8NULLRA proper motion standard deviation.
milliarcseconds per yearFLOAT8NULLDec proper motion standard deviation.
epochMeandaysFLOAT8-999Modified Julian Date of the mean epoch corresponding to raMean, decMean and pmra, pmdec (equinox J2000). This is a weighted mean of the PS1 observation epochs.
posMeanChisqdimensionlessREAL4-999Reduced chi squared value of mean position.
cxdimensionlessFLOAT8NACartesian x on a unit sphere.
cydimensionlessFLOAT8NACartesian y on a unit sphere.
czdimensionlessFLOAT8NACartesian z on a unit sphere.
lambdadegreesFLOAT8-999Ecliptic longitude.
betadegreesFLOAT8-999Ecliptic latitude.
ldegreesFLOAT8-999Galactic longitude.
bdegreesFLOAT8-999Galactic latitude.
nStackObjectRowsdimensionlessSMALLINT2-999Number of independent StackObjectThin rows associated with this object.
nStackDetectionsdimensionlessSMALLINT2-999Number of stack detections.
nDetectionsdimensionlessSMALLINT2-999Number of single epoch detections in all filters.
ngdimensionlessSMALLINT2-999Number of single epoch detections in g filter.
nrdimensionlessSMALLINT2-999Number of single epoch detections in r filter.
nidimensionlessSMALLINT2-999Number of single epoch detections in i filter.
nzdimensionlessSMALLINT2-999Number of single epoch detections in z filter.
nydimensionlessSMALLINT2-999Number of single epoch detections in y filter.


Description: Contains the mean photometric information for objects based on the single epoch data, calculated as described in Magnier et al (2013). To be included in this table, an object must be bright enough to have been detected at least once in an individual exposure. PSF, Kron (1980), and aperture magnitudes and statistics are listed for all filters. References: Kron, R. G. 1980, ApJS, 43, 305; Magnier, E. A., Schlafly, E., Finkbeiner, D., et al. 2013, ApJS, 205, 20.
NameUnitData TypeSizeDefault ValueDescription
objIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique object identifier.
uniquePspsOBiddimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique internal PSPS object identifier.
gQfPerfectdimensionlessREAL4-999Maximum PSF weighted fraction of pixels totally unmasked from g filter detections.
gMeanPSFMagAB magnitudesREAL4-999Mean PSF magnitude from g filter detections.
gMeanPSFMagErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in mean PSF magnitude from g filter detections.
gMeanPSFMagStdAB magnitudesREAL4-999Standard deviation of PSF magnitudes from g filter detections.
gMeanPSFMagNptdimensionlessSMALLINT2-999Number of measurements included in mean PSF magnitude from g filter detections.
gMeanPSFMagMinAB magnitudesREAL4-999Minimum PSF magnitude from g filter detections.
gMeanPSFMagMaxAB magnitudesREAL4-999Maximum PSF magnitude from g filter detections.
gMeanKronMagAB magnitudesREAL4-999Mean Kron (1980) magnitude from g filter detections.
gMeanKronMagErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in mean Kron (1980) magnitude from g filter detections.
gMeanKronMagStdAB magnitudesREAL4-999Standard deviation of Kron (1980) magnitudes from g filter detections.
gMeanKronMagNptdimensionlessSMALLINT2-999Number of measurements included in mean Kron (1980) magnitude from g filter detections.
gMeanApMagAB magnitudesREAL4-999Mean aperture magnitude from g filter detections.
gMeanApMagErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in mean aperture magnitude from g filter detections.
gMeanApMagStdAB magnitudesREAL4-999Standard deviation of aperture magnitudes from g filter detections.
gMeanApMagNptdimensionlessSMALLINT2-999Number of measurements included in mean aperture magnitude from g filter detections.
gFlagsdimensionlessINT40Information flag bitmask for mean object from g filter detections. Values listed in ObjectFilterFlags.
rQfPerfectdimensionlessREAL4-999Maximum PSF weighted fraction of pixels totally unmasked from r filter detections.
rMeanPSFMagAB magnitudesREAL4-999Mean PSF magnitude from r filter detections.
rMeanPSFMagErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in mean PSF magnitude from r filter detections.
rMeanPSFMagStdAB magnitudesREAL4-999Standard deviation of PSF magnitudes from r filter detections.
rMeanPSFMagNptdimensionlessSMALLINT2-999Number of measurements included in mean PSF magnitude from r filter detections.
rMeanPSFMagMinAB magnitudesREAL4-999Minimum PSF magnitude from r filter detections.
rMeanPSFMagMaxAB magnitudesREAL4-999Maximum PSF magnitude from r filter detections.
rMeanKronMagAB magnitudesREAL4-999Mean Kron (1980) magnitude from r filter detections.
rMeanKronMagErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in mean Kron (1980) magnitude from r filter detections.
rMeanKronMagStdAB magnitudesREAL4-999Standard deviation of Kron (1980) magnitudes from r filter detections.
rMeanKronMagNptdimensionlessSMALLINT2-999Number of measurements included in mean Kron (1980) magnitude from r filter detections.
rMeanApMagAB magnitudesREAL4-999Mean aperture magnitude from r filter detections.
rMeanApMagErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in mean aperture magnitude from r filter detections.
rMeanApMagStdAB magnitudesREAL4-999Standard deviation of aperture magnitudes from r filter detections.
rMeanApMagNptdimensionlessSMALLINT2-999Number of measurements included in mean aperture magnitude from r filter detections.
rFlagsdimensionlessINT40Information flag bitmask for mean object from r filter detections. Values listed in ObjectFilterFlags.
iQfPerfectdimensionlessREAL4-999Maximum PSF weighted fraction of pixels totally unmasked from i filter detections.
iMeanPSFMagAB magnitudesREAL4-999Mean PSF magnitude from i filter detections.
iMeanPSFMagErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in mean PSF magnitude from i filter detections.
iMeanPSFMagStdAB magnitudesREAL4-999Standard deviation of PSF magnitudes from i filter detections.
iMeanPSFMagNptdimensionlessSMALLINT2-999Number of measurements included in mean PSF magnitude from i filter detections.
iMeanPSFMagMinAB magnitudesREAL4-999Minimum PSF magnitude from i filter detections.
iMeanPSFMagMaxAB magnitudesREAL4-999Maximum PSF magnitude from i filter detections.
iMeanKronMagAB magnitudesREAL4-999Mean Kron (1980) magnitude from i filter detections.
iMeanKronMagErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in mean Kron (1980) magnitude from i filter detections.
iMeanKronMagStdAB magnitudesREAL4-999Standard deviation of Kron (1980) magnitudes from i filter detections.
iMeanKronMagNptdimensionlessSMALLINT2-999Number of measurements included in mean Kron (1980) magnitude from i filter detections.
iMeanApMagAB magnitudesREAL4-999Mean aperture magnitude from i filter detections.
iMeanApMagErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in mean aperture magnitude from i filter detections.
iMeanApMagStdAB magnitudesREAL4-999Standard deviation of aperture magnitudes from i filter detections.
iMeanApMagNptdimensionlessSMALLINT2-999Number of measurements included in mean aperture magnitude from i filter detections.
iFlagsdimensionlessINT40Information flag bitmask for mean object from i filter detections. Values listed in ObjectFilterFlags.
zQfPerfectdimensionlessREAL4-999Maximum PSF weighted fraction of pixels totally unmasked from z filter detections.
zMeanPSFMagAB magnitudesREAL4-999Mean PSF magnitude from z filter detections.
zMeanPSFMagErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in mean PSF magnitude from z filter detections.
zMeanPSFMagStdAB magnitudesREAL4-999Standard deviation of PSF magnitudes from z filter detections.
zMeanPSFMagNptdimensionlessSMALLINT2-999Number of measurements included in mean PSF magnitude from z filter detections.
zMeanPSFMagMinAB magnitudesREAL4-999Minimum PSF magnitude from z filter detections.
zMeanPSFMagMaxAB magnitudesREAL4-999Maximum PSF magnitude from z filter detections.
zMeanKronMagAB magnitudesREAL4-999Mean Kron (1980) magnitude from z filter detections.
zMeanKronMagErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in mean Kron (1980) magnitude from z filter detections.
zMeanKronMagStdAB magnitudesREAL4-999Standard deviation of Kron (1980) magnitudes from z filter detections.
zMeanKronMagNptdimensionlessSMALLINT2-999Number of measurements included in mean Kron (1980) magnitude from z filter detections.
zMeanApMagAB magnitudesREAL4-999Mean aperture magnitude from z filter detections.
zMeanApMagErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in mean aperture magnitude from z filter detections.
zMeanApMagStdAB magnitudesREAL4-999Standard deviation of aperture magnitudes from z filter detections.
zMeanApMagNptdimensionlessSMALLINT2-999Number of measurements included in mean aperture magnitude from z filter detections.
zFlagsdimensionlessINT40Information flag bitmask for mean object from z filter detections. Values listed in ObjectFilterFlags.
yQfPerfectdimensionlessREAL4-999Maximum PSF weighted fraction of pixels totally unmasked from y filter detections.
yMeanPSFMagAB magnitudesREAL4-999Mean PSF magnitude from y filter detections.
yMeanPSFMagErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in mean PSF magnitude from y filter detections.
yMeanPSFMagStdAB magnitudesREAL4-999Standard deviation of PSF magnitudes from y filter detections.
yMeanPSFMagNptdimensionlessSMALLINT2-999Number of measurements included in mean PSF magnitude from y filter detections.
yMeanPSFMagMinAB magnitudesREAL4-999Minimum PSF magnitude from y filter detections.
yMeanPSFMagMaxAB magnitudesREAL4-999Maximum PSF magnitude from y filter detections.
yMeanKronMagAB magnitudesREAL4-999Mean Kron (1980) magnitude from y filter detections.
yMeanKronMagErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in mean Kron (1980) magnitude from y filter detections.
yMeanKronMagStdAB magnitudesREAL4-999Standard deviation of Kron (1980) magnitudes from y filter detections.
yMeanKronMagNptdimensionlessSMALLINT2-999Number of measurements included in mean Kron (1980) magnitude from y filter detections.
yMeanApMagAB magnitudesREAL4-999Mean aperture magnitude from y filter detections.
yMeanApMagErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in mean aperture magnitude from y filter detections.
yMeanApMagStdAB magnitudesREAL4-999Standard deviation of aperture magnitudes from y filter detections.
yMeanApMagNptdimensionlessSMALLINT2-999Number of measurements included in mean aperture magnitude from y filter detections.
yFlagsdimensionlessINT40Information flag bitmask for mean object from y filter detections. Values listed in ObjectFilterFlags.


Description: Contains metadata for objects that have had their astrometry corrected using Gaia EDR3.  This table contains the original values from the ObjectThin table that have been updated, the replacement values that are in ObjectThin (highlighted in the comments), as well as additional information on the new astrometry. See PS1 Astrometry Correction Using Gaia EDR3 for details.

Most users will simply use the updated values in ObjectThin; the values in this table may be useful for ongoing research projects that rely on details of the original PS1 DR2 positions.

NameUnitData TypeSizeDefault ValueDescription
objIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique object identifier used to join to ObjectThin.


degreesFLOAT8NAInitial Right ascension position (J2000) determined from weighted mean of Detection positions (before Gaia correction).
degreesFLOAT8NAInitial Declination position (J2000) determined from weighted mean of Detection positions (before Gaia correction).

astrometry corrected replacement for epochMean in ObjectThin: Modified Julian Date (MJD) of the mean epoch corresponding to positions and proper motions.  This is the average of mdmjdra and mdmjddec.

daysFLOAT8NAWeighted mean MJD for measurements that contributed to mdra.
daysFLOAT8NAWeighted mean MJD for measurements that contributed to mddec.
dimensionlessINT4NANumber of detection measurements used.

astrometry corrected replacement for raMeanErr in ObjectThin: Standard deviation in RA from weighted single epoch errors. Value is converted to arcsec in ObjectThin.

milliarcsecondsFLOAT8NAastrometry corrected replacement for raMeanErr in ObjectThin: Standard deviation in Dec from weighted single epoch errors. Value is converted to arcsec in ObjectThin.
milliarcseconds per yearFLOAT8NAProper motion in RA determined from weighted mean of Detection positions (before Gaia correction).
milliarcseconds per yearFLOAT8NAProper motion in Dec determined from weighted mean of Detection positions (before Gaia correction).
milliarcseconds per yearFLOAT8NAnew column pmraErr in ObjectThin: Standard deviation in pmra from weighted single epoch errors.
milliarcseconds per yearFLOAT8NAnew column pmdecErr in ObjectThin: Standard deviation in pmdec from weighted single epoch errors.

astrometry corrected replacement for posMeanChisq in ObjectThin = (chisqra+chisqdec)/2: Reduced chi-square in RA PM fit

dimensionlessFLOAT8NAastrometry corrected replacement for posMeanChisq in ObjectThin = (chisqra+chisqdec)/2: Reduced chi-square in Dec PM fit 
dimensionlessBIT1NADifferential chromatic refraction correction applied: 1=yes, 0=no
degreesFLOAT8NAastrometry corrected replacement for raMean in ObjectThin: RA from single epoch detections (weighted mean) in equinox J2000 at the mean epoch given by epochMean after correction using Gaia EDR3 using the algorithm described in the paper.
degreesFLOAT8NAastrometry corrected replacement for decMean in ObjectThin: Dec from single epoch detections (weighted mean) in equinox J2000 at the mean epoch given by epochMean after correction using Gaia EDR3 using the algorithm described in the paper.
milliarcseconds per yearFLOAT8NAnew column pmra in ObjectThin: Proper motion in RA from single epoch detections after correction using Gaia EDR3 using the algorithm described in the paper.
milliarcseconds per yearFLOAT8NAnew column pmdec in ObjectThin: Proper motion in Dec from single epoch detections after correction using Gaia EDR3 using the algorithm described in the paper.
cxdimensionlessFLOAT8NAastrometry corrected replacement for cx in ObjectThin: Cartesian x on a unit sphere.
cydimensionlessFLOAT8NAastrometry corrected replacement for cy in ObjectThin: Cartesian y on a unit sphere.
czdimensionlessFLOAT8NAastrometry corrected replacement for cz in ObjectThin: Cartesian z on a unit sphere.
htmiddimensionlessBIGINT8NAastrometry corrected replacement for htmID in ObjectThin: Hierarchical triangular mesh (Szalay 2007) index.

Values for columns below are the original values from ObjectThin, copied before the astrometry update was applied.

NOTE: When querying this table, if these original column values are all NULL it indicates that the object (objid) does not exist in ObjectThin.  That applies mainly to objects south of declination -30 degrees.

raMeandegreesFLOAT8-999Right ascension from single epoch detections (weighted mean) in equinox J2000 at the mean epoch given by epochMean.
decMeandegreesFLOAT8-999Declination from single epoch detections (weighted mean) in equinox J2000 at the mean epoch given by epochMean.
raMeanErrarcsecREAL4-999Right ascension standard deviation from single epoch detections.
decMeanErrarcsecREAL4-999Declination standard deviation from single epoch detections.
epochMeandaysFLOAT8-999Modified Julian Date of the mean epoch corresponding to raMean, decMean (equinox J2000). Note that Gaia DR1 data is sometimes included in the mean position (see the FAQ for details); in those cases, the epochMean value is near the Gaia DR1 epoch 2015.5 = MJD 15023.  As a result, epochMean is not necessarily near the mean value of the PS1 measurement dates.  That is no longer true of the new astrometry-corrected value of epochMean – the new positions do not include any Gaia position or epoch information in the calculations except to calibrate local disortions in the PS1 coordinate system.
posMeanChisqdimensionlessREAL4-999Reduced chi squared value of mean position.
cxOrigdimensionlessFLOAT8NACartesian x on a unit sphere.
cyOrigdimensionlessFLOAT8NACartesian y on a unit sphere.
czOrigdimensionlessFLOAT8NACartesian z on a unit sphere.
htmIDOrigdimensionlessBIGINT8NAHierarchical triangular mesh (Szalay 2007) index.


Description: Contains the positional and photometric information for point-source photometry of stack detections. The information for all filters are joined into a single row, with metadata indicating if this stack object represents the primary detection. Due to overlaps in the stack tessellations, an object may appear in multiple stack images. The primary detection is the unique detection from the stack image that provides the best coverage with minimal projection stretching. All other detections of the object in that filter are secondary, regardless of their properties. The detection flagged as best is the primary detection if that detection has a psfQf value greater than 0.98; if that is not met, then any of the primary or secondary detections with the highest psfQf value is flagged as best. References: Kron, R. G. 1980, ApJS, 43, 305; Magnier et al. 2015, in prep.
NameUnitData TypeSizeDefault ValueDescription
objIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique object identifier.
uniquePspsSTiddimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique internal PSPS stack identifier.
ippObjIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal object identifier.
surveyIDdimensionlessTINYINT1NASurvey identifier. Details in the Survey table.
tessIDdimensionlessTINYINT10Tessellation identifier. Details in the TessellationType table.
projectionIDdimensionlessSMALLINT2-1Projection cell identifier.
skyCellIDdimensionlessTINYINT1255Skycell region identifier.
randomStackObjIDdimensionlessFLOAT8NARandom value drawn from the interval between zero and one.
primaryDetectiondimensionlessTINYINT1255Identifies if this row is the primary stack detection. Note that in the DR1 database, about 0.5% of the objects have more than one entry with primaryDetection=1.  This may be fixed in a future modification of the DR2 database. Note also that as primaryDetection is entirely a geometric issue within a skycell, it is possible for an object (particularly if near the detection limit) to be undetected on the primary area within a skycell, but to appear on the overlapping non-primary area in an adjacent skycell. Such objects will not  have any measurement which is flagged as a primaryDetection.
bestDetectiondimensionlessTINYINT1255Identifies if this row is the best detection.  The entries in this column are currently corrupted in the DR2 database and should not be used.  We recommend using the primaryDetection flag instead (although it also has shortcomings - see above).  This is planned to be fixed in DR2.1.
dvoRegionIDdimensionlessINT4-1Internal DVO region identifier.
processingVersiondimensionlessTINYINT1NAData release version.
gippDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal detection identifier.
gstackDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack detection identifier.
gstackImageIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack identifier for g filter detection.
gradegreesFLOAT8-999Right ascension from g filter stack detection.
gdecdegreesFLOAT8-999Declination from g filter stack detection.
graErrarcsecREAL4-999Right ascension error from g filter stack detection.
gdecErrarcsecREAL4-999Declination error from g filter stack detection.
gEpochdaysFLOAT8-999Modified Julian Date of the mean epoch of images contributing to the the g-band stack (equinox J2000).
gPSFMagAB magnitudesREAL4-999PSF magnitude from g filter stack detection.
gPSFMagErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in PSF magnitude from g filter stack detection.
gApMagAB magnitudesREAL4-999Aperture magnitude from g filter stack detection.
gApMagErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in aperture magnitude from g filter stack detection.
gKronMagAB magnitudesREAL4-999Kron (1980) magnitude from g filter stack detection.
gKronMagErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in Kron (1980) magnitude from g filter stack detection.
ginfoFlagdimensionlessBIGINT80Information flag bitmask indicating details of the g filter stack photometry. Values listed in DetectionFlags.
ginfoFlag2dimensionlessINT40Information flag bitmask indicating details of the g filter stack photometry. Values listed in DetectionFlags2.
ginfoFlag3dimensionlessINT40Information flag bitmask indicating details of the g filter stack photometry. Values listed in DetectionFlags3.
gnFramesdimensionlessINT4-999Number of input frames/exposures contributing to the g filter stack detection.
rippDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal detection identifier.
rstackDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack detection identifier.
rstackImageIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack identifier for r filter detection.
rradegreesFLOAT8-999Right ascension from r filter stack detection.
rdecdegreesFLOAT8-999Declination from r filter stack detection.
rraErrarcsecREAL4-999Right ascension error from r filter stack detection.
rdecErrarcsecREAL4-999Declination error from r filter stack detection.
rEpochdaysFLOAT8-999Modified Julian Date of the mean epoch of images contributing to the the r-band stack (equinox J2000).
rPSFMagAB magnitudesREAL4-999PSF magnitude from r filter stack detection.
rPSFMagErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in PSF magnitude from r filter stack detection.
rApMagAB magnitudesREAL4-999Aperture magnitude from r filter stack detection.
rApMagErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in aperture magnitude from r filter stack detection.
rKronMagAB magnitudesREAL4-999Kron (1980) magnitude from r filter stack detection.
rKronMagErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in Kron (1980) magnitude from r filter stack detection.
rinfoFlagdimensionlessBIGINT80Information flag bitmask indicating details of the r filter stack photometry. Values listed in DetectionFlags.
rinfoFlag2dimensionlessINT40Information flag bitmask indicating details of the r filter stack photometry. Values listed in DetectionFlags2.
rinfoFlag3dimensionlessINT40Information flag bitmask indicating details of the r filter stack photometry. Values listed in DetectionFlags3.
rnFramesdimensionlessINT4-999Number of input frames/exposures contributing to the r filter stack detection.
iippDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal detection identifier.
istackDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack detection identifier.
istackImageIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack identifier for i filter detection.
iradegreesFLOAT8-999Right ascension from i filter stack detection.
idecdegreesFLOAT8-999Declination from i filter stack detection.
iraErrarcsecREAL4-999Right ascension error from i filter stack detection.
idecErrarcsecREAL4-999Declination error from i filter stack detection.
iEpochdaysFLOAT8-999Modified Julian Date of the mean epoch of images contributing to the the i-band stack (equinox J2000).
iPSFMagAB magnitudesREAL4-999PSF magnitude from i filter stack detection.
iPSFMagErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in PSF magnitude from i filter stack detection.
iApMagAB magnitudesREAL4-999Aperture magnitude from i filter stack detection.
iApMagErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in aperture magnitude from i filter stack detection.
iKronMagAB magnitudesREAL4-999Kron (1980) magnitude from i filter stack detection.
iKronMagErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in Kron (1980) magnitude from i filter stack detection.
iinfoFlagdimensionlessBIGINT80Information flag bitmask indicating details of the i filter stack photometry. Values listed in DetectionFlags.
iinfoFlag2dimensionlessINT40Information flag bitmask indicating details of the i filter stack photometry. Values listed in DetectionFlags2.
iinfoFlag3dimensionlessINT40Information flag bitmask indicating details of the i filter stack photometry. Values listed in DetectionFlags3.
inFramesdimensionlessINT4-999Number of input frames/exposures contributing to the i filter stack detection.
zippDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal detection identifier.
zstackDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack detection identifier.
zstackImageIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack identifier for z filter detection.
zradegreesFLOAT8-999Right ascension from z filter stack detection.
zdecdegreesFLOAT8-999Declination from z filter stack detection.
zraErrarcsecREAL4-999Right ascension error from z filter stack detection.
zdecErrarcsecREAL4-999Declination error from z filter stack detection.
zEpochdaysFLOAT8-999Modified Julian Date of the mean epoch of images contributing to the the z-band stack (equinox J2000).
zPSFMagAB magnitudesREAL4-999PSF magnitude from z filter stack detection.
zPSFMagErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in PSF magnitude from z filter stack detection.
zApMagAB magnitudesREAL4-999Aperture magnitude from z filter stack detection.
zApMagErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in aperture magnitude from z filter stack detection.
zKronMagAB magnitudesREAL4-999Kron (1980) magnitude from z filter stack detection.
zKronMagErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in Kron (1980) magnitude from z filter stack detection.
zinfoFlagdimensionlessBIGINT80Information flag bitmask indicating details of the z filter stack photometry. Values listed in DetectionFlags.
zinfoFlag2dimensionlessINT40Information flag bitmask indicating details of the z filter stack photometry. Values listed in DetectionFlags2.
zinfoFlag3dimensionlessINT40Information flag bitmask indicating details of the z filter stack photometry. Values listed in DetectionFlags3.
znFramesdimensionlessINT4-999Number of input frames/exposures contributing to the z filter stack detection.
yippDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal detection identifier.
ystackDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack detection identifier.
ystackImageIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack identifier for y filter detection.
yradegreesFLOAT8-999Right ascension from y filter stack detection.
ydecdegreesFLOAT8-999Declination from y filter stack detection.
yraErrarcsecREAL4-999Right ascension error from y filter stack detection.
ydecErrarcsecREAL4-999Declination error from y filter stack detection.
yEpochdaysFLOAT8-999Modified Julian Date of the mean epoch of images contributing to the the y-band stack (equinox J2000).
yPSFMagAB magnitudesREAL4-999PSF magnitude from y filter stack detection.
yPSFMagErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in PSF magnitude from y filter stack detection.
yApMagAB magnitudesREAL4-999Aperture magnitude from y filter stack detection.
yApMagErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in aperture magnitude from y filter stack detection.
yKronMagAB magnitudesREAL4-999Kron (1980) magnitude from y filter stack detection.
yKronMagErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in Kron (1980) magnitude from y filter stack detection.
yinfoFlagdimensionlessBIGINT80Information flag bitmask indicating details of the y filter stack photometry. Values listed in DetectionFlags.
yinfoFlag2dimensionlessINT40Information flag bitmask indicating details of the y filter stack photometry. Values listed in DetectionFlags2.
yinfoFlag3dimensionlessINT40Information flag bitmask indicating details of the y filter stack photometry. Values listed in DetectionFlags3.
ynFramesdimensionlessINT4-999Number of input frames/exposures contributing to the y filter stack detection.


