The starting point for the PS1 data archive is at Pan-STARRS1 data archive home page.
This page describes a "View", which is a database table created by joining other tables.
Description: -- DiffDetObject join DiffDetection joined by diffobjID column. | |||||
Name | Unit | Data Type | Size | Default Value | Description |
diffObjName | dimensionless | VARCHAR(32) | 32 | NA | IAU name for this object. |
diffObjAltName1 | dimensionless | VARCHAR(32) | 32 | Altername name for this object. | |
diffObjAltName2 | dimensionless | VARCHAR(32) | 32 | Altername name for this object. | |
diffObjAltName3 | dimensionless | VARCHAR(32) | 32 | Altername name for this object. | |
diffObjID | dimensionless | BIGINT | 8 | NA | Unique difference object identifier. |
uniquePspsDOid | dimensionless | BIGINT | 8 | NA | Unique internal PSPS difference object identifier. |
ippObjID | dimensionless | BIGINT | 8 | NA | IPP internal object identifier. |
surveyID | dimensionless | TINYINT | 1 | NA | Survey identifier. Details in the Survey table. |
htmID | dimensionless | BIGINT | 8 | NA | Hierarchical triangular mesh (Szalay 2007) index. |
zoneID | dimensionless | INT | 4 | NA | Local zone index, found by dividing the sky into bands of declination 1/2 arcminute in height: zoneID = floor((90 + declination)/0.0083333). |
randomDiffObjID | dimensionless | FLOAT | 8 | NA | Random value drawn from the interval between zero and one. |
batchID | dimensionless | BIGINT | 8 | NA | Internal database batch identifier. |
dvoRegionID | dimensionless | INT | 4 | -1 | Internal DVO region identifier. |
objInfoFlag | dimensionless | INT | 4 | 0 | Information flag bitmask indicating details of the photometry. Values listed in ObjectInfoFlags. |
qualityFlag | dimensionless | TINYINT | 1 | 0 | Subset of objInfoFlag denoting whether this object is real or a likely false positive. Values listed in ObjectQualityFlags. |
ra | degrees | FLOAT | 8 | -999 | Right ascension. |
dec | |||||
cx | dimensionless | FLOAT | 8 | NA | Cartesian x on a unit sphere. |
cy | dimensionless | FLOAT | 8 | NA | Cartesian y on a unit sphere. |
cz | dimensionless | FLOAT | 8 | NA | Cartesian z on a unit sphere. |
lambda | degrees | FLOAT | 8 | -999 | Ecliptic longitude. |
beta | degrees | FLOAT | 8 | -999 | Ecliptic latitude. |
l | degrees | FLOAT | 8 | -999 | Galactic longitude. |
b | degrees | FLOAT | 8 | -999 | Galactic latitude. |
gQfPerfect | dimensionless | REAL | 4 | -999 | Maximum PSF weighted fraction of pixels totally unmasked from g filter detections. |
rQfPerfect | dimensionless | REAL | 4 | -999 | Maximum PSF weighted fraction of pixels totally unmasked from r filter detections. |
iQfPerfect | dimensionless | REAL | 4 | -999 | Maximum PSF weighted fraction of pixels totally unmasked from i filter detections. |
zQfPerfect | dimensionless | REAL | 4 | -999 | Maximum PSF weighted fraction of pixels totally unmasked from z filter detections. |
yQfPerfect | dimensionless | REAL | 4 | -999 | Maximum PSF weighted fraction of pixels totally unmasked from y filter detections. |
processingVersion | dimensionless | TINYINT | 1 | NA | Data release version. |
nDetections | dimensionless | SMALLINT | 2 | -999 | Number of difference detections in all filters. |
ng | dimensionless | SMALLINT | 2 | -999 | Number of difference detections in g filter. |
nr | dimensionless | SMALLINT | 2 | -999 | Number of difference detections in r filter. |
ni | dimensionless | SMALLINT | 2 | -999 | Number of difference detections in i filter. |
nz | dimensionless | SMALLINT | 2 | -999 | Number of difference detections in z filter. |
ny | dimensionless | SMALLINT | 2 | -999 | Number of difference detections in y filter. |
fromPosImage | dimensionless | TINYINT | 1 | NA | Detection is from positive image (if 1) or negative image (if 0). |
filterID | dimensionless | TINYINT | 1 | NA | Filter identifier. Details in the Filter table. |
tessID | dimensionless | TINYINT | 1 | 0 | Tessellation identifier. Details in the TessellationType table. |
projectionID | dimensionless | SMALLINT | 2 | -1 | Projection cell identifier. |
skyCellID | dimensionless | TINYINT | 1 | 255 | Skycell region identifier. |
obsTime | days | FLOAT | 8 | -999 | Modified Julian Date at the midpoint of the observation. Note these are international atomic time rather than UTC, so if you want UTC times you will need to add 34 or 35 seconds to correct for leap seconds. |
xPos | sky pixels | REAL | 4 | -999 | PSF x center location. |
yPos | sky pixels | REAL | 4 | -999 | PSF y center location. |