Description: Contains the PSF, Kron (1980), and aperture fluxes for all filters in a single row, along with point-source object shape parameters. See StackObjectThin table for discussion of primary, secondary, and best detections. References: Kron, R. G. 1980, ApJS, 43, 305.
NameUnitData TypeSizeDefault ValueDescription
objIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique object identifier.
uniquePspsSTiddimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique internal PSPS stack identifier.
ippObjIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal object identifier.
randomStackObjIDdimensionlessFLOAT8NARandom value drawn from the interval between zero and one.
primaryDetectiondimensionlessTINYINT1255Identifies if this row is the primary stack detection.
bestDetectiondimensionlessTINYINT1255Identifies if this row is the best detection.
gippDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal detection identifier.
gstackDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack detection identifier.
gstackImageIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack identifier for g filter detection.
gxPossky pixelsREAL4-999PSF x center location from g filter stack detection.
gyPossky pixelsREAL4-999PSF y center location from g filter stack detection.
gxPosErrsky pixelsREAL4-999Error in PSF x center location from g filter stack detection.
gyPosErrsky pixelsREAL4-999Error in PSF y center location from g filter stack detection.
gpsfMajorFWHMarcsecREAL4-999PSF major axis FWHM from g filter stack detection.
gpsfMinorFWHMarcsecREAL4-999PSF minor axis FWHM from g filter stack detection.
gpsfThetadegreesREAL4-999PSF major axis orientation from g filter stack detection.
gpsfCoredimensionlessREAL4-999PSF core parameter k from g filter stack detection, where F = F0 / (1 + k r^2 + r^3.33).
gpsfLikelihooddimensionlessREAL4-999Likelihood that this g filter stack detection is best fit by a PSF.
gpsfQfdimensionlessREAL4-999PSF coverage factor for g filter stack detection.
gpsfQfPerfectdimensionlessREAL4-999PSF-weighted fraction of pixels totally unmasked for g filter stack detection.
gpsfChiSqdimensionlessREAL4-999Reduced chi squared value of the PSF model fit for g filter stack detection.
gmomentXXarcsec^2REAL4-999Second moment M_xx for g filter stack detection.
gmomentXYarcsec^2REAL4-999Second moment M_xy for g filter stack detection.
gmomentYYarcsec^2REAL4-999Second moment M_yy for g filter stack detection.
gmomentR1arcsecREAL4-999First radial moment for g filter stack detection.
gmomentRHarcsec^0.5REAL4-999Half radial moment (r^0.5 weighting) for g filter stack detection.
gPSFFluxJanskysREAL4-999PSF flux from g filter stack detection.
gPSFFluxErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in PSF flux from g filter stack detection.
gApFluxJanskysREAL4-999Aperture flux from g filter stack detection.
gApFluxErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in aperture flux from g filter stack detection.
gApFillFacdimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor from g filter stack detection.
gApRadiusarcsecREAL4-999Aperture radius for g filter stack detection.
gKronFluxJanskysREAL4-999Kron (1980) flux from g filter stack detection.
gKronFluxErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in Kron (1980) flux from g filter stack detection.
gKronRadarcsecREAL4-999Kron (1980) radius from g filter stack detection.
gexpTimesecondsREAL4-999Exposure time of the g filter stack. Necessary for converting listed fluxes and magnitudes back to measured ADU counts.
gExtNSigmadimensionlessREAL4-999An extendedness measure for the g filter stack detection based on the deviation between PSF and Kron (1980) magnitudes, normalized by the PSF magnitude uncertainty.
gskyJanskys/arcsec^2REAL4-999Residual background sky level at the g filter stack detection.
gskyErrJanskys/arcsec^2REAL4-999Error in residual background sky level at the g filter stack detection.
gzpmagnitudesREAL40Photometric zeropoint for the g filter stack. Necessary for converting listed fluxes and magnitudes back to measured ADU counts.
gPlateScalearcsec/pixelREAL40Local plate scale for the g filter stack.
rippDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal detection identifier.
rstackDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack detection identifier.
rstackImageIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack identifier for r filter detection.
rxPossky pixelsREAL4-999PSF x center location from r filter stack detection.
ryPossky pixelsREAL4-999PSF y center location from r filter stack detection.
rxPosErrsky pixelsREAL4-999Error in PSF x center location from r filter stack detection.
ryPosErrsky pixelsREAL4-999Error in PSF y center location from r filter stack detection.
rpsfMajorFWHMarcsecREAL4-999PSF major axis FWHM from r filter stack detection.
rpsfMinorFWHMarcsecREAL4-999PSF minor axis FWHM from r filter stack detection.
rpsfThetadegreesREAL4-999PSF major axis orientation from r filter stack detection.
rpsfCoredimensionlessREAL4-999PSF core parameter k from r filter stack detection, where F = F0 / (1 + k r^2 + r^3.33).
rpsfLikelihooddimensionlessREAL4-999Likelihood that this r filter stack detection is best fit by a PSF.
rpsfQfdimensionlessREAL4-999PSF coverage factor for r filter stack detection.
rpsfQfPerfectdimensionlessREAL4-999PSF-weighted fraction of pixels totally unmasked for r filter stack detection.
rpsfChiSqdimensionlessREAL4-999Reduced chi squared value of the PSF model fit for r filter stack detection.
rmomentXXarcsec^2REAL4-999Second moment M_xx for r filter stack detection.
rmomentXYarcsec^2REAL4-999Second moment M_xy for r filter stack detection.
rmomentYYarcsec^2REAL4-999Second moment M_yy for r filter stack detection.
rmomentR1arcsecREAL4-999First radial moment for r filter stack detection.
rmomentRHarcsec^0.5REAL4-999Half radial moment (r^0.5 weighting) for r filter stack detection.
rPSFFluxJanskysREAL4-999PSF flux from r filter stack detection.
rPSFFluxErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in PSF flux from r filter stack detection.
rApFluxJanskysREAL4-999Aperture flux from r filter stack detection.
rApFluxErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in aperture flux from r filter stack detection.
rApFillFacdimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor from r filter stack detection.
rApRadiusarcsecREAL4-999Aperture radius for r filter stack detection.
rKronFluxJanskysREAL4-999Kron (1980) flux from r filter stack detection.
rKronFluxErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in Kron (1980) flux from r filter stack detection.
rKronRadarcsecREAL4-999Kron (1980) radius from r filter stack detection.
rexpTimesecondsREAL4-999Exposure time of the r filter stack. Necessary for converting listed fluxes and magnitudes back to measured ADU counts.
rExtNSigmadimensionlessREAL4-999An extendedness measure for the r filter stack detection based on the deviation between PSF and Kron (1980) magnitudes, normalized by the PSF magnitude uncertainty.
rskyJanskys/arcsec^2REAL4-999Residual background sky level at the r filter stack detection.
rskyErrJanskys/arcsec^2REAL4-999Error in residual background sky level at the r filter stack detection.
rzpmagnitudesREAL40Photometric zeropoint for the r filter stack. Necessary for converting listed fluxes and magnitudes back to measured ADU counts.
rPlateScalearcsec/pixelREAL40Local plate scale for the r filter stack.
iippDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal detection identifier.
istackDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack detection identifier.
istackImageIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack identifier for i filter detection.
ixPossky pixelsREAL4-999PSF x center location from i filter stack detection.
iyPossky pixelsREAL4-999PSF y center location from i filter stack detection.
ixPosErrsky pixelsREAL4-999Error in PSF x center location from i filter stack detection.
iyPosErrsky pixelsREAL4-999Error in PSF y center location from i filter stack detection.
ipsfMajorFWHMarcsecREAL4-999PSF major axis FWHM from i filter stack detection.
ipsfMinorFWHMarcsecREAL4-999PSF minor axis FWHM from i filter stack detection.
ipsfThetadegreesREAL4-999PSF major axis orientation from i filter stack detection.
ipsfCoredimensionlessREAL4-999PSF core parameter k from i filter stack detection, where F = F0 / (1 + k r^2 + r^3.33).
ipsfLikelihooddimensionlessREAL4-999Likelihood that this i filter stack detection is best fit by a PSF.
ipsfQfdimensionlessREAL4-999PSF coverage factor for i filter stack detection.
ipsfQfPerfectdimensionlessREAL4-999PSF-weighted fraction of pixels totally unmasked for i filter stack detection.
ipsfChiSqdimensionlessREAL4-999Reduced chi squared value of the PSF model fit for i filter stack detection.
imomentXXarcsec^2REAL4-999Second moment M_xx for i filter stack detection.
imomentXYarcsec^2REAL4-999Second moment M_xy for i filter stack detection.
imomentYYarcsec^2REAL4-999Second moment M_yy for i filter stack detection.
imomentR1arcsecREAL4-999First radial moment for i filter stack detection.
imomentRHarcsec^0.5REAL4-999Half radial moment (r^0.5 weighting) for i filter stack detection.
iPSFFluxJanskysREAL4-999PSF flux from i filter stack detection.
iPSFFluxErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in PSF flux from i filter stack detection.
iApFluxJanskysREAL4-999Aperture flux from i filter stack detection.
iApFluxErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in aperture flux from i filter stack detection.
iApFillFacdimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor from i filter stack detection.
iApRadiusarcsecREAL4-999Aperture radius for i filter stack detection.
iKronFluxJanskysREAL4-999Kron (1980) flux from i filter stack detection.
iKronFluxErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in Kron (1980) flux from i filter stack detection.
iKronRadarcsecREAL4-999Kron (1980) radius from i filter stack detection.
iexpTimesecondsREAL4-999Exposure time of the i filter stack. Necessary for converting listed fluxes and magnitudes back to measured ADU counts.
iExtNSigmadimensionlessREAL4-999An extendedness measure for the i filter stack detection based on the deviation between PSF and Kron (1980) magnitudes, normalized by the PSF magnitude uncertainty.
iskyJanskys/arcsec^2REAL4-999Residual background sky level at the i filter stack detection.
iskyErrJanskys/arcsec^2REAL4-999Error in residual background sky level at the i filter stack detection.
izpmagnitudesREAL40Photometric zeropoint for the i filter stack. Necessary for converting listed fluxes and magnitudes back to measured ADU counts.
iPlateScalearcsec/pixelREAL40Local plate scale for the i filter stack.
zippDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal detection identifier.
zstackDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack detection identifier.
zstackImageIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack identifier for z filter detection.
zxPossky pixelsREAL4-999PSF x center location from z filter stack detection.
zyPossky pixelsREAL4-999PSF y center location from z filter stack detection.
zxPosErrsky pixelsREAL4-999Error in PSF x center location from z filter stack detection.
zyPosErrsky pixelsREAL4-999Error in PSF y center location from z filter stack detection.
zpsfMajorFWHMarcsecREAL4-999PSF major axis FWHM from z filter stack detection.
zpsfMinorFWHMarcsecREAL4-999PSF minor axis FWHM from z filter stack detection.
zpsfThetadegreesREAL4-999PSF major axis orientation from z filter stack detection.
zpsfCoredimensionlessREAL4-999PSF core parameter k from z filter stack detection, where F = F0 / (1 + k r^2 + r^3.33).
zpsfLikelihooddimensionlessREAL4-999Likelihood that this z filter stack detection is best fit by a PSF.
zpsfQfdimensionlessREAL4-999PSF coverage factor for z filter stack detection.
zpsfQfPerfectdimensionlessREAL4-999PSF-weighted fraction of pixels totally unmasked for z filter stack detection.
zpsfChiSqdimensionlessREAL4-999Reduced chi squared value of the PSF model fit for z filter stack detection.
zmomentXXarcsec^2REAL4-999Second moment M_xx for z filter stack detection.
zmomentXYarcsec^2REAL4-999Second moment M_xy for z filter stack detection.
zmomentYYarcsec^2REAL4-999Second moment M_yy for z filter stack detection.
zmomentR1arcsecREAL4-999First radial moment for z filter stack detection.
zmomentRHarcsec^0.5REAL4-999Half radial moment (r^0.5 weighting) for z filter stack detection.
zPSFFluxJanskysREAL4-999PSF flux from z filter stack detection.
zPSFFluxErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in PSF flux from z filter stack detection.
zApFluxJanskysREAL4-999Aperture flux from z filter stack detection.
zApFluxErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in aperture flux from z filter stack detection.
zApFillFacdimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor from z filter stack detection.
zApRadiusarcsecREAL4-999Aperture radius for z filter stack detection.
zKronFluxJanskysREAL4-999Kron (1980) flux from z filter stack detection.
zKronFluxErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in Kron (1980) flux from z filter stack detection.
zKronRadarcsecREAL4-999Kron (1980) radius from z filter stack detection.
zexpTimesecondsREAL4-999Exposure time of the z filter stack. Necessary for converting listed fluxes and magnitudes back to measured ADU counts.
zExtNSigmadimensionlessREAL4-999An extendedness measure for the z filter stack detection based on the deviation between PSF and Kron (1980) magnitudes, normalized by the PSF magnitude uncertainty.
zskyJanskys/arcsec^2REAL4-999Residual background sky level at the z filter stack detection.
zskyErrJanskys/arcsec^2REAL4-999Error in residual background sky level at the z filter stack detection.
zzpmagnitudesREAL40Photometric zeropoint for the z filter stack. Necessary for converting listed fluxes and magnitudes back to measured ADU counts.
zPlateScalearcsec/pixelREAL40Local plate scale for the z filter stack.
yippDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal detection identifier.
ystackDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack detection identifier.
ystackImageIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack identifier for y filter detection.
yxPossky pixelsREAL4-999PSF x center location from y filter stack detection.
yyPossky pixelsREAL4-999PSF y center location from y filter stack detection.
yxPosErrsky pixelsREAL4-999Error in PSF x center location from y filter stack detection.
yyPosErrsky pixelsREAL4-999Error in PSF y center location from y filter stack detection.
ypsfMajorFWHMarcsecREAL4-999PSF major axis FWHM from y filter stack detection.
ypsfMinorFWHMarcsecREAL4-999PSF minor axis FWHM from y filter stack detection.
ypsfThetadegreesREAL4-999PSF major axis orientation from y filter stack detection.
ypsfCoredimensionlessREAL4-999PSF core parameter k from y filter stack detection, where F = F0 / (1 + k r^2 + r^3.33).
ypsfLikelihooddimensionlessREAL4-999Likelihood that this y filter stack detection is best fit by a PSF.
ypsfQfdimensionlessREAL4-999PSF coverage factor for y filter stack detection.
ypsfQfPerfectdimensionlessREAL4-999PSF-weighted fraction of pixels totally unmasked for y filter stack detection.
ypsfChiSqdimensionlessREAL4-999Reduced chi squared value of the PSF model fit for y filter stack detection.
ymomentXXarcsec^2REAL4-999Second moment M_xx for y filter stack detection.
ymomentXYarcsec^2REAL4-999Second moment M_xy for y filter stack detection.
ymomentYYarcsec^2REAL4-999Second moment M_yy for y filter stack detection.
ymomentR1arcsecREAL4-999First radial moment for y filter stack detection.
ymomentRHarcsec^0.5REAL4-999Half radial moment (r^0.5 weighting) for y filter stack detection.
yPSFFluxJanskysREAL4-999PSF flux from y filter stack detection.
yPSFFluxErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in PSF flux from y filter stack detection.
yApFluxJanskysREAL4-999Aperture flux from y filter stack detection.
yApFluxErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in aperture flux from y filter stack detection.
yApFillFacdimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor from y filter stack detection.
yApRadiusarcsecREAL4-999Aperture radius for y filter stack detection.
yKronFluxJanskysREAL4-999Kron (1980) flux from y filter stack detection.
yKronFluxErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in Kron (1980) flux from y filter stack detection.
yKronRadarcsecREAL4-999Kron (1980) radius from y filter stack detection.
yexpTimesecondsREAL4-999Exposure time of the y filter stack. Necessary for converting listed fluxes and magnitudes back to measured ADU counts.
yExtNSigmadimensionlessREAL4-999An extendedness measure for the y filter stack detection based on the deviation between PSF and Kron (1980) magnitudes, normalized by the PSF magnitude uncertainty.
yskyJanskys/arcsec^2REAL4-999Residual background sky level at the y filter stack detection.
yskyErrJanskys/arcsec^2REAL4-999Error in residual background sky level at the y filter stack detection.
yzpmagnitudesREAL40Photometric zeropoint for the y filter stack. Necessary for converting listed fluxes and magnitudes back to measured ADU counts.
yPlateScalearcsec/pixelREAL40Local plate scale for the y filter stack.


Description: Contains the unconvolved fluxes within the SDSS R5 (r = 3.00 arcsec), R6 (r = 4.63 arcsec), and R7 (r = 7.43 arcsec) apertures (Stoughton 2003). Convolved fluxes within these same apertures are also provided for images convolved to 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) and 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec). All filters are matched into a single row. See StackObjectThin table for discussion of primary, secondary, and best detections. References: Stoughton, C., Lupton, R. H., Bernardi, M., et al. 2003, AJ, 123, 485.
NameUnitData TypeSizeDefault ValueDescription
objIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique object identifier.
uniquePspsSTiddimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique internal PSPS stack identifier.
ippObjIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal object identifier.
randomStackObjIDdimensionlessFLOAT8NARandom value drawn from the interval between zero and one.
primaryDetectiondimensionlessTINYINT1255Identifies if this row is the primary stack detection.
bestDetectiondimensionlessTINYINT1255Identifies if this row is the best detection.
gstackDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack detection identifier.
gstackImageIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack identifier for g filter detection.
gippDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal detection identifier.
gflxR5JanskysREAL4-999Flux from g filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
gflxR5ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from g filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
gflxR5StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from g filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
gflxR5FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for g filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
gflxR6JanskysREAL4-999Flux from g filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
gflxR6ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from g filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
gflxR6StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from g filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
gflxR6FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for g filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
gflxR7JanskysREAL4-999Flux from g filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
gflxR7ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from g filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
gflxR7StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from g filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
gflxR7FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for g filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
gc6flxR5JanskysREAL4-999Flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
gc6flxR5ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
gc6flxR5StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
gc6flxR5FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for g filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
gc6flxR6JanskysREAL4-999Flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
gc6flxR6ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
gc6flxR6StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
gc6flxR6FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for g filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
gc6flxR7JanskysREAL4-999Flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
gc6flxR7ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
gc6flxR7StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
gc6flxR7FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for g filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
gc8flxR5JanskysREAL4-999Flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
gc8flxR5ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
gc8flxR5StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
gc8flxR5FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for g filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
gc8flxR6JanskysREAL4-999Flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
gc8flxR6ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
gc8flxR6StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
gc8flxR6FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for g filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
gc8flxR7JanskysREAL4-999Flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
gc8flxR7ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
gc8flxR7StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
gc8flxR7FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for g filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
rstackDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack detection identifier.
rstackImageIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack identifier for r filter detection.
rippDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal detection identifier.
rflxR5JanskysREAL4-999Flux from r filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
rflxR5ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from r filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
rflxR5StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from r filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
rflxR5FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for r filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
rflxR6JanskysREAL4-999Flux from r filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
rflxR6ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from r filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
rflxR6StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from r filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
rflxR6FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for r filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
rflxR7JanskysREAL4-999Flux from r filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
rflxR7ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from r filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
rflxR7StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from r filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
rflxR7FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for r filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
rc6flxR5JanskysREAL4-999Flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
rc6flxR5ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
rc6flxR5StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
rc6flxR5FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for r filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
rc6flxR6JanskysREAL4-999Flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
rc6flxR6ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
rc6flxR6StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
rc6flxR6FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for r filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
rc6flxR7JanskysREAL4-999Flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
rc6flxR7ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
rc6flxR7StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
rc6flxR7FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for r filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
rc8flxR5JanskysREAL4-999Flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
rc8flxR5ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
rc8flxR5StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
rc8flxR5FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for r filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
rc8flxR6JanskysREAL4-999Flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
rc8flxR6ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
rc8flxR6StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
rc8flxR6FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for r filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
rc8flxR7JanskysREAL4-999Flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
rc8flxR7ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
rc8flxR7StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
rc8flxR7FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for r filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
istackDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack detection identifier.
istackImageIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack identifier for i filter detection.
iippDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal detection identifier.
iflxR5JanskysREAL4-999Flux from i filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
iflxR5ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from i filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
iflxR5StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from i filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
iflxR5FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for i filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
iflxR6JanskysREAL4-999Flux from i filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
iflxR6ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from i filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
iflxR6StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from i filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
iflxR6FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for i filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
iflxR7JanskysREAL4-999Flux from i filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
iflxR7ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from i filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
iflxR7StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from i filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
iflxR7FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for i filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
ic6flxR5JanskysREAL4-999Flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
ic6flxR5ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
ic6flxR5StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
ic6flxR5FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for i filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
ic6flxR6JanskysREAL4-999Flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
ic6flxR6ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
ic6flxR6StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
ic6flxR6FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for i filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
ic6flxR7JanskysREAL4-999Flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
ic6flxR7ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
ic6flxR7StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
ic6flxR7FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for i filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
ic8flxR5JanskysREAL4-999Flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
ic8flxR5ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
ic8flxR5StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
ic8flxR5FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for i filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
ic8flxR6JanskysREAL4-999Flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
ic8flxR6ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
ic8flxR6StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
ic8flxR6FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for i filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
ic8flxR7JanskysREAL4-999Flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
ic8flxR7ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
ic8flxR7StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
ic8flxR7FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for i filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
zstackDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack detection identifier.
zstackImageIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack identifier for z filter detection.
zippDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal detection identifier.
zflxR5JanskysREAL4-999Flux from z filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
zflxR5ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from z filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
zflxR5StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from z filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
zflxR5FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for z filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
zflxR6JanskysREAL4-999Flux from z filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
zflxR6ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from z filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
zflxR6StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from z filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
zflxR6FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for z filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
zflxR7JanskysREAL4-999Flux from z filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
zflxR7ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from z filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
zflxR7StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from z filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
zflxR7FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for z filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
zc6flxR5JanskysREAL4-999Flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
zc6flxR5ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
zc6flxR5StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
zc6flxR5FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for z filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
zc6flxR6JanskysREAL4-999Flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
zc6flxR6ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
zc6flxR6StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
zc6flxR6FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for z filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
zc6flxR7JanskysREAL4-999Flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
zc6flxR7ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
zc6flxR7StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
zc6flxR7FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for z filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
zc8flxR5JanskysREAL4-999Flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
zc8flxR5ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
zc8flxR5StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
zc8flxR5FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for z filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
zc8flxR6JanskysREAL4-999Flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
zc8flxR6ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
zc8flxR6StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
zc8flxR6FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for z filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
zc8flxR7JanskysREAL4-999Flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
zc8flxR7ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
zc8flxR7StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
zc8flxR7FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for z filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
ystackDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack detection identifier.
ystackImageIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack identifier for y filter detection.
yippDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal detection identifier.
yflxR5JanskysREAL4-999Flux from y filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
yflxR5ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from y filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
yflxR5StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from y filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
yflxR5FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for y filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
yflxR6JanskysREAL4-999Flux from y filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
yflxR6ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from y filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
yflxR6StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from y filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
yflxR6FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for y filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
yflxR7JanskysREAL4-999Flux from y filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
yflxR7ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from y filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
yflxR7StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from y filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
yflxR7FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for y filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
yc6flxR5JanskysREAL4-999Flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
yc6flxR5ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
yc6flxR5StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
yc6flxR5FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for y filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
yc6flxR6JanskysREAL4-999Flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
yc6flxR6ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
yc6flxR6StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
yc6flxR6FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for y filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
yc6flxR7JanskysREAL4-999Flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
yc6flxR7ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
yc6flxR7StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
yc6flxR7FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for y filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
yc8flxR5JanskysREAL4-999Flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
yc8flxR5ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
yc8flxR5StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
yc8flxR5FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for y filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
yc8flxR6JanskysREAL4-999Flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
yc8flxR6ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
yc8flxR6StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
yc8flxR6FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for y filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
yc8flxR7JanskysREAL4-999Flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
yc8flxR7ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
yc8flxR7StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
yc8flxR7FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for y filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.


Description: Contains the unconvolved fluxes within the SDSS R3 (r = 1.03 arcsec), R4 (r = 1.76 arcsec), R5 (r = 3.00 arcsec), R6 (r = 4.63 arcsec), R7 (r = 7.43 arcsec), R8 (r = 11.42 arcsec), R9 (r = 18.20 arcsec), R10 (r = 28.20 arcsec), and R11 (r = 44.21 arcsec) apertures (Stoughton 2003) for extended sources. These measurements are only provided for objects in the extragalactic sky, i.e., they are not provided for objects in the Galactic plane because they are not useful in crowded areas. See StackObjectThin table for discussion of primary, secondary, and best detections. References: Stoughton, C., Lupton, R. H., Bernardi, M., et al. 2003, AJ, 123, 485.
NameUnitData TypeSizeDefault ValueDescription
objIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique object identifier.
uniquePspsSTiddimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique internal PSPS stack identifier.
ippObjIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal object identifier.
randomStackObjIDdimensionlessFLOAT8NARandom value drawn from the interval between zero and one.
primaryDetectiondimensionlessTINYINT1255Identifies if this row is the primary stack detection.
bestDetectiondimensionlessTINYINT1255Identifies if this row is the best detection.
gippDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal detection identifier.
gstackDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack detection identifier.
gstackImageIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack identifier for g filter detection.
gflxR3JanskysREAL4-999Flux from g filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 1.03 arcsec.
gflxR3ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from g filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 1.03 arcsec.
gflxR3StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from g filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 1.03 arcsec.
gflxR3FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for g filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 1.03 arcsec.
gflxR4JanskysREAL4-999Flux from g filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 1.76 arcsec.
gflxR4ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from g filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 1.76 arcsec.
gflxR4StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from g filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 1.76 arcsec.
gflxR4FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for g filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 1.76 arcsec.
gflxR5JanskysREAL4-999Flux from g filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
gflxR5ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from g filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
gflxR5StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from g filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
gflxR5FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for g filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
gflxR6JanskysREAL4-999Flux from g filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
gflxR6ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from g filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
gflxR6StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from g filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
gflxR6FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for g filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
gflxR7JanskysREAL4-999Flux from g filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
gflxR7ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from g filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
gflxR7StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from g filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
gflxR7FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for g filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
gflxR8JanskysREAL4-999Flux from g filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 11.42 arcsec.
gflxR8ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from g filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 11.42 arcsec.
gflxR8StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from g filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 11.42 arcsec.
gflxR8FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for g filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 11.42 arcsec.
gflxR9JanskysREAL4-999Flux from g filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 18.20 arcsec.
gflxR9ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from g filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 18.20 arcsec.
gflxR9StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from g filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 18.20 arcsec.
gflxR9FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for g filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 18.20 arcsec.
gflxR10JanskysREAL4-999Flux from g filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 28.20 arcsec.
gflxR10ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from g filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 28.20 arcsec.
gflxR10StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from g filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 28.20 arcsec.
gflxR10FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for g filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 28.20 arcsec.
gflxR11JanskysREAL4-999Flux from g filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 44.21 arcsec.
gflxR11ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from g filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 44.21 arcsec.
gflxR11StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from g filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 44.21 arcsec.
gflxR11FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for g filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 44.21 arcsec.
rippDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal detection identifier.
rstackDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack detection identifier.
rstackImageIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack identifier for r filter detection.
rflxR3JanskysREAL4-999Flux from r filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 1.03 arcsec.
rflxR3ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from r filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 1.03 arcsec.
rflxR3StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from r filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 1.03 arcsec.
rflxR3FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for r filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 1.03 arcsec.
rflxR4JanskysREAL4-999Flux from r filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 1.76 arcsec.
rflxR4ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from r filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 1.76 arcsec.
rflxR4StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from r filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 1.76 arcsec.
rflxR4FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for r filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 1.76 arcsec.
rflxR5JanskysREAL4-999Flux from r filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
rflxR5ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from r filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
rflxR5StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from r filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
rflxR5FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for r filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
rflxR6JanskysREAL4-999Flux from r filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
rflxR6ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from r filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
rflxR6StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from r filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
rflxR6FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for r filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
rflxR7JanskysREAL4-999Flux from r filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
rflxR7ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from r filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
rflxR7StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from r filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
rflxR7FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for r filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
rflxR8JanskysREAL4-999Flux from r filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 11.42 arcsec.
rflxR8ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from r filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 11.42 arcsec.
rflxR8StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from r filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 11.42 arcsec.
rflxR8FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for r filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 11.42 arcsec.
rflxR9JanskysREAL4-999Flux from r filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 18.20 arcsec.
rflxR9ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from r filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 18.20 arcsec.
rflxR9StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from r filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 18.20 arcsec.
rflxR9FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for r filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 18.20 arcsec.
rflxR10JanskysREAL4-999Flux from r filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 28.20 arcsec.
rflxR10ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from r filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 28.20 arcsec.
rflxR10StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from r filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 28.20 arcsec.
rflxR10FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for r filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 28.20 arcsec.
rflxR11JanskysREAL4-999Flux from r filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 44.21 arcsec.
rflxR11ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from r filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 44.21 arcsec.
rflxR11StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from r filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 44.21 arcsec.
rflxR11FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for r filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 44.21 arcsec.
iippDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal detection identifier.
istackDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack detection identifier.
istackImageIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack identifier for i filter detection.
iflxR3JanskysREAL4-999Flux from i filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 1.03 arcsec.
iflxR3ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from i filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 1.03 arcsec.
iflxR3StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from i filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 1.03 arcsec.
iflxR3FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for i filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 1.03 arcsec.
iflxR4JanskysREAL4-999Flux from i filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 1.76 arcsec.
iflxR4ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from i filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 1.76 arcsec.
iflxR4StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from i filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 1.76 arcsec.
iflxR4FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for i filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 1.76 arcsec.
iflxR5JanskysREAL4-999Flux from i filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
iflxR5ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from i filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
iflxR5StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from i filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
iflxR5FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for i filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
iflxR6JanskysREAL4-999Flux from i filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
iflxR6ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from i filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
iflxR6StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from i filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
iflxR6FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for i filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
iflxR7JanskysREAL4-999Flux from i filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
iflxR7ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from i filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
iflxR7StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from i filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
iflxR7FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for i filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
iflxR8JanskysREAL4-999Flux from i filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 11.42 arcsec.
iflxR8ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from i filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 11.42 arcsec.
iflxR8StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from i filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 11.42 arcsec.
iflxR8FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for i filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 11.42 arcsec.
iflxR9JanskysREAL4-999Flux from i filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 18.20 arcsec.
iflxR9ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from i filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 18.20 arcsec.
iflxR9StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from i filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 18.20 arcsec.
iflxR9FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for i filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 18.20 arcsec.
iflxR10JanskysREAL4-999Flux from i filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 28.20 arcsec.
iflxR10ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from i filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 28.20 arcsec.
iflxR10StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from i filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 28.20 arcsec.
iflxR10FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for i filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 28.20 arcsec.
iflxR11JanskysREAL4-999Flux from i filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 44.21 arcsec.
iflxR11ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from i filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 44.21 arcsec.
iflxR11StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from i filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 44.21 arcsec.
iflxR11FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for i filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 44.21 arcsec.
zippDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal detection identifier.
zstackDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack detection identifier.
zstackImageIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack identifier for z filter detection.
zflxR3JanskysREAL4-999Flux from z filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 1.03 arcsec.
zflxR3ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from z filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 1.03 arcsec.
zflxR3StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from z filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 1.03 arcsec.
zflxR3FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for z filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 1.03 arcsec.
zflxR4JanskysREAL4-999Flux from z filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 1.76 arcsec.
zflxR4ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from z filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 1.76 arcsec.
zflxR4StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from z filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 1.76 arcsec.
zflxR4FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for z filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 1.76 arcsec.
zflxR5JanskysREAL4-999Flux from z filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
zflxR5ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from z filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
zflxR5StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from z filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
zflxR5FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for z filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
zflxR6JanskysREAL4-999Flux from z filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
zflxR6ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from z filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
zflxR6StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from z filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
zflxR6FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for z filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
zflxR7JanskysREAL4-999Flux from z filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
zflxR7ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from z filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
zflxR7StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from z filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
zflxR7FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for z filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
zflxR8JanskysREAL4-999Flux from z filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 11.42 arcsec.
zflxR8ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from z filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 11.42 arcsec.
zflxR8StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from z filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 11.42 arcsec.
zflxR8FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for z filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 11.42 arcsec.
zflxR9JanskysREAL4-999Flux from z filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 18.20 arcsec.
zflxR9ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from z filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 18.20 arcsec.
zflxR9StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from z filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 18.20 arcsec.
zflxR9FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for z filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 18.20 arcsec.
zflxR10JanskysREAL4-999Flux from z filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 28.20 arcsec.
zflxR10ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from z filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 28.20 arcsec.
zflxR10StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from z filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 28.20 arcsec.
zflxR10FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for z filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 28.20 arcsec.
zflxR11JanskysREAL4-999Flux from z filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 44.21 arcsec.
zflxR11ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from z filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 44.21 arcsec.
zflxR11StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from z filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 44.21 arcsec.
zflxR11FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for z filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 44.21 arcsec.
yippDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal detection identifier.
ystackDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack detection identifier.
ystackImageIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack identifier for y filter detection.
yflxR3JanskysREAL4-999Flux from y filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 1.03 arcsec.
yflxR3ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from y filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 1.03 arcsec.
yflxR3StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from y filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 1.03 arcsec.
yflxR3FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for y filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 1.03 arcsec.
yflxR4JanskysREAL4-999Flux from y filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 1.76 arcsec.
yflxR4ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from y filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 1.76 arcsec.
yflxR4StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from y filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 1.76 arcsec.
yflxR4FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for y filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 1.76 arcsec.
yflxR5JanskysREAL4-999Flux from y filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
yflxR5ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from y filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
yflxR5StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from y filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
yflxR5FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for y filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
yflxR6JanskysREAL4-999Flux from y filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
yflxR6ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from y filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
yflxR6StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from y filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
yflxR6FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for y filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
yflxR7JanskysREAL4-999Flux from y filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
yflxR7ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from y filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
yflxR7StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from y filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
yflxR7FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for y filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
yflxR8JanskysREAL4-999Flux from y filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 11.42 arcsec.
yflxR8ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from y filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 11.42 arcsec.
yflxR8StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from y filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 11.42 arcsec.
yflxR8FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for y filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 11.42 arcsec.
yflxR9JanskysREAL4-999Flux from y filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 18.20 arcsec.
yflxR9ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from y filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 18.20 arcsec.
yflxR9StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from y filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 18.20 arcsec.
yflxR9FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for y filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 18.20 arcsec.
yflxR10JanskysREAL4-999Flux from y filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 28.20 arcsec.
yflxR10ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from y filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 28.20 arcsec.
yflxR10StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from y filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 28.20 arcsec.
yflxR10FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for y filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 28.20 arcsec.
yflxR11JanskysREAL4-999Flux from y filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 44.21 arcsec.
yflxR11ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from y filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 44.21 arcsec.
yflxR11StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from y filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 44.21 arcsec.
yflxR11FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for y filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 44.21 arcsec.


Description: Contains the fluxes within the SDSS R3 (r = 1.03 arcsec), R4 (r = 1.76 arcsec), R5 (r = 3.00 arcsec), R6 (r = 4.63 arcsec), R7 (r = 7.43 arcsec), R8 (r = 11.42 arcsec), R9 (r = 18.20 arcsec), R10 (r = 28.20 arcsec), and R11 (r = 44.21 arcsec) apertures (Stoughton 2003) for extended sources after the images have been convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec). These measurements are only provided for objects in the extragalactic sky, i.e., they are not provided for objects in the Galactic plane because they are not useful in crowded areas. See StackObjectThin table for discussion of primary, secondary, and best detections. References: Stoughton, C., Lupton, R. H., Bernardi, M., et al. 2003, AJ, 123, 485.
NameUnitData TypeSizeDefault ValueDescription
objIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique object identifier.
uniquePspsSTiddimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique internal PSPS stack identifier.
ippObjIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal object identifier.
randomStackObjIDdimensionlessFLOAT8NARandom value drawn from the interval between zero and one.
primaryDetectiondimensionlessTINYINT1255Identifies if this row is the primary stack detection.
bestDetectiondimensionlessTINYINT1255Identifies if this row is the best detection.
gippDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal detection identifier.
gstackDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack detection identifier.
gstackImageIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack identifier for g filter detection.
gc6flxR3JanskysREAL4-999Flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 1.03 arcsec.
gc6flxR3ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 1.03 arcsec.
gc6flxR3StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 1.03 arcsec.
gc6flxR3FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for g filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 1.03 arcsec.
gc6flxR4JanskysREAL4-999Flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 1.76 arcsec.
gc6flxR4ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 1.76 arcsec.
gc6flxR4StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 1.76 arcsec.
gc6flxR4FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for g filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 1.76 arcsec.
gc6flxR5JanskysREAL4-999Flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
gc6flxR5ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
gc6flxR5StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
gc6flxR5FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for g filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
gc6flxR6JanskysREAL4-999Flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
gc6flxR6ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
gc6flxR6StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
gc6flxR6FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for g filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
gc6flxR7JanskysREAL4-999Flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
gc6flxR7ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
gc6flxR7StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
gc6flxR7FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for g filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
gc6flxR8JanskysREAL4-999Flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 11.42 arcsec.
gc6flxR8ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 11.42 arcsec.
gc6flxR8StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 11.42 arcsec.
gc6flxR8FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for g filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 11.42 arcsec.
gc6flxR9JanskysREAL4-999Flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 18.20 arcsec.
gc6flxR9ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 18.20 arcsec.
gc6flxR9StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 18.20 arcsec.
gc6flxR9FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for g filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 18.20 arcsec.
gc6flxR10JanskysREAL4-999Flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 28.20 arcsec.
gc6flxR10ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 28.20 arcsec.
gc6flxR10StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 28.20 arcsec.
gc6flxR10FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for g filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 28.20 arcsec.
gc6flxR11JanskysREAL4-999Flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 44.21 arcsec.
gc6flxR11ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 44.21 arcsec.
gc6flxR11StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 44.21 arcsec.
gc6flxR11FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for g filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 44.21 arcsec.
rippDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal detection identifier.
rstackDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack detection identifier.
rstackImageIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack identifier for r filter detection.
rc6flxR3JanskysREAL4-999Flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 1.03 arcsec.
rc6flxR3ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 1.03 arcsec.
rc6flxR3StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 1.03 arcsec.
rc6flxR3FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for r filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 1.03 arcsec.
rc6flxR4JanskysREAL4-999Flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 1.76 arcsec.
rc6flxR4ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 1.76 arcsec.
rc6flxR4StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 1.76 arcsec.
rc6flxR4FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for r filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 1.76 arcsec.
rc6flxR5JanskysREAL4-999Flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
rc6flxR5ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
rc6flxR5StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
rc6flxR5FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for r filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
rc6flxR6JanskysREAL4-999Flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
rc6flxR6ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
rc6flxR6StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
rc6flxR6FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for r filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
rc6flxR7JanskysREAL4-999Flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
rc6flxR7ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
rc6flxR7StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
rc6flxR7FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for r filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
rc6flxR8JanskysREAL4-999Flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 11.42 arcsec.
rc6flxR8ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 11.42 arcsec.
rc6flxR8StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 11.42 arcsec.
rc6flxR8FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for r filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 11.42 arcsec.
rc6flxR9JanskysREAL4-999Flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 18.20 arcsec.
rc6flxR9ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 18.20 arcsec.
rc6flxR9StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 18.20 arcsec.
rc6flxR9FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for r filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 18.20 arcsec.
rc6flxR10JanskysREAL4-999Flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 28.20 arcsec.
rc6flxR10ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 28.20 arcsec.
rc6flxR10StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 28.20 arcsec.
rc6flxR10FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for r filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 28.20 arcsec.
rc6flxR11JanskysREAL4-999Flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 44.21 arcsec.
rc6flxR11ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 44.21 arcsec.
rc6flxR11StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 44.21 arcsec.
rc6flxR11FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for r filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 44.21 arcsec.
iippDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal detection identifier.
istackDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack detection identifier.
istackImageIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack identifier for i filter detection.
ic6flxR3JanskysREAL4-999Flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 1.03 arcsec.
ic6flxR3ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 1.03 arcsec.
ic6flxR3StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 1.03 arcsec.
ic6flxR3FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for i filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 1.03 arcsec.
ic6flxR4JanskysREAL4-999Flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 1.76 arcsec.
ic6flxR4ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 1.76 arcsec.
ic6flxR4StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 1.76 arcsec.
ic6flxR4FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for i filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 1.76 arcsec.
ic6flxR5JanskysREAL4-999Flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
ic6flxR5ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
ic6flxR5StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
ic6flxR5FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for i filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
ic6flxR6JanskysREAL4-999Flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
ic6flxR6ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
ic6flxR6StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
ic6flxR6FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for i filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
ic6flxR7JanskysREAL4-999Flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
ic6flxR7ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
ic6flxR7StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
ic6flxR7FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for i filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
ic6flxR8JanskysREAL4-999Flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 11.42 arcsec.
ic6flxR8ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 11.42 arcsec.
ic6flxR8StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 11.42 arcsec.
ic6flxR8FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for i filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 11.42 arcsec.
ic6flxR9JanskysREAL4-999Flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 18.20 arcsec.
ic6flxR9ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 18.20 arcsec.
ic6flxR9StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 18.20 arcsec.
ic6flxR9FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for i filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 18.20 arcsec.
ic6flxR10JanskysREAL4-999Flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 28.20 arcsec.
ic6flxR10ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 28.20 arcsec.
ic6flxR10StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 28.20 arcsec.
ic6flxR10FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for i filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 28.20 arcsec.
ic6flxR11JanskysREAL4-999Flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 44.21 arcsec.
ic6flxR11ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 44.21 arcsec.
ic6flxR11StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 44.21 arcsec.
ic6flxR11FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for i filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 44.21 arcsec.
zippDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal detection identifier.
zstackDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack detection identifier.
zstackImageIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack identifier for z filter detection.
zc6flxR3JanskysREAL4-999Flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 1.03 arcsec.
zc6flxR3ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 1.03 arcsec.
zc6flxR3StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 1.03 arcsec.
zc6flxR3FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for z filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 1.03 arcsec.
zc6flxR4JanskysREAL4-999Flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 1.76 arcsec.
zc6flxR4ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 1.76 arcsec.
zc6flxR4StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 1.76 arcsec.
zc6flxR4FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for z filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 1.76 arcsec.
zc6flxR5JanskysREAL4-999Flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
zc6flxR5ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
zc6flxR5StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
zc6flxR5FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for z filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
zc6flxR6JanskysREAL4-999Flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
zc6flxR6ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
zc6flxR6StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
zc6flxR6FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for z filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
zc6flxR7JanskysREAL4-999Flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
zc6flxR7ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
zc6flxR7StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
zc6flxR7FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for z filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
zc6flxR8JanskysREAL4-999Flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 11.42 arcsec.
zc6flxR8ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 11.42 arcsec.
zc6flxR8StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 11.42 arcsec.
zc6flxR8FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for z filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 11.42 arcsec.
zc6flxR9JanskysREAL4-999Flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 18.20 arcsec.
zc6flxR9ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 18.20 arcsec.
zc6flxR9StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 18.20 arcsec.
zc6flxR9FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for z filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 18.20 arcsec.
zc6flxR10JanskysREAL4-999Flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 28.20 arcsec.
zc6flxR10ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 28.20 arcsec.
zc6flxR10StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 28.20 arcsec.
zc6flxR10FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for z filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 28.20 arcsec.
zc6flxR11JanskysREAL4-999Flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 44.21 arcsec.
zc6flxR11ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 44.21 arcsec.
zc6flxR11StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 44.21 arcsec.
zc6flxR11FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for z filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 44.21 arcsec.
yippDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal detection identifier.
ystackDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack detection identifier.
ystackImageIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack identifier for y filter detection.
yc6flxR3JanskysREAL4-999Flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 1.03 arcsec.
yc6flxR3ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 1.03 arcsec.
yc6flxR3StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 1.03 arcsec.
yc6flxR3FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for y filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 1.03 arcsec.
yc6flxR4JanskysREAL4-999Flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 1.76 arcsec.
yc6flxR4ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 1.76 arcsec.
yc6flxR4StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 1.76 arcsec.
yc6flxR4FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for y filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 1.76 arcsec.
yc6flxR5JanskysREAL4-999Flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
yc6flxR5ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
yc6flxR5StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
yc6flxR5FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for y filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
yc6flxR6JanskysREAL4-999Flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
yc6flxR6ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
yc6flxR6StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
yc6flxR6FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for y filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
yc6flxR7JanskysREAL4-999Flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
yc6flxR7ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
yc6flxR7StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
yc6flxR7FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for y filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
yc6flxR8JanskysREAL4-999Flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 11.42 arcsec.
yc6flxR8ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 11.42 arcsec.
yc6flxR8StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 11.42 arcsec.
yc6flxR8FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for y filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 11.42 arcsec.
yc6flxR9JanskysREAL4-999Flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 18.20 arcsec.
yc6flxR9ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 18.20 arcsec.
yc6flxR9StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 18.20 arcsec.
yc6flxR9FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for y filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 18.20 arcsec.
yc6flxR10JanskysREAL4-999Flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 28.20 arcsec.
yc6flxR10ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 28.20 arcsec.
yc6flxR10StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 28.20 arcsec.
yc6flxR10FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for y filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 28.20 arcsec.
yc6flxR11JanskysREAL4-999Flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 44.21 arcsec.
yc6flxR11ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 44.21 arcsec.
yc6flxR11StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 44.21 arcsec.
yc6flxR11FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for y filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 44.21 arcsec.