xPosErr | sky pixels | REAL | 4 | -999 | Error in PSF x center location. |
yPosErr | sky pixels | REAL | 4 | -999 | Error in PSF y center location. |
pltScale | arcsec/pixel | REAL | 4 | -999 | Local plate scale at this location. |
posAngle | degrees | REAL | 4 | -999 | Position angle (sky-to-chip) at this location. |
raErr | arcsec | REAL | 4 | -999 | Right ascension error. |
decErr | arcsec | REAL | 4 | -999 | Declination error. |
zp | magnitudes | REAL | 4 | 0 | Photometric zeropoint. Necessary for converting listed fluxes and magnitudes back to measured ADU counts. |
telluricExt | magnitudes | REAL | 4 | NA | Estimated Telluric extinction due to non-photometric observing conditions. Necessary for converting listed fluxes and magnitudes back to measured ADU counts. |
expTime | seconds | REAL | 4 | -999 | Exposure time of the positive single-epoch image. Necessary for converting listed fluxes and magnitudes back to measured ADU counts. |
airMass | dimensionless | REAL | 4 | 0 | Airmass at midpoint of the exposure. Necessary for converting listed fluxes and magnitudes back to measured ADU counts. |
DpsfFlux | Janskys | REAL | 4 | -999 | Flux from PSF fit. |
DpsfFluxErr | Janskys | REAL | 4 | -999 | Error in PSF flux. |
xPosChip | raw pixels | REAL | 4 | -999 | PSF x position in original chip pixels. |
yPosChip | raw pixels | REAL | 4 | -999 | PSF y position in original chip pixels. |
ccdID | dimensionsless | SMALLINT | 2 | -999 | OTA identifier of original chip (see ImageMeta). |
DpsfMajorFWHM | arcsec | REAL | 4 | -999 | PSF major axis FWHM. |
DpsfMinorFWHM | arcsec | REAL | 4 | -999 | PSF minor axis FWHM. |
DpsfTheta | degrees | REAL | 4 | -999 | PSF major axis orientation. |
DpsfCore | dimensionless | REAL | 4 | -999 | PSF core parameter k, where F = F0 / (1 + k r^2 + r^3.33). |
DpsfQf | dimensionless | REAL | 4 | -999 | PSF coverage factor. |
DpsfQfPerfect | dimensionless | REAL | 4 | -999 | PSF-weighted fraction of pixels totally unmasked. |
DpsfChiSq | dimensionless | REAL | 4 | -999 | Reduced chi squared value of the PSF model fit. |
DpsfLikelihood | dimensionless | REAL | 4 | -999 | Likelihood that this detection is best fit by a PSF. |
DmomentXX | arcsec^2 | REAL | 4 | -999 | Second moment M_xx. |
DmomentXY | arcsec^2 | REAL | 4 | -999 | Second moment M_xy. |
DmomentYY | arcsec^2 | REAL | 4 | -999 | Second moment M_yy. |
DmomentR1 | arcsec | REAL | 4 | -999 | First radial moment. |
DmomentRH | arcsec^0.5 | REAL | 4 | -999 | Half radial moment (r^0.5 weighting). |
DapFlux | Janskys | REAL | 4 | -999 | Aperture flux. |
DapFluxErr | Janskys | REAL | 4 | -999 | Error in aperture flux. |
DapFillF | dimensionless | REAL | 4 | -999 | Aperture fill factor. |
DkronFlux | Janskys | REAL | 4 | -999 | Kron (1980) flux. |
DkronFluxErr | Janskys | REAL | 4 | -999 | Error in Kron (1980) flux. |
DkronRad | arcsec | REAL | 4 | -999 | Kron (1980) radius. |
diffNPos | sky pixels | INT | 4 | -999 | Number of difference pixels within the aperture that are positive. |
diffFPosRatio | dimensionless | REAL | 4 | -999 | Ratio of the sum of positive flux pixel values to the sum of the absolute value of all unmasked pixel within the aperture. |
diffNPosRatio | dimensionless | REAL | 4 | -999 | Ratio of the number of positive flux pixels to the number of unmasked pixels within the aperture. |
diffNPosMask | dimensionless | REAL | 4 | -999 | Ratio of the number of positive flux pixels to the number of positive or masked pixels within the aperture. |
diffNPosAll | dimensionless | REAL | 4 | -999 | Ratio of the number of positive flux pixels to the total number of all pixels within the aperture. |
diffPosDist | sky pixels | REAL | 4 | -999 | Distance to matching source in positive image. |
diffNegDist | sky pixels | REAL | 4 | -999 | Distance to matching source in negative image. |
diffPosSN | dimensionless | REAL | 4 | -999 | Signal to noise of matching source in positive image. |
diffNegSN | dimensionless | REAL | 4 | -999 | Signal to noise of matching source in negative image. |
Dsky | Janskys/arcsec^2 | REAL | 4 | -999 | Background sky level. |
DskyErr | Janskys/arcsec^2 | REAL | 4 | -999 | Error in background sky level. |
DinfoFlag | dimensionless | BIGINT | 8 | 0 | Information flag bitmask indicating details of the photometry. Values listed in DetectionFlags. |
DinfoFlag2 | dimensionless | INT | 4 | 0 | Information flag bitmask indicating details of the photometry. Values listed in DetectionFlags2. |
DinfoFlag3 | dimensionless | INT | 4 | 0 | Information flag bitmask indicating details of the photometry. Values listed in DetectionFlags3. |