Description: Contains the fluxes within the SDSS R3 (r = 1.03 arcsec), R4 (r = 1.76 arcsec), R5 (r = 3.00 arcsec), R6 (r = 4.63 arcsec), R7 (r = 7.43 arcsec), R8 (r = 11.42 arcsec), R9 (r = 18.20 arcsec), R10 (r = 28.20 arcsec), and R11 (r = 44.21 arcsec) apertures (Stoughton 2003) for extended sources after the images have been convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec). These measurements are only provided for objects in the extragalactic sky, i.e., they are not provided for objects in the Galactic plane because they are not useful in crowded areas. See StackObjectThin table for discussion of primary, secondary, and best detections. References: Stoughton, C., Lupton, R. H., Bernardi, M., et al. 2003, AJ, 123, 485.
NameUnitData TypeSizeDefault ValueDescription
objIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique object identifier.
uniquePspsSTiddimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique internal PSPS stack identifier.
ippObjIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal object identifier.
randomStackObjIDdimensionlessFLOAT8NARandom value drawn from the interval between zero and one.
primaryDetectiondimensionlessTINYINT1255Identifies if this row is the primary stack detection.
bestDetectiondimensionlessTINYINT1255Identifies if this row is the best detection.
gippDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal detection identifier.
gstackDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack detection identifier.
gstackImageIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack identifier for g filter detection.
gc8flxR3JanskysREAL4-999Flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 1.03 arcsec.
gc8flxR3ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 1.03 arcsec.
gc8flxR3StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 1.03 arcsec.
gc8flxR3FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for g filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 1.03 arcsec.
gc8flxR4JanskysREAL4-999Flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 1.76 arcsec.
gc8flxR4ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 1.76 arcsec.
gc8flxR4StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 1.76 arcsec.
gc8flxR4FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for g filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 1.76 arcsec.
gc8flxR5JanskysREAL4-999Flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
gc8flxR5ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
gc8flxR5StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
gc8flxR5FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for g filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
gc8flxR6JanskysREAL4-999Flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
gc8flxR6ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
gc8flxR6StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
gc8flxR6FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for g filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
gc8flxR7JanskysREAL4-999Flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
gc8flxR7ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
gc8flxR7StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
gc8flxR7FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for g filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
gc8flxR8JanskysREAL4-999Flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 11.42 arcsec.
gc8flxR8ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 11.42 arcsec.
gc8flxR8StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 11.42 arcsec.
gc8flxR8FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for g filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 11.42 arcsec.
gc8flxR9JanskysREAL4-999Flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 18.20 arcsec.
gc8flxR9ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 18.20 arcsec.
gc8flxR9StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 18.20 arcsec.
gc8flxR9FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for g filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 18.20 arcsec.
gc8flxR10JanskysREAL4-999Flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 28.20 arcsec.
gc8flxR10ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 28.20 arcsec.
gc8flxR10StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 28.20 arcsec.
gc8flxR10FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for g filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 28.20 arcsec.
gc8flxR11JanskysREAL4-999Flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 44.21 arcsec.
gc8flxR11ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 44.21 arcsec.
gc8flxR11StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 44.21 arcsec.
gc8flxR11FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for g filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 44.21 arcsec.
rippDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal detection identifier.
rstackDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack detection identifier.
rstackImageIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack identifier for r filter detection.
rc8flxR3JanskysREAL4-999Flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 1.03 arcsec.
rc8flxR3ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 1.03 arcsec.
rc8flxR3StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 1.03 arcsec.
rc8flxR3FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for r filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 1.03 arcsec.
rc8flxR4JanskysREAL4-999Flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 1.76 arcsec.
rc8flxR4ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 1.76 arcsec.
rc8flxR4StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 1.76 arcsec.
rc8flxR4FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for r filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 1.76 arcsec.
rc8flxR5JanskysREAL4-999Flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
rc8flxR5ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
rc8flxR5StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
rc8flxR5FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for r filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
rc8flxR6JanskysREAL4-999Flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
rc8flxR6ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
rc8flxR6StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
rc8flxR6FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for r filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
rc8flxR7JanskysREAL4-999Flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
rc8flxR7ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
rc8flxR7StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
rc8flxR7FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for r filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
rc8flxR8JanskysREAL4-999Flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 11.42 arcsec.
rc8flxR8ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 11.42 arcsec.
rc8flxR8StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 11.42 arcsec.
rc8flxR8FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for r filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 11.42 arcsec.
rc8flxR9JanskysREAL4-999Flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 18.20 arcsec.
rc8flxR9ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 18.20 arcsec.
rc8flxR9StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 18.20 arcsec.
rc8flxR9FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for r filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 18.20 arcsec.
rc8flxR10JanskysREAL4-999Flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 28.20 arcsec.
rc8flxR10ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 28.20 arcsec.
rc8flxR10StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 28.20 arcsec.
rc8flxR10FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for r filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 28.20 arcsec.
rc8flxR11JanskysREAL4-999Flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 44.21 arcsec.
rc8flxR11ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 44.21 arcsec.
rc8flxR11StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 44.21 arcsec.
rc8flxR11FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for r filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 44.21 arcsec.
iippDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal detection identifier.
istackDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack detection identifier.
istackImageIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack identifier for i filter detection.
ic8flxR3JanskysREAL4-999Flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 1.03 arcsec.
ic8flxR3ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 1.03 arcsec.
ic8flxR3StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 1.03 arcsec.
ic8flxR3FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for i filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 1.03 arcsec.
ic8flxR4JanskysREAL4-999Flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 1.76 arcsec.
ic8flxR4ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 1.76 arcsec.
ic8flxR4StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 1.76 arcsec.
ic8flxR4FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for i filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 1.76 arcsec.
ic8flxR5JanskysREAL4-999Flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
ic8flxR5ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
ic8flxR5StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
ic8flxR5FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for i filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
ic8flxR6JanskysREAL4-999Flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
ic8flxR6ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
ic8flxR6StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
ic8flxR6FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for i filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
ic8flxR7JanskysREAL4-999Flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
ic8flxR7ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
ic8flxR7StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
ic8flxR7FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for i filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
ic8flxR8JanskysREAL4-999Flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 11.42 arcsec.
ic8flxR8ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 11.42 arcsec.
ic8flxR8StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 11.42 arcsec.
ic8flxR8FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for i filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 11.42 arcsec.
ic8flxR9JanskysREAL4-999Flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 18.20 arcsec.
ic8flxR9ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 18.20 arcsec.
ic8flxR9StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 18.20 arcsec.
ic8flxR9FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for i filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 18.20 arcsec.
ic8flxR10JanskysREAL4-999Flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 28.20 arcsec.
ic8flxR10ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 28.20 arcsec.
ic8flxR10StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 28.20 arcsec.
ic8flxR10FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for i filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 28.20 arcsec.
ic8flxR11JanskysREAL4-999Flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 44.21 arcsec.
ic8flxR11ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 44.21 arcsec.
ic8flxR11StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 44.21 arcsec.
ic8flxR11FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for i filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 44.21 arcsec.
zippDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal detection identifier.
zstackDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack detection identifier.
zstackImageIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack identifier for z filter detection.
zc8flxR3JanskysREAL4-999Flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 1.03 arcsec.
zc8flxR3ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 1.03 arcsec.
zc8flxR3StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 1.03 arcsec.
zc8flxR3FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for z filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 1.03 arcsec.
zc8flxR4JanskysREAL4-999Flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 1.76 arcsec.
zc8flxR4ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 1.76 arcsec.
zc8flxR4StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 1.76 arcsec.
zc8flxR4FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for z filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 1.76 arcsec.
zc8flxR5JanskysREAL4-999Flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
zc8flxR5ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
zc8flxR5StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
zc8flxR5FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for z filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
zc8flxR6JanskysREAL4-999Flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
zc8flxR6ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
zc8flxR6StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
zc8flxR6FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for z filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
zc8flxR7JanskysREAL4-999Flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
zc8flxR7ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
zc8flxR7StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
zc8flxR7FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for z filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
zc8flxR8JanskysREAL4-999Flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 11.42 arcsec.
zc8flxR8ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 11.42 arcsec.
zc8flxR8StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 11.42 arcsec.
zc8flxR8FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for z filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 11.42 arcsec.
zc8flxR9JanskysREAL4-999Flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 18.20 arcsec.
zc8flxR9ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 18.20 arcsec.
zc8flxR9StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 18.20 arcsec.
zc8flxR9FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for z filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 18.20 arcsec.
zc8flxR10JanskysREAL4-999Flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 28.20 arcsec.
zc8flxR10ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 28.20 arcsec.
zc8flxR10StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 28.20 arcsec.
zc8flxR10FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for z filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 28.20 arcsec.
zc8flxR11JanskysREAL4-999Flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 44.21 arcsec.
zc8flxR11ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 44.21 arcsec.
zc8flxR11StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 44.21 arcsec.
zc8flxR11FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for z filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 44.21 arcsec.
yippDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal detection identifier.
ystackDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack detection identifier.
ystackImageIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack identifier for y filter detection.
yc8flxR3JanskysREAL4-999Flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 1.03 arcsec.
yc8flxR3ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 1.03 arcsec.
yc8flxR3StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 1.03 arcsec.
yc8flxR3FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for y filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 1.03 arcsec.
yc8flxR4JanskysREAL4-999Flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 1.76 arcsec.
yc8flxR4ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 1.76 arcsec.
yc8flxR4StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 1.76 arcsec.
yc8flxR4FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for y filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 1.76 arcsec.
yc8flxR5JanskysREAL4-999Flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
yc8flxR5ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
yc8flxR5StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
yc8flxR5FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for y filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
yc8flxR6JanskysREAL4-999Flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
yc8flxR6ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
yc8flxR6StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
yc8flxR6FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for y filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
yc8flxR7JanskysREAL4-999Flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
yc8flxR7ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
yc8flxR7StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
yc8flxR7FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for y filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
yc8flxR8JanskysREAL4-999Flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 11.42 arcsec.
yc8flxR8ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 11.42 arcsec.
yc8flxR8StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 11.42 arcsec.
yc8flxR8FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for y filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 11.42 arcsec.
yc8flxR9JanskysREAL4-999Flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 18.20 arcsec.
yc8flxR9ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 18.20 arcsec.
yc8flxR9StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 18.20 arcsec.
yc8flxR9FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for y filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 18.20 arcsec.
yc8flxR10JanskysREAL4-999Flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 28.20 arcsec.
yc8flxR10ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 28.20 arcsec.
yc8flxR10StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 28.20 arcsec.
yc8flxR10FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for y filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 28.20 arcsec.
yc8flxR11JanskysREAL4-999Flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 44.21 arcsec.
yc8flxR11ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 44.21 arcsec.
yc8flxR11StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 44.21 arcsec.
yc8flxR11FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for y filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 44.21 arcsec.


Description: Contains the exponential fit parameters to extended sources. See StackObjectThin table for discussion of primary, secondary, and best detections.

NameUnitData TypeSizeDefault ValueDescription
objIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique object identifier.
uniquePspsSTiddimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique internal PSPS stack identifier.
ippObjIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal object identifier.
randomStackObjIDdimensionlessFLOAT8NARandom value drawn from the interval between zero and one.
primaryDetectiondimensionlessTINYINT1255Identifies if this row is the primary stack detection.
bestDetectiondimensionlessTINYINT1255Identifies if this row is the best detection.
gippDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal detection identifier.
gstackDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack detection identifier.
gstackImageIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack identifier for g filter detection.
gExpRadiusarcsecREAL4-999Exponential fit radius for g filter stack detection.
gExpRadiusErrarcsecREAL4-999Error in exponential fit radius for g filter stack detection.
gExpMagAB magnitudesREAL4-999Exponential fit magnitude for g filter stack detection.
gExpMagErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in exponential fit magnitude for g filter stack detection.
gExpAbdimensionlessREAL4-999Exponential fit axis ratio for g filter stack detection.
gExpAbErrdimensionlessREAL4-999Error in exponential fit axis ratio for g filter stack detection.
gExpPhidegreesREAL4-999Major axis position angle, phi, of exponential fit for g filter stack detection.
gExpPhiErrdegreesREAL4-999Error in major axis position angle of exponential fit for g filter stack detection.
gExpRadegreesFLOAT8-999Right ascension of exponential fit center for g filter stack detection.
gExpDecdegreesFLOAT8-999Declination of exponential fit center for g filter stack detection.
gExpRaErrarcsecREAL4-999Error in right ascension of exponential fit center for g filter stack detection.
gExpDecErrarcsecREAL4-999Error in declination of exponential fit center for g filter stack detection.
gExpChisqdimensionlessREAL4-999Exponential fit reduced chi squared for g filter stack detection.
rippDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal detection identifier.
rstackDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack detection identifier.
rstackImageIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack identifier for r filter detection.
rExpRadiusarcsecREAL4-999Exponential fit radius for r filter stack detection.
rExpRadiusErrarcsecREAL4-999Error in exponential fit radius for r filter stack detection.
rExpMagAB magnitudesREAL4-999Exponential fit magnitude for r filter stack detection.
rExpMagErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in exponential fit magnitude for r filter stack detection.
rExpAbdimensionlessREAL4-999Exponential fit axis ratio for r filter stack detection.
rExpAbErrdimensionlessREAL4-999Error in exponential fit axis ratio for r filter stack detection.
rExpPhidegreesREAL4-999Major axis position angle, phi, of exponential fit for r filter stack detection.
rExpPhiErrdegreesREAL4-999Error in major axis position angle of exponential fit for r filter stack detection.
rExpRadegreesFLOAT8-999Right ascension of exponential fit center for r filter stack detection.
rExpDecdegreesFLOAT8-999Declination of exponential fit center for r filter stack detection.
rExpRaErrarcsecREAL4-999Error in right ascension of exponential fit center for r filter stack detection.
rExpDecErrarcsecREAL4-999Error in declination of exponential fit center for r filter stack detection.
rExpChisqdimensionlessREAL4-999Exponential fit reduced chi squared for r filter stack detection.
iippDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal detection identifier.
istackDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack detection identifier.
istackImageIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack identifier for i filter detection.
iExpRadiusarcsecREAL4-999Exponential fit radius for i filter stack detection.
iExpRadiusErrarcsecREAL4-999Error in exponential fit radius for i filter stack detection.
iExpMagAB magnitudesREAL4-999Exponential fit magnitude for i filter stack detection.
iExpMagErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in exponential fit magnitude for i filter stack detection.
iExpAbdimensionlessREAL4-999Exponential fit axis ratio for i filter stack detection.
iExpAbErrdimensionlessREAL4-999Error in exponential fit axis ratio for i filter stack detection.
iExpPhidegreesREAL4-999Major axis position angle, phi, of exponential fit for i filter stack detection.
iExpPhiErrdegreesREAL4-999Error in major axis position angle of exponential fit for i filter stack detection.
iExpRadegreesFLOAT8-999Right ascension of exponential fit center for i filter stack detection.
iExpDecdegreesFLOAT8-999Declination of exponential fit center for i filter stack detection.
iExpRaErrarcsecREAL4-999Error in right ascension of exponential fit center for i filter stack detection.
iExpDecErrarcsecREAL4-999Error in declination of exponential fit center for i filter stack detection.
iExpChisqdimensionlessREAL4-999Exponential fit reduced chi squared for i filter stack detection.
zippDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal detection identifier.
zstackDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack detection identifier.
zstackImageIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack identifier for z filter detection.
zExpRadiusarcsecREAL4-999Exponential fit radius for z filter stack detection.
zExpRadiusErrarcsecREAL4-999Error in exponential fit radius for z filter stack detection.
zExpMagAB magnitudesREAL4-999Exponential fit magnitude for z filter stack detection.
zExpMagErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in exponential fit magnitude for z filter stack detection.
zExpAbdimensionlessREAL4-999Exponential fit axis ratio for z filter stack detection.
zExpAbErrdimensionlessREAL4-999Error in exponential fit axis ratio for z filter stack detection.
zExpPhidegreesREAL4-999Major axis position angle, phi, of exponential fit for z filter stack detection.
zExpPhiErrdegreesREAL4-999Error in major axis position angle of exponential fit for z filter stack detection.
zExpRadegreesFLOAT8-999Right ascension of exponential fit center for z filter stack detection.
zExpDecdegreesFLOAT8-999Declination of exponential fit center for z filter stack detection.
zExpRaErrarcsecREAL4-999Error in right ascension of exponential fit center for z filter stack detection.
zExpDecErrarcsecREAL4-999Error in declination of exponential fit center for z filter stack detection.
zExpChisqdimensionlessREAL4-999Exponential fit reduced chi squared for z filter stack detection.
yippDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal detection identifier.
ystackDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack detection identifier.
ystackImageIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack identifier for y filter detection.
yExpRadiusarcsecREAL4-999Exponential fit radius for y filter stack detection.
yExpRadiusErrarcsecREAL4-999Error in exponential fit radius for y filter stack detection.
yExpMagAB magnitudesREAL4-999Exponential fit magnitude for y filter stack detection.
yExpMagErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in exponential fit magnitude for y filter stack detection.
yExpAbdimensionlessREAL4-999Exponential fit axis ratio for y filter stack detection.
yExpAbErrdimensionlessREAL4-999Error in exponential fit axis ratio for y filter stack detection.
yExpPhidegreesREAL4-999Major axis position angle, phi, of exponential fit for y filter stack detection.
yExpPhiErrdegreesREAL4-999Error in major axis position angle of exponential fit for y filter stack detection.
yExpRadegreesFLOAT8-999Right ascension of exponential fit center for y filter stack detection.
yExpDecdegreesFLOAT8-999Declination of exponential fit center for y filter stack detection.
yExpRaErrarcsecREAL4-999Error in right ascension of exponential fit center for y filter stack detection.
yExpDecErrarcsecREAL4-999Error in declination of exponential fit center for y filter stack detection.
yExpChisqdimensionlessREAL4-999Exponential fit reduced chi squared for y filter stack detection.


Description: Contains the de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit parameters to extended sources. See StackObjectThin table for discussion of primary, secondary, and best detections. References: de Vaucouleurs, G. 1948, Annales d'Astrophysique, 11, 247.
NameUnitData TypeSizeDefault ValueDescription
objIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique object identifier.
uniquePspsSTiddimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique internal PSPS stack identifier.
ippObjIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal object identifier.
randomStackObjIDdimensionlessFLOAT8NARandom value drawn from the interval between zero and one.
primaryDetectiondimensionlessTINYINT1255Identifies if this row is the primary stack detection.
bestDetectiondimensionlessTINYINT1255Identifies if this row is the best detection.
gippDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal detection identifier.
gstackDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack detection identifier.
gstackImageIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack identifier for g filter detection.
gDeVRadiusarcsecREAL4-999De Vaucouleurs (1948) fit radius for g filter stack detection.
gDeVRadiusErrarcsecREAL4-999Error in de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit radius for g filter stack detection.
gDeVMagAB magnitudesREAL4-999De Vaucouleurs (1948) fit magnitude for g filter stack detection.
gDeVMagErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit magnitude for g filter stack detection.
gDeVAbdimensionlessREAL4-999De Vaucouleurs (1948) fit axis ratio for g filter stack detection.
gDeVAbErrdimensionlessREAL4-999Error in de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit axis ratio for g filter stack detection.
gDeVPhidegreesREAL4-999Major axis position angle, phi, of de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit for g filter stack detection.
gDeVPhiErrdegreesREAL4-999Error in major axis position angle of de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit for g filter stack detection.
gDeVRadegreesFLOAT8-999Right ascension of de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit center for g filter stack detection.
gDeVDecdegreesFLOAT8-999Declination of de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit center for g filter stack detection.
gDeVRaErrarcsecREAL4-999Error in right ascension of de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit center for g filter stack detection.
gDeVDecErrarcsecREAL4-999Error in declination of de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit center for g filter stack detection.
gDeVChisqdimensionlessREAL4-999De Vaucouleurs (1948) fit reduced chi squared for g filter stack detection.
rippDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal detection identifier.
rstackDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack detection identifier.
rstackImageIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack identifier for r filter detection.
rDeVRadiusarcsecREAL4-999De Vaucouleurs (1948) fit radius for r filter stack detection.
rDeVRadiusErrarcsecREAL4-999Error in de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit radius for r filter stack detection.
rDeVMagAB magnitudesREAL4-999De Vaucouleurs (1948) fit magnitude for r filter stack detection.
rDeVMagErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit magnitude for r filter stack detection.
rDeVAbdimensionlessREAL4-999De Vaucouleurs (1948) fit axis ratio for r filter stack detection.
rDeVAbErrdimensionlessREAL4-999Error in de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit axis ratio for r filter stack detection.
rDeVPhidegreesREAL4-999Major axis position angle, phi, of de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit for r filter stack detection.
rDeVPhiErrdegreesREAL4-999Error in major axis position angle of de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit for r filter stack detection.
rDeVRadegreesFLOAT8-999Right ascension of de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit center for r filter stack detection.
rDeVDecdegreesFLOAT8-999Declination of de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit center for r filter stack detection.
rDeVRaErrarcsecREAL4-999Error in right ascension of de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit center for r filter stack detection.
rDeVDecErrarcsecREAL4-999Error in declination of de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit center for r filter stack detection.
rDeVChisqdimensionlessREAL4-999De Vaucouleurs (1948) fit reduced chi squared for r filter stack detection.
iippDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal detection identifier.
istackDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack detection identifier.
istackImageIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack identifier for i filter detection.
iDeVRadiusarcsecREAL4-999De Vaucouleurs (1948) fit radius for i filter stack detection.
iDeVRadiusErrarcsecREAL4-999Error in de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit radius for i filter stack detection.
iDeVMagAB magnitudesREAL4-999De Vaucouleurs (1948) fit magnitude for i filter stack detection.
iDeVMagErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit magnitude for i filter stack detection.
iDeVAbdimensionlessREAL4-999De Vaucouleurs (1948) fit axis ratio for i filter stack detection.
iDeVAbErrdimensionlessREAL4-999Error in de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit axis ratio for i filter stack detection.
iDeVPhidegreesREAL4-999Major axis position angle, phi, of de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit for i filter stack detection.
iDeVPhiErrdegreesREAL4-999Error in major axis position angle of de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit for i filter stack detection.
iDeVRadegreesFLOAT8-999Right ascension of de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit center for i filter stack detection.
iDeVDecdegreesFLOAT8-999Declination of de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit center for i filter stack detection.
iDeVRaErrarcsecREAL4-999Error in right ascension of de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit center for i filter stack detection.
iDeVDecErrarcsecREAL4-999Error in declination of de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit center for i filter stack detection.
iDeVChisqdimensionlessREAL4-999De Vaucouleurs (1948) fit reduced chi squared for i filter stack detection.
zippDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal detection identifier.
zstackDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack detection identifier.
zstackImageIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack identifier for z filter detection.
zDeVRadiusarcsecREAL4-999De Vaucouleurs (1948) fit radius for z filter stack detection.
zDeVRadiusErrarcsecREAL4-999Error in de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit radius for z filter stack detection.
zDeVMagAB magnitudesREAL4-999De Vaucouleurs (1948) fit magnitude for z filter stack detection.
zDeVMagErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit magnitude for z filter stack detection.
zDeVAbdimensionlessREAL4-999De Vaucouleurs (1948) fit axis ratio for z filter stack detection.
zDeVAbErrdimensionlessREAL4-999Error in de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit axis ratio for z filter stack detection.
zDeVPhidegreesREAL4-999Major axis position angle, phi, of de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit for z filter stack detection.
zDeVPhiErrdegreesREAL4-999Error in major axis position angle of de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit for z filter stack detection.
zDeVRadegreesFLOAT8-999Right ascension of de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit center for z filter stack detection.
zDeVDecdegreesFLOAT8-999Declination of de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit center for z filter stack detection.
zDeVRaErrarcsecREAL4-999Error in right ascension of de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit center for z filter stack detection.
zDeVDecErrarcsecREAL4-999Error in declination of de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit center for z filter stack detection.
zDeVChisqdimensionlessREAL4-999De Vaucouleurs (1948) fit reduced chi squared for z filter stack detection.
yippDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal detection identifier.
ystackDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack detection identifier.
ystackImageIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack identifier for y filter detection.
yDeVRadiusarcsecREAL4-999De Vaucouleurs (1948) fit radius for y filter stack detection.
yDeVRadiusErrarcsecREAL4-999Error in de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit radius for y filter stack detection.
yDeVMagAB magnitudesREAL4-999De Vaucouleurs (1948) fit magnitude for y filter stack detection.
yDeVMagErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit magnitude for y filter stack detection.
yDeVAbdimensionlessREAL4-999De Vaucouleurs (1948) fit axis ratio for y filter stack detection.
yDeVAbErrdimensionlessREAL4-999Error in de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit axis ratio for y filter stack detection.
yDeVPhidegreesREAL4-999Major axis position angle, phi, of de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit for y filter stack detection.
yDeVPhiErrdegreesREAL4-999Error in major axis position angle of de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit for y filter stack detection.
yDeVRadegreesFLOAT8-999Right ascension of de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit center for y filter stack detection.
yDeVDecdegreesFLOAT8-999Declination of de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit center for y filter stack detection.
yDeVRaErrarcsecREAL4-999Error in right ascension of de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit center for y filter stack detection.
yDeVDecErrarcsecREAL4-999Error in declination of de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit center for y filter stack detection.
yDeVChisqdimensionlessREAL4-999De Vaucouleurs (1948) fit reduced chi squared for y filter stack detection.


Description: Contains the Sersic (1963) fit parameters to extended sources. Only objects with magnitudes brighter than 21.5 outside the Galactic plane have Sersic fits.  See StackObjectThin table for discussion of primary, secondary, and best detections. References: Sersic, J. L. 1963, Boletin de la Asociacion Argentina de Astronomia La Plata Argentina, 6, 41.
NameUnitData TypeSizeDefault ValueDescription
objIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique object identifier.
uniquePspsSTiddimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique internal PSPS stack identifier.
ippObjIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal object identifier.
randomStackObjIDdimensionlessFLOAT8NARandom value drawn from the interval between zero and one.
primaryDetectiondimensionlessTINYINT1255Identifies if this row is the primary stack detection.
bestDetectiondimensionlessTINYINT1255Identifies if this row is the best detection.
gippDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal detection identifier.
gstackDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack detection identifier.
gstackImageIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack identifier for g filter detection.
gSerRadiusarcsecREAL4-999Sersic (1963) fit radius for g filter stack detection.
gSerRadiusErrarcsecREAL4-999Error in Sersic (1963) fit radius for g filter stack detection.
gSerMagAB magnitudesREAL4-999Sersic (1963) fit magnitude for g filter stack detection.
gSerMagErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in Sersic (1963) fit magnitude for g filter stack detection.
gSerAbdimensionlessREAL4-999Sersic (1963) fit axis ratio for g filter stack detection.
gSerAbErrdimensionlessREAL4-999Error in Sersic (1963) fit axis ratio for g filter stack detection.
gSerNudimensionlessREAL4-999Sersic (1963) fit index for g filter stack detection.
gSerNuErrdimensionlessREAL4-999Error in Sersic (1963) fit index for g filter stack detection.
gSerPhidegreesREAL4-999Major axis position angle, phi, of Sersic (1963) fit for g filter stack detection.
gSerPhiErrdegreesREAL4-999Error in major axis position angle of Sersic (1963) fit for g filter stack detection.
gSerRadegreesFLOAT8-999Right ascension of Sersic (1963) fit center for g filter stack detection.
gSerDecdegreesFLOAT8-999Declination of Sersic (1963) fit center for g filter stack detection.
gSerRaErrarcsecREAL4-999Error in right ascension of Sersic (1963) fit center for g filter stack detection.
gSerDecErrarcsecREAL4-999Error in declination of Sersic (1963) fit center for g filter stack detection.
gSerChisqdimensionlessREAL4-999Sersic (1963) fit reduced chi squared for g filter stack detection.
rippDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal detection identifier.
rstackDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack detection identifier.
rstackImageIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack identifier for r filter detection.
rSerRadiusarcsecREAL4-999Sersic (1963) fit radius for r filter stack detection.
rSerRadiusErrarcsecREAL4-999Error in Sersic (1963) fit radius for r filter stack detection.
rSerMagAB magnitudesREAL4-999Sersic (1963) fit magnitude for r filter stack detection.
rSerMagErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in Sersic (1963) fit magnitude for r filter stack detection.
rSerAbdimensionlessREAL4-999Sersic (1963) fit axis ratio for r filter stack detection.
rSerAbErrdimensionlessREAL4-999Error in Sersic (1963) fit axis ratio for r filter stack detection.
rSerNudimensionlessREAL4-999Sersic (1963) fit index for r filter stack detection.
rSerNuErrdimensionlessREAL4-999Error in Sersic (1963) fit index for r filter stack detection.
rSerPhidegreesREAL4-999Major axis position angle, phi, of Sersic (1963) fit for r filter stack detection.
rSerPhiErrdegreesREAL4-999Error in major axis position angle of Sersic (1963) fit for r filter stack detection.
rSerRadegreesFLOAT8-999Right ascension of Sersic (1963) fit center for r filter stack detection.
rSerDecdegreesFLOAT8-999Declination of Sersic (1963) fit center for r filter stack detection.
rSerRaErrarcsecREAL4-999Error in right ascension of Sersic (1963) fit center for r filter stack detection.
rSerDecErrarcsecREAL4-999Error in declination of Sersic (1963) fit center for r filter stack detection.
rSerChisqdimensionlessREAL4-999Sersic (1963) fit reduced chi squared for r filter stack detection.
iippDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal detection identifier.
istackDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack detection identifier.
istackImageIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack identifier for i filter detection.
iSerRadiusarcsecREAL4-999Sersic (1963) fit radius for i filter stack detection.
iSerRadiusErrarcsecREAL4-999Error in Sersic (1963) fit radius for i filter stack detection.
iSerMagAB magnitudesREAL4-999Sersic (1963) fit magnitude for i filter stack detection.
iSerMagErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in Sersic (1963) fit magnitude for i filter stack detection.
iSerAbdimensionlessREAL4-999Sersic (1963) fit axis ratio for i filter stack detection.
iSerAbErrdimensionlessREAL4-999Error in Sersic (1963) fit axis ratio for i filter stack detection.
iSerNudimensionlessREAL4-999Sersic (1963) fit index for i filter stack detection.
iSerNuErrdimensionlessREAL4-999Error in Sersic (1963) fit index for i filter stack detection.
iSerPhidegreesREAL4-999Major axis position angle, phi, of Sersic (1963) fit for i filter stack detection.
iSerPhiErrdegreesREAL4-999Error in major axis position angle of Sersic (1963) fit for i filter stack detection.
iSerRadegreesFLOAT8-999Right ascension of Sersic (1963) fit center for i filter stack detection.
iSerDecdegreesFLOAT8-999Declination of Sersic (1963) fit center for i filter stack detection.
iSerRaErrarcsecREAL4-999Error in right ascension of Sersic (1963) fit center for i filter stack detection.
iSerDecErrarcsecREAL4-999Error in declination of Sersic (1963) fit center for i filter stack detection.
iSerChisqdimensionlessREAL4-999Sersic (1963) fit reduced chi squared for i filter stack detection.
zippDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal detection identifier.
zstackDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack detection identifier.
zstackImageIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack identifier for z filter detection.
zSerRadiusarcsecREAL4-999Sersic (1963) fit radius for z filter stack detection.
zSerRadiusErrarcsecREAL4-999Error in Sersic (1963) fit radius for z filter stack detection.
zSerMagAB magnitudesREAL4-999Sersic (1963) fit magnitude for z filter stack detection.
zSerMagErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in Sersic (1963) fit magnitude for z filter stack detection.
zSerAbdimensionlessREAL4-999Sersic (1963) fit axis ratio for z filter stack detection.
zSerAbErrdimensionlessREAL4-999Error in Sersic (1963) fit axis ratio for z filter stack detection.
zSerNudimensionlessREAL4-999Sersic (1963) fit index for z filter stack detection.
zSerNuErrdimensionlessREAL4-999Error in Sersic (1963) fit index for z filter stack detection.
zSerPhidegreesREAL4-999Major axis position angle, phi, of Sersic (1963) fit for z filter stack detection.
zSerPhiErrdegreesREAL4-999Error in major axis position angle of Sersic (1963) fit for z filter stack detection.
zSerRadegreesFLOAT8-999Right ascension of Sersic (1963) fit center for z filter stack detection.
zSerDecdegreesFLOAT8-999Declination of Sersic (1963) fit center for z filter stack detection.
zSerRaErrarcsecREAL4-999Error in right ascension of Sersic (1963) fit center for z filter stack detection.
zSerDecErrarcsecREAL4-999Error in declination of Sersic (1963) fit center for z filter stack detection.
zSerChisqdimensionlessREAL4-999Sersic (1963) fit reduced chi squared for z filter stack detection.
yippDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal detection identifier.
ystackDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack detection identifier.
ystackImageIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack identifier for y filter detection.
ySerRadiusarcsecREAL4-999Sersic (1963) fit radius for y filter stack detection.
ySerRadiusErrarcsecREAL4-999Error in Sersic (1963) fit radius for y filter stack detection.
ySerMagAB magnitudesREAL4-999Sersic (1963) fit magnitude for y filter stack detection.
ySerMagErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in Sersic (1963) fit magnitude for y filter stack detection.
ySerAbdimensionlessREAL4-999Sersic (1963) fit axis ratio for y filter stack detection.
ySerAbErrdimensionlessREAL4-999Error in Sersic (1963) fit axis ratio for y filter stack detection.
ySerNudimensionlessREAL4-999Sersic (1963) fit index for y filter stack detection.
ySerNuErrdimensionlessREAL4-999Error in Sersic (1963) fit index for y filter stack detection.
ySerPhidegreesREAL4-999Major axis position angle, phi, of Sersic (1963) fit for y filter stack detection.
ySerPhiErrdegreesREAL4-999Error in major axis position angle of Sersic (1963) fit for y filter stack detection.
ySerRadegreesFLOAT8-999Right ascension of Sersic (1963) fit center for y filter stack detection.
ySerDecdegreesFLOAT8-999Declination of Sersic (1963) fit center for y filter stack detection.
ySerRaErrarcsecREAL4-999Error in right ascension of Sersic (1963) fit center for y filter stack detection.
ySerDecErrarcsecREAL4-999Error in declination of Sersic (1963) fit center for y filter stack detection.
ySerChisqdimensionlessREAL4-999Sersic (1963) fit reduced chi squared for y filter stack detection.


Description: Contains the Petrosian (1976) magnitudes and radii for extended sources. See StackObjectThin table for discussion of primary, secondary, and best detections. References: Petrosian, V. 1976, ApJL, 209, L1.
NameUnitData TypeSizeDefault ValueDescription
objIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique object identifier.
uniquePspsSTiddimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique internal PSPS stack identifier.
ippObjIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal object identifier.
randomStackObjIDdimensionlessFLOAT8NARandom value drawn from the interval between zero and one.
primaryDetectiondimensionlessTINYINT1255Identifies if this row is the primary stack detection.
bestDetectiondimensionlessTINYINT1255Identifies if this row is the best detection.
gippDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal detection identifier.
gstackDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack detection identifier.
gstackImageIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack identifier for g filter detection.
gpetRadiusarcsecREAL4-999Petrosian (1976) fit radius for g filter stack detection.
gpetRadiusErrarcsecREAL4-999Error in Petrosian (1976) fit radius for g filter stack detection.
gpetMagAB magnitudesREAL4-999Petrosian (1976) magnitude from g filter stack detection.
gpetMagErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in Petrosian (1976) magnitude from g filter stack detection.
gpetR50arcsecREAL4-999Petrosian (1976) fit radius for g filter stack detection. at 50% light
gpetR50ErrarcsecREAL4-999Error in Petrosian (1976) fit radius for g filter stack detection. at 50% light
gpetR90arcsecREAL4-999Petrosian (1976) fit radius for g filter stack detection. at 90% light
gpetR90ErrarcsecREAL4-999Error in Petrosian (1976) fit radius for g filter stack detection. at 90% light
gpetCfdimensionlessREAL4-999Petrosian (1976) fit coverage factor for g filter stack detection.
rippDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal detection identifier.
rstackDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack detection identifier.
rstackImageIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack identifier for r filter detection.
rpetRadiusarcsecREAL4-999Petrosian (1976) fit radius for r filter stack detection.
rpetRadiusErrarcsecREAL4-999Error in Petrosian (1976) fit radius for r filter stack detection.
rpetMagAB magnitudesREAL4-999Petrosian (1976) magnitude from r filter stack detection.
rpetMagErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in Petrosian (1976) magnitude from r filter stack detection.
rpetR50arcsecREAL4-999Petrosian (1976) fit radius for r filter stack detection. at 50% light
rpetR50ErrarcsecREAL4-999Error in Petrosian (1976) fit radius for r filter stack detection. at 50% light
rpetR90arcsecREAL4-999Petrosian (1976) fit radius for r filter stack detection. at 90% light
rpetR90ErrarcsecREAL4-999Error in Petrosian (1976) fit radius for r filter stack detection. at 90% light
rpetCfdimensionlessREAL4-999Petrosian (1976) fit coverage factor for r filter stack detection.
iippDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal detection identifier.
istackDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack detection identifier.
istackImageIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack identifier for i filter detection.
ipetRadiusarcsecREAL4-999Petrosian (1976) fit radius for i filter stack detection.
ipetRadiusErrarcsecREAL4-999Error in Petrosian (1976) fit radius for i filter stack detection.
ipetMagAB magnitudesREAL4-999Petrosian (1976) magnitude from i filter stack detection.
ipetMagErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in Petrosian (1976) magnitude from i filter stack detection.
ipetR50arcsecREAL4-999Petrosian (1976) fit radius for i filter stack detection. at 50% light
ipetR50ErrarcsecREAL4-999Error in Petrosian (1976) fit radius for i filter stack detection. at 50% light
ipetR90arcsecREAL4-999Petrosian (1976) fit radius for i filter stack detection. at 90% light
ipetR90ErrarcsecREAL4-999Error in Petrosian (1976) fit radius for i filter stack detection. at 90% light
ipetCfdimensionlessREAL4-999Petrosian (1976) fit coverage factor for i filter stack detection.
zippDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal detection identifier.
zstackDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack detection identifier.
zstackImageIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack identifier for z filter detection.
zpetRadiusarcsecREAL4-999Petrosian (1976) fit radius for z filter stack detection.
zpetRadiusErrarcsecREAL4-999Error in Petrosian (1976) fit radius for z filter stack detection.
zpetMagAB magnitudesREAL4-999Petrosian (1976) magnitude from z filter stack detection.
zpetMagErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in Petrosian (1976) magnitude from z filter stack detection.
zpetR50arcsecREAL4-999Petrosian (1976) fit radius for z filter stack detection. at 50% light
zpetR50ErrarcsecREAL4-999Error in Petrosian (1976) fit radius for z filter stack detection. at 50% light
zpetR90arcsecREAL4-999Petrosian (1976) fit radius for z filter stack detection. at 90% light
zpetR90ErrarcsecREAL4-999Error in Petrosian (1976) fit radius for z filter stack detection. at 90% light
zpetCfdimensionlessREAL4-999Petrosian (1976) fit coverage factor for z filter stack detection.
yippDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal detection identifier.
ystackDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack detection identifier.
ystackImageIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack identifier for y filter detection.
ypetRadiusarcsecREAL4-999Petrosian (1976) fit radius for y filter stack detection.
ypetRadiusErrarcsecREAL4-999Error in Petrosian (1976) fit radius for y filter stack detection.
ypetMagAB magnitudesREAL4-999Petrosian (1976) magnitude from y filter stack detection.
ypetMagErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in Petrosian (1976) magnitude from y filter stack detection.
ypetR50arcsecREAL4-999Petrosian (1976) fit radius for y filter stack detection. at 50% light
ypetR50ErrarcsecREAL4-999Error in Petrosian (1976) fit radius for y filter stack detection. at 50% light
ypetR90arcsecREAL4-999Petrosian (1976) fit radius for y filter stack detection. at 90% light
ypetR90ErrarcsecREAL4-999Error in Petrosian (1976) fit radius for y filter stack detection. at 90% light
ypetCfdimensionlessREAL4-999Petrosian (1976) fit coverage factor for y filter stack detection.


Description: Contains the mean of single-epoch photometric information for sources detected in the stacked data, calculated as described in Magnier et al. (2013). The mean is calculated for detections associated into objects within a one arcsecond correlation radius. PSF, Kron (1980), and SDSS aperture R5 (r = 3.00 arcsec), R6 (r = 4.63 arcsec), and R7 (r = 7.43 arcsec) apertures (Stoughton 2003) magnitudes and statistics are listed for all filters. References: Kaiser, N., Squires, G., and Broadhurst, T. 1995, ApJ, 449, 460; Kron, R. G. 1980, ApJS, 43, 305; Magnier, E. A., Schlafly, E., Finkbeiner, D., et al. 2013, ApJS, 205, 20; Stoughton, C., Lupton, R. H., Bernardi, M., et al. 2003, AJ, 123, 485.
NameUnitData TypeSizeDefault ValueDescription
objIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique object identifier.
uniquePspsFOiddimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique internal PSPS forced object identifier.
ippObjIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal object identifier.
randomForcedObjIDdimensionlessFLOAT8NARandom value drawn from the interval between zero and one.
nDetectionsdimensionlessSMALLINT2-999Number of single epoch detections in all filters.
batchIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAInternal database batch identifier.
processingVersiondimensionlessTINYINT1NAData release version.
gnTotaldimensionlessSMALLINT2-999Number of forced single epoch detections in g filter.
gnIncPSFFluxdimensionlessSMALLINT2-999Number of forced single epoch detections in PSF flux mean in g filter.
gnIncKronFluxdimensionlessSMALLINT2-999Number of forced single epoch detections in Kron (1980) flux mean in g filter.
gnIncApFluxdimensionlessSMALLINT2-999Number of forced single epoch detections in aperture flux mean in g filter.
gnIncR5dimensionlessSMALLINT2-999Number of forced single epoch detections in R5 (r = 3.00 arcsec) aperture flux mean in g filter.
gnIncR6dimensionlessSMALLINT2-999Number of forced single epoch detections in R6 (r = 4.63 arcsec) aperture flux mean in g filter.
gnIncR7dimensionlessSMALLINT2-999Number of forced single epoch detections in R7 (r = 7.43 arcsec) aperture flux mean in g filter.
gFPSFFluxJanskysREAL4-999Mean PSF flux from forced single epoch g filter detections.
gFPSFFluxErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in mean PSF flux from forced single epoch g filter detections.
gFPSFFluxStdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of PSF fluxes from forced single epoch g filter detections.
gFPSFMagAB magnitudesREAL4-999Magnitude from mean PSF flux from forced single epoch g filter detections.
gFPSFMagErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in magnitude from mean PSF flux from forced single epoch g filter detections.
gFKronFluxJanskysREAL4-999Mean Kron (1980) flux from forced single epoch g filter detections.
gFKronFluxErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in mean Kron (1980) flux from forced single epoch g filter detections.
gFKronFluxStdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of Kron (198) fluxes from forced single epoch g filter detections.
gFKronMagAB magnitudesREAL4-999Magnitude from mean Kron (1980) flux from forced single epoch g filter detections.
gFKronMagErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in magnitude from mean Kron (1980) flux from forced single epoch g filter detections.
gFApFluxJanskysREAL4-999Mean aperture flux from forced single epoch g filter detections.
gFApFluxErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in mean aperture flux from forced single epoch g filter detections.
gFApFluxStdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of aperture fluxes from forced single epoch g filter detections.
gFApMagAB magnitudesREAL4-999Magnitude from mean aperture flux from forced single epoch g filter detections.
gFApMagErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in magnitude from mean aperture flux from forced single epoch g filter detections.
gFmeanflxR5JanskysREAL4-999Mean flux from forced single epoch g filter detections within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
gFmeanflxR5ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in mean flux from forced single epoch g filter detections within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
gFmeanflxR5StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of forced single epoch g filter detection fluxes within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
gFmeanflxR5FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for forced single epoch g filter detections within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
gFmeanMagR5AB magnitudesREAL4-999Magnitude from mean flux from forced single epoch g filter detections within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
gFmeanMagR5ErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in magnitude from mean flux from forced single epoch g filter detections within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
gFmeanflxR6JanskysREAL4-999Mean flux from forced single epoch g filter detections within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
gFmeanflxR6ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in mean flux from forced single epoch g filter detections within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
gFmeanflxR6StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of forced single epoch g filter detection fluxes within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
gFmeanflxR6FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for forced single epoch g filter detections within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
gFmeanMagR6AB magnitudesREAL4-999Magnitude from mean flux from forced single epoch g filter detections within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
gFmeanMagR6ErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in magnitude from mean flux from forced single epoch g filter detections within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
gFmeanflxR7JanskysREAL4-999Mean flux from forced single epoch g filter detections within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
gFmeanflxR7ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in mean flux from forced single epoch g filter detections within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
gFmeanflxR7StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of forced single epoch g filter detection fluxes within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
gFmeanflxR7FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for forced single epoch g filter detections within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
gFmeanMagR7AB magnitudesREAL4-999Magnitude from mean flux from forced single epoch g filter detections within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
gFmeanMagR7ErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in magnitude from mean flux from forced single epoch g filter detections within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
gFlagsdimensionlessINT40Information flag bitmask indicating details of the photometry from forced single epoch g filter detections. Values listed in ObjectFilterFlags.
gE1dimensionlessREAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) polarization parameter e1 = (Mxx - Myy) / (Mxx + Myy) from forced single epoch g filter detections.
gE2dimensionlessREAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) polarization parameter e2 = (2 Mxy) / (Mxx + Myy) from forced single epoch g filter detections.
rnTotaldimensionlessSMALLINT2-999Number of forced single epoch detections in r filter.
rnIncPSFFluxdimensionlessSMALLINT2-999Number of forced single epoch detections in PSF flux mean in r filter.
rnIncKronFluxdimensionlessSMALLINT2-999Number of forced single epoch detections in Kron (1980) flux mean in r filter.
rnIncApFluxdimensionlessSMALLINT2-999Number of forced single epoch detections in aperture flux mean in r filter.
rnIncR5dimensionlessSMALLINT2-999Number of forced single epoch detections in R5 (r = 3.00 arcsec) aperture flux mean in r filter.
rnIncR6dimensionlessSMALLINT2-999Number of forced single epoch detections in R6 (r = 4.63 arcsec) aperture flux mean in r filter.
rnIncR7dimensionlessSMALLINT2-999Number of forced single epoch detections in R7 (r = 7.43 arcsec) aperture flux mean in r filter.
rFPSFFluxJanskysREAL4-999Mean PSF flux from forced single epoch r filter detections.
rFPSFFluxErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in mean PSF flux from forced single epoch r filter detections.
rFPSFFluxStdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of PSF fluxes from forced single epoch r filter detections.
rFPSFMagAB magnitudesREAL4-999Magnitude from mean PSF flux from forced single epoch r filter detections.
rFPSFMagErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in magnitude from mean PSF flux from forced single epoch r filter detections.
rFKronFluxJanskysREAL4-999Mean Kron (1980) flux from forced single epoch r filter detections.
rFKronFluxErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in mean Kron (1980) flux from forced single epoch r filter detections.
rFKronFluxStdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of Kron (198) fluxes from forced single epoch r filter detections.
rFKronMagAB magnitudesREAL4-999Magnitude from mean Kron (1980) flux from forced single epoch r filter detections.
rFKronMagErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in magnitude from mean Kron (1980) flux from forced single epoch r filter detections.
rFApFluxJanskysREAL4-999Mean aperture flux from forced single epoch r filter detections.
rFApFluxErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in mean aperture flux from forced single epoch r filter detections.
rFApFluxStdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of aperture fluxes from forced single epoch g filter detections.
rFApMagAB magnitudesREAL4-999Magnitude from mean aperture flux from forced single epoch r filter detections.
rFApMagErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in magnitude from mean aperture flux from forced single epoch r filter detections.
rFmeanflxR5JanskysREAL4-999Mean flux from forced single epoch r filter detections within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
rFmeanflxR5ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in mean flux from forced single epoch r filter detections within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
rFmeanflxR5StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of forced single epoch r filter detection fluxes within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
rFmeanflxR5FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for forced single epoch r filter detections within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
rFmeanMagR5AB magnitudesREAL4-999Magnitude from mean flux from forced single epoch r filter detections within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
rFmeanMagR5ErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in magnitude from mean flux from forced single epoch r filter detections within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
rFmeanflxR6JanskysREAL4-999Mean flux from forced single epoch r filter detections within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
rFmeanflxR6ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in mean flux from forced single epoch r filter detections within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
rFmeanflxR6StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of forced single epoch r filter detection fluxes within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
rFmeanflxR6FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for forced single epoch r filter detections within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
rFmeanMagR6AB magnitudesREAL4-999Magnitude from mean flux from forced single epoch r filter detections within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
rFmeanMagR6ErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in magnitude from mean flux from forced single epoch r filter detections within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
rFmeanflxR7JanskysREAL4-999Mean flux from forced single epoch r filter detections within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
rFmeanflxR7ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in mean flux from forced single epoch r filter detections within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
rFmeanflxR7StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of forced single epoch r filter detection fluxes within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
rFmeanflxR7FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for forced single epoch r filter detections within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
rFmeanMagR7AB magnitudesREAL4-999Magnitude from mean flux from forced single epoch r filter detections within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
rFmeanMagR7ErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in magnitude from mean flux from forced single epoch r filter detections within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
rFlagsdimensionlessINT40Information flag bitmask indicating details of the photometry from forced single epoch r filter detections. Values listed in ObjectFilterFlags.
rE1dimensionlessREAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) polarization parameter e1 = (Mxx - Myy) / (Mxx + Myy) from forced single epoch r filter detections.
rE2dimensionlessREAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) polarization parameter e2 = (2 Mxy) / (Mxx + Myy) from forced single epoch r filter detections.
inTotaldimensionlessSMALLINT2-999Number of forced single epoch detections in i filter.
inIncPSFFluxdimensionlessSMALLINT2-999Number of forced single epoch detections in PSF flux mean in i filter.
inIncKronFluxdimensionlessSMALLINT2-999Number of forced single epoch detections in Kron (1980) flux mean in i filter.
inIncApFluxdimensionlessSMALLINT2-999Number of forced single epoch detections in aperture flux mean in i filter.
inIncR5dimensionlessSMALLINT2-999Number of forced single epoch detections in R5 (r = 3.00 arcsec) aperture flux mean in i filter.
inIncR6dimensionlessSMALLINT2-999Number of forced single epoch detections in R6 (r = 4.63 arcsec) aperture flux mean in i filter.
inIncR7dimensionlessSMALLINT2-999Number of forced single epoch detections in R7 (r = 7.43 arcsec) aperture flux mean in i filter.
iFPSFFluxJanskysREAL4-999Mean PSF flux from forced single epoch i filter detections.
iFPSFFluxErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in mean PSF flux from forced single epoch i filter detections.
iFPSFFluxStdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of PSF fluxes from forced single epoch i filter detections.
iFPSFMagAB magnitudesREAL4-999Magnitude from mean PSF flux from forced single epoch i filter detections.
iFPSFMagErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in magnitude from mean PSF flux from forced single epoch i filter detections.
iFKronFluxJanskysREAL4-999Mean Kron (1980) flux from forced single epoch i filter detections.
iFKronFluxErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in mean Kron (1980) flux from forced single epoch i filter detections.
iFKronFluxStdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of Kron (198) fluxes from forced single epoch i filter detections.
iFKronMagAB magnitudesREAL4-999Magnitude from mean Kron (1980) flux from forced single epoch i filter detections.
iFKronMagErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in magnitude from mean Kron (1980) flux from forced single epoch i filter detections.
iFApFluxJanskysREAL4-999Mean aperture flux from forced single epoch i filter detections.
iFApFluxErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in mean aperture flux from forced single epoch i filter detections.
iFApFluxStdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of aperture fluxes from forced single epoch i filter detections.
iFApMagAB magnitudesREAL4-999Magnitude from mean aperture flux from forced single epoch i filter detections.
iFApMagErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in magnitude from mean aperture flux from forced single epoch i filter detections.
iFmeanflxR5JanskysREAL4-999Mean flux from forced single epoch i filter detections within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
iFmeanflxR5ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in mean flux from forced single epoch i filter detections within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
iFmeanflxR5StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of forced single epoch i filter detection fluxes within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
iFmeanflxR5FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for forced single epoch i filter detections within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
iFmeanMagR5AB magnitudesREAL4-999Magnitude from mean flux from forced single epoch i filter detections within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
iFmeanMagR5ErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in magnitude from mean flux from forced single epoch i filter detections within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
iFmeanflxR6JanskysREAL4-999Mean flux from forced single epoch i filter detections within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
iFmeanflxR6ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in mean flux from forced single epoch i filter detections within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
iFmeanflxR6StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of forced single epoch i filter detection fluxes within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
iFmeanflxR6FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for forced single epoch i filter detections within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
iFmeanMagR6AB magnitudesREAL4-999Magnitude from mean flux from forced single epoch i filter detections within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
iFmeanMagR6ErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in magnitude from mean flux from forced single epoch i filter detections within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
iFmeanflxR7JanskysREAL4-999Mean flux from forced single epoch i filter detections within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
iFmeanflxR7ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in mean flux from forced single epoch i filter detections within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
iFmeanflxR7StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of forced single epoch i filter detection fluxes within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
iFmeanflxR7FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for forced single epoch i filter detections within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
iFmeanMagR7AB magnitudesREAL4-999Magnitude from mean flux from forced single epoch i filter detections within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
iFmeanMagR7ErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in magnitude from mean flux from forced single epoch i filter detections within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
iFlagsdimensionlessINT40Information flag bitmask indicating details of the photometry from forced single epoch i filter detections. Values listed in ObjectFilterFlags.
iE1dimensionlessREAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) polarization parameter e1 = (Mxx - Myy) / (Mxx + Myy) from forced single epoch i filter detections.
iE2dimensionlessREAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) polarization parameter e2 = (2 Mxy) / (Mxx + Myy) from forced single epoch i filter detections.
znTotaldimensionlessSMALLINT2-999Number of forced single epoch detections in z filter.
znIncPSFFluxdimensionlessSMALLINT2-999Number of forced single epoch detections in PSF flux mean in z filter.
znIncKronFluxdimensionlessSMALLINT2-999Number of forced single epoch detections in Kron (1980) flux mean in z filter.
znIncApFluxdimensionlessSMALLINT2-999Number of forced single epoch detections in aperture flux mean in z filter.
znIncR5dimensionlessSMALLINT2-999Number of forced single epoch detections in R5 (r = 3.00 arcsec) aperture flux mean in z filter.
znIncR6dimensionlessSMALLINT2-999Number of forced single epoch detections in R6 (r = 4.63 arcsec) aperture flux mean in z filter.
znIncR7dimensionlessSMALLINT2-999Number of forced single epoch detections in R7 (r = 7.43 arcsec) aperture flux mean in z filter.
zFPSFFluxJanskysREAL4-999Mean PSF flux from forced single epoch z filter detections.
zFPSFFluxErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in mean PSF flux from forced single epoch z filter detections.
zFPSFFluxStdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of PSF fluxes from forced single epoch z filter detections.
zFPSFMagAB magnitudesREAL4-999Magnitude from mean PSF flux from forced single epoch z filter detections.
zFPSFMagErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in magnitude from mean PSF flux from forced single epoch z filter detections.
zFKronFluxJanskysREAL4-999Mean Kron (1980) flux from forced single epoch z filter detections.
zFKronFluxErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in mean Kron (1980) flux from forced single epoch z filter detections.
zFKronFluxStdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of Kron (198) fluxes from forced single epoch z filter detections.
zFKronMagAB magnitudesREAL4-999Magnitude from mean Kron (1980) flux from forced single epoch z filter detections.
zFKronMagErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in magnitude from mean Kron (1980) flux from forced single epoch z filter detections.
zFApFluxJanskysREAL4-999Mean aperture flux from forced single epoch z filter detections.
zFApFluxErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in mean aperture flux from forced single epoch z filter detections.
zFApFluxStdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of aperture fluxes from forced single epoch z filter detections.
zFApMagAB magnitudesREAL4-999Magnitude from mean aperture flux from forced single epoch z filter detections.
zFApMagErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in magnitude from mean aperture flux from forced single epoch z filter detections.
zFmeanflxR5JanskysREAL4-999Mean flux from forced single epoch z filter detections within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
zFmeanflxR5ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in mean flux from forced single epoch z filter detections within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
zFmeanflxR5StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of forced single epoch z filter detection fluxes within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
zFmeanflxR5FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for forced single epoch z filter detections within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
zFmeanMagR5AB magnitudesREAL4-999Magnitude from mean flux from forced single epoch z filter detections within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
zFmeanMagR5ErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in magnitude from mean flux from forced single epoch z filter detections within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
zFmeanflxR6JanskysREAL4-999Mean flux from forced single epoch z filter detections within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
zFmeanflxR6ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in mean flux from forced single epoch z filter detections within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
zFmeanflxR6StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of forced single epoch z filter detection fluxes within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
zFmeanflxR6FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for forced single epoch z filter detections within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
zFmeanMagR6AB magnitudesREAL4-999Magnitude from mean flux from forced single epoch z filter detections within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
zFmeanMagR6ErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in magnitude from mean flux from forced single epoch z filter detections within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
zFmeanflxR7JanskysREAL4-999Mean flux from forced single epoch z filter detections within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
zFmeanflxR7ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in mean flux from forced single epoch z filter detections within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
zFmeanflxR7StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of forced single epoch z filter detection fluxes within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
zFmeanflxR7FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for forced single epoch z filter detections within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
zFmeanMagR7AB magnitudesREAL4-999Magnitude from mean flux from forced single epoch z filter detections within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
zFmeanMagR7ErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in magnitude from mean flux from forced single epoch z filter detections within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
zFlagsdimensionlessINT40Information flag bitmask indicating details of the photometry from forced single epoch z filter detections. Values listed in ObjectFilterFlags.
zE1dimensionlessREAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) polarization parameter e1 = (Mxx - Myy) / (Mxx + Myy) from forced single epoch z filter detections.
zE2dimensionlessREAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) polarization parameter e2 = (2 Mxy) / (Mxx + Myy) from forced single epoch z filter detections.
ynTotaldimensionlessSMALLINT2-999Number of forced single epoch detections in y filter.
ynIncPSFFluxdimensionlessSMALLINT2-999Number of forced single epoch detections in PSF flux mean in y filter.
ynIncKronFluxdimensionlessSMALLINT2-999Number of forced single epoch detections in Kron (1980) flux mean in y filter.
ynIncApFluxdimensionlessSMALLINT2-999Number of forced single epoch detections in aperture flux mean in y filter.
ynIncR5dimensionlessSMALLINT2-999Number of forced single epoch detections in R5 (r = 3.00 arcsec) aperture flux mean in y filter.
ynIncR6dimensionlessSMALLINT2-999Number of forced single epoch detections in R6 (r = 4.63 arcsec) aperture flux mean in y filter.
ynIncR7dimensionlessSMALLINT2-999Number of forced single epoch detections in R7 (r = 7.43 arcsec) aperture flux mean in y filter.
yFPSFFluxJanskysREAL4-999Mean PSF flux from forced single epoch y filter detections.
yFPSFFluxErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in mean PSF flux from forced single epoch y filter detections.
yFPSFFluxStdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of PSF fluxes from forced single epoch y filter detections.
yFPSFMagAB magnitudesREAL4-999Magnitude from mean PSF flux from forced single epoch y filter detections.
yFPSFMagErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in magnitude from mean PSF flux from forced single epoch y filter detections.
yFKronFluxJanskysREAL4-999Mean Kron (1980) flux from forced single epoch y filter detections.
yFKronFluxErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in mean Kron (1980) flux from forced single epoch y filter detections.
yFKronFluxStdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of Kron (198) fluxes from forced single epoch y filter detections.
yFKronMagAB magnitudesREAL4-999Magnitude from mean Kron (1980) flux from forced single epoch y filter detections.
yFKronMagErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in magnitude from mean Kron (1980) flux from forced single epoch y filter detections.
yFApFluxJanskysREAL4-999Mean aperture flux from forced single epoch y filter detections.
yFApFluxErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in mean aperture flux from forced single epoch y filter detections.
yFApFluxStdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of aperture fluxes from forced single epoch y filter detections.
yFApMagAB magnitudesREAL4-999Magnitude from mean aperture flux from forced single epoch y filter detections.
yFApMagErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in magnitude from mean aperture flux from forced single epoch y filter detections.
yFmeanflxR5JanskysREAL4-999Mean flux from forced single epoch y filter detections within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
yFmeanflxR5ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in mean flux from forced single epoch y filter detections within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
yFmeanflxR5StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of forced single epoch y filter detection fluxes within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
yFmeanflxR5FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for forced single epoch y filter detections within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
yFmeanMagR5AB magnitudesREAL4-999Magnitude from mean flux from forced single epoch y filter detections within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
yFmeanMagR5ErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in magnitude from mean flux from forced single epoch y filter detections within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
yFmeanflxR6JanskysREAL4-999Mean flux from forced single epoch y filter detections within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
yFmeanflxR6ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in mean flux from forced single epoch y filter detections within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
yFmeanflxR6StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of forced single epoch y filter detection fluxes within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
yFmeanflxR6FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for forced single epoch y filter detections within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
yFmeanMagR6AB magnitudesREAL4-999Magnitude from mean flux from forced single epoch y filter detections within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
yFmeanMagR6ErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in magnitude from mean flux from forced single epoch y filter detections within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
yFmeanflxR7JanskysREAL4-999Mean flux from forced single epoch y filter detections within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
yFmeanflxR7ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in mean flux from forced single epoch y filter detections within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
yFmeanflxR7StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of forced single epoch y filter detection fluxes within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
yFmeanflxR7FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for forced single epoch y filter detections within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
yFmeanMagR7AB magnitudesREAL4-999Magnitude from mean flux from forced single epoch y filter detections within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
yFmeanMagR7ErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in magnitude from mean flux from forced single epoch y filter detections within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
yFlagsdimensionlessINT40Information flag bitmask indicating details of the photometry from forced single epoch y filter detections. Values listed in ObjectFilterFlags.
yE1dimensionlessREAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) polarization parameter e1 = (Mxx - Myy) / (Mxx + Myy) from forced single epoch y filter detections.
yE2dimensionlessREAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) polarization parameter e2 = (2 Mxy) / (Mxx + Myy) from forced single epoch y filter detections.


Description: Contains the mean Kaiser et al. (1995) lensing parameters measured from the forced photometry of objects detected in stacked images on the individual single epoch data. References: Kaiser, N., Squires, G., and Broadhurst, T. 1995, ApJ, 449, 460.
NameUnitData TypeSizeDefault ValueDescription
objIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique object identifier.
uniquePspsFOiddimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique internal PSPS forced object identifier.
ippObjIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal object identifier.
randomForcedObjIDdimensionlessFLOAT8NARandom value drawn from the interval between zero and one.
nDetectionsdimensionlessSMALLINT2-999Number of single epoch detections in all filters.
batchIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAInternal database batch identifier.
processingVersiondimensionlessTINYINT1NAData release version.
gLensObjSmearX11arcsec^-2REAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (A11) smear polarizability X11 term from forced g filter detections.
gLensObjSmearX12arcsec^-2REAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (A11) smear polarizability X12 term from forced g filter detections.
gLensObjSmearX22arcsec^-2REAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (A11) smear polarizability X22 term from forced g filter detections.
gLensObjSmearE1arcsec^-2REAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (A12) smear polarizability e1 term from forced g filter detections.
gLensObjSmearE2arcsec^-2REAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (A12) smear polarizability e2 term from forced g filter detections.
gLensObjShearX11dimensionlessREAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (B11) shear polarizability X11 term from forced g filter detections.
gLensObjShearX12dimensionlessREAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (B11) shear polarizability X12 term from forced g filter detections.
gLensObjShearX22dimensionlessREAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (B11) shear polarizability X22 term from forced g filter detections.
gLensObjShearE1dimensionlessREAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (B12) shear polarizability e1 term from forced g filter detections.
gLensObjShearE2dimensionlessREAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (B12) shear polarizability e2 term from forced g filter detections.
gLensPSFSmearX11arcsec^-2REAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (A11) smear polarizability X11 term from PSF model for forced g filter detections.
gLensPSFSmearX12arcsec^-2REAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (A11) smear polarizability X12 term from PSF model for forced g filter detections.
gLensPSFSmearX22arcsec^-2REAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (A11) smear polarizability X22 term from PSF model for forced g filter detections.
gLensPSFSmearE1arcsec^-2REAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (A12) smear polarizability e1 term from PSF model for forced g filter detections.
gLensPSFSmearE2arcsec^-2REAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (A12) smear polarizability e2 term from PSF model for forced g filter detections.
gLensPSFShearX11dimensionlessREAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (B11) shear polarizability X11 term from PSF model for forced g filter detections.
gLensPSFShearX12dimensionlessREAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (B11) shear polarizability X12 term from PSF model for forced g filter detections.
gLensPSFShearX22dimensionlessREAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (B11) shear polarizability X22 term from PSF model for forced g filter detections.
gLensPSFShearE1dimensionlessREAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (B12) shear polarizability e1 term from PSF model for forced g filter detections.
gLensPSFShearE2dimensionlessREAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (B12) shear polarizability e2 term from PSF model forced g filter detections.
rLensObjSmearX11arcsec^-2REAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (A11) smear polarizability X11 term from forced r filter detections.
rLensObjSmearX12arcsec^-2REAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (A11) smear polarizability X12 term from forced r filter detections.
rLensObjSmearX22arcsec^-2REAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (A11) smear polarizability X22 term from forced r filter detections.
rLensObjSmearE1arcsec^-2REAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (A12) smear polarizability e1 term from forced r filter detections.
rLensObjSmearE2arcsec^-2REAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (A12) smear polarizability e2 term from forced r filter detections.
rLensObjShearX11dimensionlessREAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (B11) shear polarizability X11 term from forced r filter detections.
rLensObjShearX12dimensionlessREAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (B11) shear polarizability X12 term from forced r filter detections.
rLensObjShearX22dimensionlessREAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (B11) shear polarizability X22 term from forced r filter detections.
rLensObjShearE1dimensionlessREAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (B12) shear polarizability e1 term from forced r filter detections.
rLensObjShearE2dimensionlessREAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (B12) shear polarizability e2 term from forced r filter detections.
rLensPSFSmearX11arcsec^-2REAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (A11) smear polarizability X11 term from PSF model for forced r filter detections.
rLensPSFSmearX12arcsec^-2REAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (A11) smear polarizability X12 term from PSF model for forced r filter detections.
rLensPSFSmearX22arcsec^-2REAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (A11) smear polarizability X22 term from PSF model for forced r filter detections.
rLensPSFSmearE1arcsec^-2REAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (A12) smear polarizability e1 term from PSF model for forced r filter detections.
rLensPSFSmearE2arcsec^-2REAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (A12) smear polarizability e2 term from PSF model for forced r filter detections.
rLensPSFShearX11dimensionlessREAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (B11) shear polarizability X11 term from PSF model for forced r filter detections.
rLensPSFShearX12dimensionlessREAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (B11) shear polarizability X12 term from PSF model for forced r filter detections.
rLensPSFShearX22dimensionlessREAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (B11) shear polarizability X22 term from PSF model for forced r filter detections.
rLensPSFShearE1dimensionlessREAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (B12) shear polarizability e1 term from PSF model for forced r filter detections.
rLensPSFShearE2dimensionlessREAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (B12) shear polarizability e2 term from PSF model forced r filter detections.
iLensObjSmearX11arcsec^-2REAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (A11) smear polarizability X11 term from forced i filter detections.
iLensObjSmearX12arcsec^-2REAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (A11) smear polarizability X12 term from forced i filter detections.
iLensObjSmearX22arcsec^-2REAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (A11) smear polarizability X22 term from forced i filter detections.
iLensObjSmearE1arcsec^-2REAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (A12) smear polarizability e1 term from forced i filter detections.
iLensObjSmearE2arcsec^-2REAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (A12) smear polarizability e2 term from forced i filter detections.
iLensObjShearX11dimensionlessREAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (B11) shear polarizability X11 term from forced i filter detections.
iLensObjShearX12dimensionlessREAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (B11) shear polarizability X12 term from forced i filter detections.
iLensObjShearX22dimensionlessREAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (B11) shear polarizability X22 term from forced i filter detections.
iLensObjShearE1dimensionlessREAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (B12) shear polarizability e1 term from forced i filter detections.
iLensObjShearE2dimensionlessREAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (B12) shear polarizability e2 term from forced i filter detections.
iLensPSFSmearX11arcsec^-2REAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (A11) smear polarizability X11 term from PSF model for forced i filter detections.
iLensPSFSmearX12arcsec^-2REAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (A11) smear polarizability X12 term from PSF model for forced i filter detections.
iLensPSFSmearX22arcsec^-2REAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (A11) smear polarizability X22 term from PSF model for forced i filter detections.
iLensPSFSmearE1arcsec^-2REAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (A12) smear polarizability e1 term from PSF model for forced i filter detections.
iLensPSFSmearE2arcsec^-2REAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (A12) smear polarizability e2 term from PSF model for forced i filter detections.
iLensPSFShearX11dimensionlessREAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (B11) shear polarizability X11 term from PSF model for forced i filter detections.
iLensPSFShearX12dimensionlessREAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (B11) shear polarizability X12 term from PSF model for forced i filter detections.
iLensPSFShearX22dimensionlessREAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (B11) shear polarizability X22 term from PSF model for forced i filter detections.
iLensPSFShearE1dimensionlessREAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (B12) shear polarizability e1 term from PSF model for forced i filter detections.
iLensPSFShearE2dimensionlessREAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (B12) shear polarizability e2 term from PSF model forced i filter detections.
zLensObjSmearX11arcsec^-2REAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (A11) smear polarizability X11 term from forced z filter detections.
zLensObjSmearX12arcsec^-2REAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (A11) smear polarizability X12 term from forced z filter detections.
zLensObjSmearX22arcsec^-2REAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (A11) smear polarizability X22 term from forced z filter detections.
zLensObjSmearE1arcsec^-2REAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (A12) smear polarizability e1 term from forced z filter detections.
zLensObjSmearE2arcsec^-2REAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (A12) smear polarizability e2 term from forced z filter detections.
zLensObjShearX11dimensionlessREAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (B11) shear polarizability X11 term from forced z filter detections.
zLensObjShearX12dimensionlessREAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (B11) shear polarizability X12 term from forced z filter detections.
zLensObjShearX22dimensionlessREAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (B11) shear polarizability X22 term from forced z filter detections.
zLensObjShearE1dimensionlessREAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (B12) shear polarizability e1 term from forced z filter detections.
zLensObjShearE2dimensionlessREAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (B12) shear polarizability e2 term from forced z filter detections.
zLensPSFSmearX11arcsec^-2REAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (A11) smear polarizability X11 term from PSF model for forced z filter detections.
zLensPSFSmearX12arcsec^-2REAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (A11) smear polarizability X12 term from PSF model for forced z filter detections.
zLensPSFSmearX22arcsec^-2REAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (A11) smear polarizability X22 term from PSF model for forced z filter detections.
zLensPSFSmearE1arcsec^-2REAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (A12) smear polarizability e1 term from PSF model for forced z filter detections.
zLensPSFSmearE2arcsec^-2REAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (A12) smear polarizability e2 term from PSF model for forced z filter detections.
zLensPSFShearX11dimensionlessREAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (B11) shear polarizability X11 term from PSF model for forced z filter detections.
zLensPSFShearX12dimensionlessREAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (B11) shear polarizability X12 term from PSF model for forced z filter detections.
zLensPSFShearX22dimensionlessREAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (B11) shear polarizability X22 term from PSF model for forced z filter detections.
zLensPSFShearE1dimensionlessREAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (B12) shear polarizability e1 term from PSF model for forced z filter detections.
zLensPSFShearE2dimensionlessREAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (B12) shear polarizability e2 term from PSF model forced z filter detections.
yLensObjSmearX11arcsec^-2REAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (A11) smear polarizability X11 term from forced y filter detections.
yLensObjSmearX12arcsec^-2REAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (A11) smear polarizability X12 term from forced y filter detections.
yLensObjSmearX22arcsec^-2REAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (A11) smear polarizability X22 term from forced y filter detections.
yLensObjSmearE1arcsec^-2REAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (A12) smear polarizability e1 term from forced y filter detections.
yLensObjSmearE2arcsec^-2REAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (A12) smear polarizability e2 term from forced y filter detections.
yLensObjShearX11dimensionlessREAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (B11) shear polarizability X11 term from forced y filter detections.
yLensObjShearX12dimensionlessREAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (B11) shear polarizability X12 term from forced y filter detections.
yLensObjShearX22dimensionlessREAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (B11) shear polarizability X22 term from forced y filter detections.
yLensObjShearE1dimensionlessREAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (B12) shear polarizability e1 term from forced y filter detections.
yLensObjShearE2dimensionlessREAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (B12) shear polarizability e2 term from forced y filter detections.
yLensPSFSmearX11arcsec^-2REAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (A11) smear polarizability X11 term from PSF model for forced y filter detections.
yLensPSFSmearX12arcsec^-2REAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (A11) smear polarizability X12 term from PSF model for forced y filter detections.
yLensPSFSmearX22arcsec^-2REAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (A11) smear polarizability X22 term from PSF model for forced y filter detections.
yLensPSFSmearE1arcsec^-2REAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (A12) smear polarizability e1 term from PSF model for forced y filter detections.
yLensPSFSmearE2arcsec^-2REAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (A12) smear polarizability e2 term from PSF model for forced y filter detections.
yLensPSFShearX11dimensionlessREAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (B11) shear polarizability X11 term from PSF model for forced y filter detections.
yLensPSFShearX12dimensionlessREAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (B11) shear polarizability X12 term from PSF model for forced y filter detections.
yLensPSFShearX22dimensionlessREAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (B11) shear polarizability X22 term from PSF model for forced y filter detections.
yLensPSFShearE1dimensionlessREAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (B12) shear polarizability e1 term from PSF model for forced y filter detections.
yLensPSFShearE2dimensionlessREAL4-999Kaiser et al. (1995) equation (B12) shear polarizability e2 term from PSF model forced y filter detections.

Tables included in DR2

These tables were not included in DR1 but are in the DR2 database.


Description: Contains single epoch photometry of individual detections from a single exposure. The identifiers connecting the detection back to the original image and to the object association are provided. PSF, aperture, and Kron (1980) photometry are included, along with sky and detector coordinate positions. References: Kron, R. G. 1980, ApJS, 43, 305.
NameUnitData TypeSizeDefault ValueDescription
objIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique object identifier.
uniquePspsP2iddimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique internal PSPS detection identifier.
detectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique detection identifier.
ippObjIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal object identifier.
ippDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal detection identifier.
filterIDdimensionlessTINYINT1NAFilter identifier. Details in the Filter table.
surveyIDdimensionlessTINYINT1NASurvey identifier. Details in the Survey table.
imageIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique image identifier. Constructed as (100 * frameID + ccdID).
randomDetIDdimensionlessFLOAT8NARandom value drawn from the interval between zero and one.
dvoRegionIDdimensionlessINT4-1Internal DVO region identifier.
obsTimedaysFLOAT8-999Modified Julian Date at the midpoint of the observation. Note these are international atomic time rather than UTC, so if you want UTC times you will need to add 34 or 35 seconds to correct for leap seconds.
xPosraw pixelsREAL4-999PSF x center location.
yPosraw pixelsREAL4-999PSF y center location.
xPosErrraw pixelsREAL4-999Error in PSF x center location.
yPosErrraw pixelsREAL4-999Error in PSF y center location.
pltScalearcsec/pixelREAL4-999Local plate scale at this location.
posAngledegreesREAL4-999Position angle (sky-to-chip) at this location.
radegreesFLOAT8-999Right ascension.
raErrarcsecREAL4-999Right ascension error.
decErrarcsecREAL4-999Declination error.
extNSigmadimensionlessREAL40An extendedness measure based on the deviation between PSF and Kron (1980) magnitudes, normalized by the PSF magnitude uncertainty.
zpmagnitudesREAL40Photometric zeropoint. Necessary for converting listed fluxes and magnitudes back to measured ADU counts.
telluricExtmagnitudesREAL4NAEstimated Telluric extinction due to non-photometric observing conditions. Necessary for converting listed fluxes and magnitudes back to measured ADU counts.
expTimesecondsREAL4-999Exposure time of the frame/exposure. Necessary for converting listed fluxes and magnitudes back to measured ADU counts.
airMassdimensionlessREAL40Airmass at midpoint of the exposure. Necessary for converting listed fluxes and magnitudes back to measured ADU counts.
psfFluxJanskysREAL4-999Flux from PSF fit.
psfFluxErrJanskysREAL4-999Error on flux from PSF fit.
psfMajorFWHMarcsecREAL4-999PSF major axis FWHM.
psfMinorFWHMarcsecREAL4-999PSF minor axis FWHM.
psfThetadegreesREAL4-999PSF major axis orientation.
psfCoredimensionlessREAL4-999PSF core parameter k, where F = F0 / (1 + k r^2 + r^3.33).
psfQfdimensionlessREAL4-999PSF coverage factor.
psfQfPerfectdimensionlessREAL4-999PSF weighted fraction of pixels totally unmasked.
psfChiSqdimensionlessREAL4-999Reduced chi squared value of the PSF model fit.
psfLikelihooddimensionlessREAL4-999Likelihood that this detection is best fit by a PSF.
momentXXarcsec^2REAL4-999Second moment M_xx.
momentXYarcsec^2REAL4-999Second moment M_xy.
momentYYarcsec^2REAL4-999Second moment M_yy.
momentR1arcsecREAL4-999First radial moment.
momentRHarcsec^0.5REAL4-999Half radial moment (r^0.5 weighting).
momentM3Carcsec^2REAL4-999Cosine of trefoil second moment term: r^2 cos(3 theta) = M_xxx - 3 * M_xyy.
momentM3Sarcsec^2REAL4-999Sine of trefoil second moment: r^2 sin (3 theta) = 3 * M_xxy - M_yyy.
momentM4Carcsec^2REAL4-999Cosine of quadrupole second moment: r^2 cos (4 theta) = M_xxxx - 6 * M_xxyy + M_yyyy.
momentM4Sarcsec^2REAL4-999Sine of quadrupole second moment: r^2 sin (4 theta) = 4 * M_xxxy - 4 * M_xyyy.
apFluxJanskysREAL4-999Flux in seeing-dependent aperture.
apFluxErrJanskysREAL4-999Error on flux in seeing-dependent aperture.
apFillFdimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor.
apRadiusarcsecREAL4-999Aperture radius.
kronFluxJanskysREAL4-999Kron (1980) flux.
kronFluxErrJanskysREAL4-999Error on Kron (1980) flux.
kronRadarcsecREAL4-999Kron (1980) radius.
skyJanskys/arcsec^2REAL4-999Background sky level.
skyErrJanskys/arcsec^2REAL4-999Error in background sky level.
infoFlagdimensionlessBIGINT80Information flag bitmask indicating details of the photometry. Values listed in DetectionFlags.
infoFlag2dimensionlessINT40Information flag bitmask indicating details of the photometry. Values listed in DetectionFlags2.
infoFlag3dimensionlessINT40Information flag bitmask indicating details of the photometry. Values listed in DetectionFlags3.
processingVersiondimensionlessTINYINT1NAData release version.


Description: Contains single epoch forced photometry of individual measurements of objects detected in the stacked images. The identifiers connecting the measurement back to the original image and to the object association are provided. PSF, aperture, and Kron (1980) photometry are included, along with sky and detector coordinate positions. References: Kron, R. G. 1980, ApJS, 43, 305.
NameUnitData TypeSizeDefault ValueDescription
objIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique object identifier.
uniquePspsFWiddimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique internal PSPS forced warp identifier.
detectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique detection identifier.
ippObjIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal object identifier.
ippDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal detection identifier.
filterIDdimensionlessTINYINT1NAFilter identifier. Details in the Filter table.
surveyIDdimensionlessTINYINT1NASurvey identifier. Details in the Survey table.
forcedSummaryIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique forced warp summary identifier.
forcedWarpIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique forced warp identifier.
randomWarpIDdimensionlessFLOAT8NARandom value drawn from the interval between zero and one.
tessIDdimensionlessTINYINT10Tessellation identifier. Details in the TessellationType table.
projectionIDdimensionlessSMALLINT2-1Projection cell identifier.
skyCellIDdimensionlessTINYINT1255Skycell region identifier.
dvoRegionIDdimensionlessINT4-1Internal DVO region identifier.
obsTimedaysFLOAT8-999Modified Julian Date at the midpoint of the observation. Note these are international atomic time rather than UTC, so if you want UTC times you will need to add 34 or 35 seconds to correct for leap seconds.
zpmagnitudesREAL40Photometric zeropoint. Necessary for converting listed fluxes and magnitudes back to measured ADU counts.
telluricExtmagnitudesREAL4NAEstimated Telluric extinction due to non-photometric observing conditions. Necessary for converting listed fluxes and magnitudes back to measured ADU counts.
expTimesecondsREAL4-999Exposure time of the frame/exposure. Necessary for converting listed fluxes and magnitudes back to measured ADU counts.
airMassdimensionlessREAL40Airmass at midpoint of the exposure. Necessary for converting listed fluxes and magnitudes back to measured ADU counts.
FpsfFluxJanskysREAL4-999PSF flux.
FpsfFluxErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in PSF flux.
xPosChipraw pixelsREAL4-999PSF x position in original chip pixels.
yPosChipraw pixelsREAL4-999PSF y position in original chip pixels.
FccdIDdimensionslessSMALLINT2-999OTA identifier of original chip (see ImageMeta).
FpsfMajorFWHMarcsecREAL4-999PSF major axis FWHM.
FpsfMinorFWHMarcsecREAL4-999PSF minor axis FWHM.
FpsfThetadegreesREAL4-999PSF major axis orientation.
FpsfCoredimensionlessREAL4-999PSF core parameter k, where F = F0 / (1 + k r^2 + r^3.33).
FpsfQfdimensionlessREAL4-999PSF coverage factor.
FpsfQfPerfectdimensionlessREAL4-999PSF weighted fraction of pixels totally unmasked.
FpsfChiSqdimensionlessREAL4-999Reduced chi squared value of the PSF model fit.
FmomentXXarcsec^2REAL4-999Second moment M_xx.
FmomentXYarcsec^2REAL4-999Second moment M_xy.
FmomentYYarcsec^2REAL4-999Second moment M_yy.
FmomentR1arcsecREAL4-999First radial moment.
FmomentRHarcsec^0.5REAL4-999Half radial moment (r^0.5 weighting).
FmomentM3Carcsec^2REAL4-999Cosine of trefoil second moment term: r^2 cos(3 theta) = M_xxx - 3 * M_xyy.
FmomentM3Sarcsec^2REAL4-999Sine of trefoil second moment: r^2 sin (3 theta) = 3 * M_xxy - M_yyy.
FmomentM4Carcsec^2REAL4-999Cosine of quadrupole second moment: r^2 cos (4 theta) = M_xxxx - 6 * M_xxyy + M_yyyy.
FmomentM4Sarcsec^2REAL4-999Sine of quadrupole second moment: r^2 sin (4 theta) = 4 * M_xxxy - 4 * M_xyyy.
FapFluxJanskysREAL4-999Aperture flux.
FapFluxErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in aperture flux.
FapFillFdimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor.
FapRadiusarcsecREAL4-999Aperture radius for forced warp detection.
FkronFluxJanskysREAL4-999Kron (1980) flux.
FkronFluxErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in Kron (1980) flux.
FkronRadarcsecREAL4-999Kron (1980) radius.
FskyJanskys/arcsec^2REAL4-999Background sky level.
FskyErrJanskys/arcsec^2REAL4-999Error in background sky level.
FinfoFlagdimensionlessBIGINT80Information flag bitmask indicating details of the photometry. Values listed in DetectionFlags.
FinfoFlag2dimensionlessINT40Information flag bitmask indicating details of the photometry. Values listed in DetectionFlags2.
FinfoFlag3dimensionlessINT40Information flag bitmask indicating details of the photometry. Values listed in DetectionFlags3.
processingVersiondimensionlessTINYINT1NAData release version.


Description: Contains the single epoch forced photometry fluxes within the SDSS R5 (r = 3.00 arcsec), R6 (r = 4.63 arcsec), and R7 (r = 7.43 arcsec) apertures (Stoughton 2003) for objects detected in the stacked images. References: Stoughton, C., Lupton, R. H., Bernardi, M., et al. 2003, AJ, 123, 485.
NameUnitData TypeSizeDefault ValueDescription
objIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique object identifier.
uniquePspsFWiddimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique internal PSPS forced warp identifier.
detectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique detection identifier.
ippObjIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal object identifier.
ippDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal detection identifier.
filterIDdimensionlessTINYINT1NAFilter identifier. Details in the Filter table.
surveyIDdimensionlessTINYINT1NASurvey identifier. Details in the Survey table.
forcedWarpIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique forced warp identifier.
randomWarpIDdimensionlessFLOAT8NARandom value drawn from the interval between zero and one.
tessIDdimensionlessTINYINT10Tessellation identifier. Details in the TessellationType table.
projectionIDdimensionlessSMALLINT2-1Projection cell identifier.
skyCellIDdimensionlessTINYINT1255Skycell region identifier.
dvoRegionIDdimensionlessINT4-1Internal DVO region identifier.
obsTimedaysFLOAT8-999Modified Julian Date at the midpoint of the observation. Note these are international atomic time rather than UTC, so if you want UTC times you will need to add 34 or 35 seconds to correct for leap seconds.
flxR5JanskysREAL4-999Flux from forced photometry measurement within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
flxR5ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from forced photometry measurement within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
flxR5StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from forced photometry measurement within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
flxR5FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for forced photometry measurement within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec.
flxR6JanskysREAL4-999Flux from forced photometry measurement within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
flxR6ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from forced photometry measurement within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
flxR6StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from forced photometry measurement within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
flxR6FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for forced photometry measurement within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec.
flxR7JanskysREAL4-999Flux from forced photometry measurement within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
flxR7ErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in flux from forced photometry measurement within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
flxR7StdJanskysREAL4-999Standard deviation of flux from forced photometry measurement within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.
flxR7FilldimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor for forced photometry measurement within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.


Description: Contains an entry for objects detected in the stacked images which were in the footprint of a single epoch exposure, but for which there are no unmasked pixels at that epoch.
NameUnitData TypeSizeDefault ValueDescription
objIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique object identifier.
uniquePspsFWiddimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique internal PSPS forced warp identifier.
ippObjIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal object identifier.
ippDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal detection identifier.
filterIDdimensionlessTINYINT1NAFilter identifier. Details in the Filter table.
surveyIDdimensionlessTINYINT1NASurvey identifier. Details in the Survey table.
forcedSummaryIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAForced warp summary meta identifier
forcedWarpIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique forced warp identifier.
randomWarpIDdimensionlessFLOAT8NARandom value drawn from the interval between zero and one.
tessIDdimensionlessTINYINT10Tessellation identifier. Details in the TessellationType table.
projectionIDdimensionlessSMALLINT2-1Projection cell identifier.
skyCellIDdimensionlessREAL4-999Skycell region identifier.
dvoRegionIDdimensionlessREAL4-999Internal DVO region identifier.
obsTimedaysFLOAT8-999Modified Julian Date at the midpoint of the observation. Note these are international atomic time rather than UTC, so if you want UTC times you will need to add 34 or 35 seconds to correct for leap seconds.


Description: Contains the extended source galaxy shape parameters. All filters are matched into a single row. The positions, magnitudes, fluxes, and Sersic indices are inherited from their parent measurement in the StackModelFit tables, and are reproduced here for convenience. The major and minor axes and orientation are recalculated on a warp-by-warp basis from the best fit given these inherited properties. References: Sersic, J. L. 1963, Boletin de la Asociacion Argentina de Astronomia La Plata Argentina, 6, 41.
NameUnitData TypeSizeDefault ValueDescription
objIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique object identifier.
uniquePspsFGiddimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique internal PSPS forced galaxy identifier.
ippObjIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal object identifier.
surveyIDdimensionlessTINYINT1NASurvey identifier. Details in the Survey table.
randomForcedGalIDdimensionlessFLOAT8NARandom value drawn from the interval between zero and one.
galModelTypedimensionlessTINYINT1-999Galaxy model identifier.
nFilterdimensionlessTINYINT1-999Number of filters with valid model measurements.
gippDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal detection identifier.
gstackImageIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack identifier for the g filter stack that was the original detection source.
gGalMajorarcsecREAL4-999Galaxy major axis for g filter measurement.
gGalMajorErrarcsecREAL4-999Error in galaxy major axis for g filter measurement.
gGalMinorarcsecREAL4-999Galaxy minor axis for g filter measurement.
gGalMinorErrarcsecREAL4-999Error in galaxy minor axis for g filter measurement.
gGalMagAB magnitudesREAL4-999Galaxy fit magnitude for g filter measurement.
gGalMagErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in galaxy fit magnitude for g filter measurement.
gGalPhidegreesREAL4-999Major axis position angle of the model fit for the g filter measurement.
gGalIndexdimensionlessREAL4-999Sersic index of the model fit for the g filter measurement.
gGalFlagsdimensionlessSMALLINT2-999Analysis flags for the galaxy model chi-square fit (g filter measurement, values defined in ForcedGalaxyShapeFlags).
gGalChisqdimensionlessREAL4-999Reduced chi squared value for g filter measurement.
rippDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal detection identifier.
rstackImageIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack identifier for the r filter stack that was the original detection source.
rGalMajorarcsecREAL4-999Galaxy major axis for r filter measurement.
rGalMajorErrarcsecREAL4-999Error in galaxy major axis for r filter measurement.
rGalMinorarcsecREAL4-999Galaxy minor axis for r filter measurement.
rGalMinorErrarcsecREAL4-999Error in galaxy minor axis for r filter measurement.
rGalMagAB magnitudesREAL4-999Galaxy fit magnitude for r filter measurement.
rGalMagErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in galaxy fit magnitude for r filter measurement.
rGalPhidegreesREAL4-999Major axis position angle of the model fit for the r filter measurement.
rGalIndexdimensionlessREAL4-999Sersic index of the model fit for the r filter measurement.
rGalFlagsdimensionlessSMALLINT2-999Analysis flags for the galaxy model chi-square fit (r filter measurement, values defined in ForcedGalaxyShapeFlags).
rGalChisqdimensionlessREAL4-999Reduced chi squared value for r filter measurement.
iippDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal detection identifier.
istackImageIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack identifier for the i filter stack that was the original detection source.
iGalMajorarcsecREAL4-999Galaxy major axis for i filter measurement.
iGalMajorErrarcsecREAL4-999Error in galaxy major axis for i filter measurement.
iGalMinorarcsecREAL4-999Galaxy minor axis for i filter measurement.
iGalMinorErrarcsecREAL4-999Error in galaxy minor axis for i filter measurement.
iGalMagAB magnitudesREAL4-999Galaxy fit magnitude for i filter measurement.
iGalMagErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in galaxy fit magnitude for i filter measurement.
iGalPhidegreesREAL4-999Major axis position angle of the model fit for the i filter measurement.
iGalIndexdimensionlessREAL4-999Sersic index of the model fit for the i filter measurement.
iGalFlagsdimensionlessSMALLINT2-999Analysis flags for the galaxy model chi-square fit (i filter measurement, values defined in ForcedGalaxyShapeFlags).
iGalChisqdimensionlessREAL4-999Reduced chi squared value for i filter measurement.
zippDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal detection identifier.
zstackImageIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack identifier for the z filter stack that was the original detection source.
zGalMajorarcsecREAL4-999Galaxy major axis for z filter measurement.
zGalMajorErrarcsecREAL4-999Error in galaxy major axis for z filter measurement.
zGalMinorarcsecREAL4-999Galaxy minor axis for z filter measurement.
zGalMinorErrarcsecREAL4-999Error in galaxy minor axis for z filter measurement.
zGalMagAB magnitudesREAL4-999Galaxy fit magnitude for z filter measurement.
zGalMagErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in galaxy fit magnitude for z filter measurement.
zGalPhidegreesREAL4-999Major axis position angle of the model fit for the z filter measurement.
zGalIndexdimensionlessREAL4-999Sersic index of the model fit for the z filter measurement.
zGalFlagsdimensionlessSMALLINT2-999Analysis flags for the galaxy model chi-square fit (z filter measurement, values defined in ForcedGalaxyShapeFlags).
zGalChisqdimensionlessREAL4-999Reduced chi squared value for z filter measurement.
yippDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal detection identifier.
ystackImageIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack identifier for the z filter stack that was the original detection source.
yGalMajorarcsecREAL4-999Galaxy major axis for y filter measurement.
yGalMajorErrarcsecREAL4-999Error in galaxy major axis for y filter measurement.
yGalMinorarcsecREAL4-999Galaxy minor axis for y filter measurement.
yGalMinorErrarcsecREAL4-999Error in galaxy minor axis for y filter measurement.
yGalMagAB magnitudesREAL4-999Galaxy fit magnitude for y filter measurement.
yGalMagErrAB magnitudesREAL4-999Error in galaxy fit magnitude for y filter measurement.
yGalPhidegreesREAL4-999Major axis position angle of the model fit for the y filter measurement.
yGalIndexdimensionlessREAL4-999Sersic index of the model fit for the y filter measurement.
yGalFlagsdimensionlessSMALLINT2-999Analysis flags for the galaxy model chi-square fit (y filter measurement, values defined in ForcedGalaxyShapeFlags).
yGalChisqdimensionlessREAL4-999Reduced chi squared value for y filter measurement.


Description: Contains the galaxy shape and concentration parameters measured from the stack detections. See StackObjectThin table for discussion of primary, secondary, and best detections. References: Blakeslee, J. P., Holden, B. P., Franx, M., et al. 2006, ApJ, 644, 30; Cheng, J. Y., Faber, S. M., Schade, D., Lilly, S. J., Crampton, D., et al. 1995, ApJL, 451, L1; Simard, L., et al. 2011, MNRAS, 412, 727; Simard, L., Willmer, C. N. A., Vogt, N. P., et al. 2003, ApJS, 142, 1.
NameUnitData TypeSizeDefault ValueDescription
objIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique object identifier.
uniquePspsSTiddimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique internal PSPS stack identifier.
ippObjIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal object identifier.
randomStackObjIDdimensionlessFLOAT8NARandom value drawn from the interval between zero and one.
primaryDetectiondimensionlessTINYINT1255Identifies if this row is the primary stack detection.
bestDetectiondimensionlessTINYINT1255Identifies if this row is the best detection.
gippDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal detection identifier.
gstackDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack detection identifier.
gstackImageIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack identifier for g filter detection.
gS2dimensionlessREAL4-999Smoothness parameter s2 from g filter stack detection (Cheng 2011; Simard 2003).
glogRTdimensionlessREAL4-999Total residual from elliptically symmetric model from g filter stack detection (Cheng 2011; Simard 2003; Schade 1995).
glogRAdimensionlessREAL4-999Asymmetric residual from elliptically symmetric model from g filter stack detection (Cheng 2011; Simard 2003; Schade 1995).
gbumpydimensionlessREAL4-999Bumpiness parameter from g filter stack detection (Blakeslee 2006).
ghalfLightRadarcsecREAL4-999Half-light radius from g filter stack detection.
rippDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal detection identifier.
rstackDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack detection identifier.
rstackImageIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack identifier for r filter detection.
rS2dimensionlessREAL4-999Smoothness parameter s2 from r filter stack detection (Cheng 2011; Simard 2003).
rlogRTdimensionlessREAL4-999Total residual from elliptically symmetric model from r filter stack detection (Cheng 2011; Simard 2003; Schade 1995).
rlogRAdimensionlessREAL4-999Asymmetric residual from elliptically symmetric model from r filter stack detection (Cheng 2011; Simard 2003; Schade 1995).
rbumpydimensionlessREAL4-999Bumpiness parameter from r filter stack detection (Blakeslee 2006).
rhalfLightRadarcsecREAL4-999Half-light radius from r filter stack detection.
iippDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal detection identifier.
istackDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack detection identifier.
istackImageIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack identifier for i filter detection.
iS2dimensionlessREAL4-999Smoothness parameter s2 from i filter stack detection (Cheng 2011; Simard 2003).
ilogRTdimensionlessREAL4-999Total residual from elliptically symmetric model from i filter stack detection (Cheng 2011; Simard 2003; Schade 1995).
ilogRAdimensionlessREAL4-999Asymmetric residual from elliptically symmetric model from i filter stack detection (Cheng 2011; Simard 2003; Schade 1995).
ibumpydimensionlessREAL4-999Bumpiness parameter from i filter stack detection (Blakeslee 2006).
ihalfLightRadarcsecREAL4-999Half-light radius from i filter stack detection.
zippDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal detection identifier.
zstackDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack detection identifier.
zstackImageIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack identifier for z filter detection.
zS2dimensionlessREAL4-999Smoothness parameter s2 from z filter stack detection (Cheng 2011; Simard 2003).
zlogRTdimensionlessREAL4-999Total residual from elliptically symmetric model from z filter stack detection (Cheng 2011; Simard 2003; Schade 1995).
zlogRAdimensionlessREAL4-999Asymmetric residual from elliptically symmetric model from z filter stack detection (Cheng 2011; Simard 2003; Schade 1995).
zbumpydimensionlessREAL4-999Bumpiness parameter from z filter stack detection (Blakeslee 2006).
zhalfLightRadarcsecREAL4-999Half-light radius from z filter stack detection.
yippDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal detection identifier.
ystackDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack detection identifier.
ystackImageIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique stack identifier for y filter detection.
yS2dimensionlessREAL4-999Smoothness parameter s2 from y filter stack detection (Cheng 2011; Simard 2003).
ylogRTdimensionlessREAL4-999Total residual from elliptically symmetric model from y filter stack detection (Cheng 2011; Simard 2003; Schade 1995).
ylogRAdimensionlessREAL4-999Asymmetric residual from elliptically symmetric model from y filter stack detection (Cheng 2011; Simard 2003; Schade 1995).
ybumpydimensionlessREAL4-999Bumpiness parameter from y filter stack detection (Blakeslee 2006).
yhalfLightRadarcsecREAL4-999Half-light radius from y filter stack detection.

Tables not included in DR1 or DR2

The tables below are not part of the DR1 or DR2 databases (yet), but their descriptions are included for completeness.


Description: Contains the photometry of individual detections from a difference image. The identifiers connecting the detection back to the difference image and to the object association are provided. PSF, aperture, and Kron (1980) photometry are included, along with sky and detector coordinate positions. Statistics References: Kron, R. G. 1980, ApJS, 43, 305.
NameUnitData TypeSizeDefault ValueDescription
diffObjIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique difference object identifier.
uniquePspsDFiddimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique internal PSPS difference detection identifier.
diffDetIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique difference detection identifier.
diffImageIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NADifference detection meta identifier.
ippObjIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal object identifier.
ippDetectIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal detection identifier.
fromPosImagedimensionlessTINYINT1NADetection is from positive image (if 1) or negative image (if 0).
filterIDdimensionlessTINYINT1NAFilter identifier. Details in the Filter table.
surveyIDdimensionlessTINYINT1NASurvey identifier. Details in the Survey table.
randomDiffIDdimensionlessFLOAT8NARandom value drawn from the interval between zero and one.
tessIDdimensionlessTINYINT10Tessellation identifier. Details in the TessellationType table.
projectionIDdimensionlessSMALLINT2-1Projection cell identifier.
skyCellIDdimensionlessTINYINT1255Skycell region identifier.
dvoRegionIDdimensionlessINT4-1Internal DVO region identifier.
obsTimedaysFLOAT8-999Modified Julian Date at the midpoint of the observation. Note these are international atomic time rather than UTC, so if you want UTC times you will need to add 34 or 35 seconds to correct for leap seconds.
xPossky pixelsREAL4-999PSF x center location.
yPossky pixelsREAL4-999PSF y center location.
xPosErrsky pixelsREAL4-999Error in PSF x center location.
yPosErrsky pixelsREAL4-999Error in PSF y center location.
pltScalearcsec/pixelREAL4-999Local plate scale at this location.
posAngledegreesREAL4-999Position angle (sky-to-chip) at this location.
radegreesFLOAT8-999Right ascension.
raErrarcsecREAL4-999Right ascension error.
decErrarcsecREAL4-999Declination error.
zpmagnitudesREAL40Photometric zeropoint. Necessary for converting listed fluxes and magnitudes back to measured ADU counts.
telluricExtmagnitudesREAL4NAEstimated Telluric extinction due to non-photometric observing conditions. Necessary for converting listed fluxes and magnitudes back to measured ADU counts.
expTimesecondsREAL4-999Exposure time of the positive single-epoch image. Necessary for converting listed fluxes and magnitudes back to measured ADU counts.
airMassdimensionlessREAL40Airmass at midpoint of the exposure. Necessary for converting listed fluxes and magnitudes back to measured ADU counts.
DpsfFluxJanskysREAL4-999Flux from PSF fit.
DpsfFluxErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in PSF flux.
xPosChipraw pixelsREAL4-999PSF x position in original chip pixels.
yPosChipraw pixelsREAL4-999PSF y position in original chip pixels.
ccdIDdimensionslessSMALLINT2-999OTA identifier of original chip (see ImageMeta).
DpsfMajorFWHMarcsecREAL4-999PSF major axis FWHM.
DpsfMinorFWHMarcsecREAL4-999PSF minor axis FWHM.
DpsfThetadegreesREAL4-999PSF major axis orientation.
DpsfCoredimensionlessREAL4-999PSF core parameter k, where F = F0 / (1 + k r^2 + r^3.33).
DpsfQfdimensionlessREAL4-999PSF coverage factor.
DpsfQfPerfectdimensionlessREAL4-999PSF-weighted fraction of pixels totally unmasked.
DpsfChiSqdimensionlessREAL4-999Reduced chi squared value of the PSF model fit.
DpsfLikelihooddimensionlessREAL4-999Likelihood that this detection is best fit by a PSF.
DmomentXXarcsec^2REAL4-999Second moment M_xx.
DmomentXYarcsec^2REAL4-999Second moment M_xy.
DmomentYYarcsec^2REAL4-999Second moment M_yy.
DmomentR1arcsecREAL4-999First radial moment.
DmomentRHarcsec^0.5REAL4-999Half radial moment (r^0.5 weighting).
DapFluxJanskysREAL4-999Aperture flux.
DapFluxErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in aperture flux.
DapFillFdimensionlessREAL4-999Aperture fill factor.
DkronFluxJanskysREAL4-999Kron (1980) flux.
DkronFluxErrJanskysREAL4-999Error in Kron (1980) flux.
DkronRadarcsecREAL4-999Kron (1980) radius.
diffNPossky pixelsINT4-999Number of difference pixels within the aperture that are positive.
diffFPosRatiodimensionlessREAL4-999Ratio of the sum of positive flux pixel values to the sum of the absolute value of all unmasked pixel within the aperture.
diffNPosRatiodimensionlessREAL4-999Ratio of the number of positive flux pixels to the number of unmasked pixels within the aperture.
diffNPosMaskdimensionlessREAL4-999Ratio of the number of positive flux pixels to the number of positive or masked pixels within the aperture.
diffNPosAlldimensionlessREAL4-999Ratio of the number of positive flux pixels to the total number of all pixels within the aperture.
diffPosDistsky pixelsREAL4-999Distance to matching source in positive image.
diffNegDistsky pixelsREAL4-999Distance to matching source in negative image.
diffPosSNdimensionlessREAL4-999Signal to noise of matching source in positive image.
diffNegSNdimensionlessREAL4-999Signal to noise of matching source in negative image.
DskyJanskys/arcsec^2REAL4-999Background sky level.
DskyErrJanskys/arcsec^2REAL4-999Error in background sky level.
DinfoFlagdimensionlessBIGINT80Information flag bitmask indicating details of the photometry. Values listed in DetectionFlags.
DinfoFlag2dimensionlessINT40Information flag bitmask indicating details of the photometry. Values listed in DetectionFlags2.
DinfoFlag3dimensionlessINT40Information flag bitmask indicating details of the photometry. Values listed in DetectionFlags3.
processingVersiondimensionlessTINYINT1NAData release version.


Description: Contains the positional information for difference detection objects in a number of coordinate systems. The objects associate difference detections within a one arcsecond radius. The number of detections in each filter from is listed, along with maximum coverage fractions. References: Szalay, A. S., Gray, J., Fekete, G., et al. 2007, arXiv:cs/0701164.
NameUnitData TypeSizeDefault ValueDescription
diffObjNamedimensionlessVARCHAR(32)32NAIAU name for this object.
diffObjPSONamedimensionlessVARCHAR(32)32NAAlternate Pan-STARRS name for this object.
diffObjAltName1dimensionlessVARCHAR(32)32 Altername name for this object.
diffObjAltName2dimensionlessVARCHAR(32)32 Altername name for this object.
diffObjAltName3dimensionlessVARCHAR(32)32 Altername name for this object.
diffObjPopularNamedimensionlessVARCHAR(140)140 Well known name for this object.
diffObjIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique difference object identifier.
uniquePspsDOiddimensionlessBIGINT8NAUnique internal PSPS difference object identifier.
ippObjIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAIPP internal object identifier.
surveyIDdimensionlessTINYINT1NASurvey identifier. Details in the Survey table.
htmIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAHierarchical triangular mesh (Szalay 2007) index.
zoneIDdimensionlessINT4NALocal zone index, found by dividing the sky into bands of declination 1/2 arcminute in height: zoneID = floor((90 + declination)/0.0083333).
randomDiffObjIDdimensionlessFLOAT8NARandom value drawn from the interval between zero and one.
batchIDdimensionlessBIGINT8NAInternal database batch identifier.
dvoRegionIDdimensionlessINT4-1Internal DVO region identifier.
objInfoFlagdimensionlessINT40Information flag bitmask indicating details of the photometry. Values listed in ObjectInfoFlags.
qualityFlagdimensionlessTINYINT10Subset of objInfoFlag denoting whether this object is real or a likely false positive. Values listed in ObjectQualityFlags.
radegreesFLOAT8-999Right ascension mean.
decdegreesFLOAT8-999Declination mean.
cxdimensionlessFLOAT8NACartesian x on a unit sphere.
cydimensionlessFLOAT8NACartesian y on a unit sphere.
czdimensionlessFLOAT8NACartesian z on a unit sphere.
lambdadegreesFLOAT8-999Ecliptic longitude.
betadegreesFLOAT8-999Ecliptic latitude.
ldegreesFLOAT8-999Galactic longitude.
bdegreesFLOAT8-999Galactic latitude.
gQfPerfectdimensionlessREAL4-999Maximum PSF weighted fraction of pixels totally unmasked from g filter detections.
rQfPerfectdimensionlessREAL4-999Maximum PSF weighted fraction of pixels totally unmasked from r filter detections.
iQfPerfectdimensionlessREAL4-999Maximum PSF weighted fraction of pixels totally unmasked from i filter detections.
zQfPerfectdimensionlessREAL4-999Maximum PSF weighted fraction of pixels totally unmasked from z filter detections.
yQfPerfectdimensionlessREAL4-999Maximum PSF weighted fraction of pixels totally unmasked from y filter detections.
processingVersiondimensionlessTINYINT1NAData release version.
nDetectionsdimensionlessSMALLINT2-999Number of difference detections in all filters.
ngdimensionlessSMALLINT2-999Number of difference detections in g filter.
nrdimensionlessSMALLINT2-999Number of difference detections in r filter.
nidimensionlessSMALLINT2-999Number of difference detections in i filter.
nzdimensionlessSMALLINT2-999Number of difference detections in z filter.
nydimensionlessSMALLINT2-999Number of difference detections in y filter.

Views in DR1 and DR2

There are a number of views in the Pan-STARRS databases, which are generally cases where there are two related tables that are joined to make a wide table that includes columns from both tables.  Rather than make this page extremely long, we simply list the relevant views below with links to the individual pages that list the columns in those views.

There are also some views that are created because a very large table is broken up into multiple pieces for practical database implementation reasons.  The various chunks of rows are combined together into what looks like a single big table.  An example is the Detection table, which was simply too large to put into a single table.  Those "virtual" tables are listed above with the regular tables because they are never accessed by users as individual tables.  It is a confusing fact that they appear in the MyDB Views tab when exploring the database.

Name of ViewJoined tablesNotes
DetectionObjectViewObjectThin, DetectionDR2
DiffDetObjectViewDiffDetObject, DiffDetectionNot populated in DR2
ForcedGalaxyModelViewObjectThin, ForcedGalaxyShapeDR2
ForcedMeanObjectViewObjectThin, ForcedMeanObjectNot yet in DR2
MeanObjectViewMeanObject, ObjectThin
StackApFlxExGalCon6ObjectViewObjectThin, StackApFlxExGalCon6
StackApFlxExGalCon8ObjectViewObjectThin, StackApFlxExGalCon8
StackApFlxExGalUncViewObjectThin, StackApFlxExGalUnc
StackApFlxObjectView ObjectThin, StackApFlx, StackModelFitSer
StackModelFitDeVObjectViewObjectThin, StackModelFitDeV
StackModelFitExpObjectViewObjectThin, StackModelFitExp
StackModelFitPetObjectViewObjectThin, StackPetrosian
StackModelFitSerObjectViewObjectThin, StackModelFitSer
StackModelObjectViewObjectThin, StackModelFitExp, StackModelFitDeVm, StackModelFitSer, StackPetrosianNote: User beware that this view contains a lot of columns and selecting all of them is not recommended.
StackObjectViewObjectThin, StackObjectThin, StackObjectAttributes

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