The starting point for the PS1 data archive is at Pan-STARRS1 data archive home page.
Description: Contains the extended source galaxy shape parameters. All filters are matched into a single row. The positions, magnitudes, fluxes, and Sersic indices are inherited from their parent measurement in the StackModelFit tables, and are reproduced here for convenience. The major and minor axes and orientation are recalculated on a warp-by-warp basis from the best fit given these inherited properties. References: Sersic, J. L. 1963, Boletin de la Asociacion Argentina de Astronomia La Plata Argentina, 6, 41. Name Unit Data Type Size Default Value Description objID dimensionless BIGINT 8 NA Unique object identifier. uniquePspsFGid dimensionless BIGINT 8 NA Unique internal PSPS forced galaxy identifier. ippObjID dimensionless BIGINT 8 NA IPP internal object identifier. surveyID dimensionless TINYINT 1 NA Survey identifier. Details in the Survey table. randomForcedGalID dimensionless FLOAT 8 NA Random value drawn from the interval between zero and one. galModelType dimensionless TINYINT 1 -999 Galaxy model identifier. nFilter dimensionless TINYINT 1 -999 Number of filters with valid model measurements. gippDetectID dimensionless BIGINT 8 NA IPP internal detection identifier. gstackImageID dimensionless BIGINT 8 NA Unique stack identifier for the g filter stack that was the original detection source. gGalMajor arcsec REAL 4 -999 Galaxy major axis for g filter measurement. gGalMajorErr arcsec REAL 4 -999 Error in galaxy major axis for g filter measurement. gGalMinor arcsec REAL 4 -999 Galaxy minor axis for g filter measurement. gGalMinorErr arcsec REAL 4 -999 Error in galaxy minor axis for g filter measurement. gGalMag AB magnitudes REAL 4 -999 Galaxy fit magnitude for g filter measurement. gGalMagErr AB magnitudes REAL 4 -999 Error in galaxy fit magnitude for g filter measurement. gGalPhi degrees REAL 4 -999 Major axis position angle of the model fit for the g filter measurement. gGalIndex dimensionless REAL 4 -999 Sersic index of the model fit for the g filter measurement. gGalFlags dimensionless SMALLINT 2 -999 Analysis flags for the galaxy model chi-square fit (g filter measurement, values defined in ForcedGalaxyShapeFlags). gGalChisq dimensionless REAL 4 -999 Reduced chi squared value for g filter measurement. rippDetectID dimensionless BIGINT 8 NA IPP internal detection identifier. rstackImageID dimensionless BIGINT 8 NA Unique stack identifier for the r filter stack that was the original detection source. rGalMajor arcsec REAL 4 -999 Galaxy major axis for r filter measurement. rGalMajorErr arcsec REAL 4 -999 Error in galaxy major axis for r filter measurement. rGalMinor arcsec REAL 4 -999 Galaxy minor axis for r filter measurement. rGalMinorErr arcsec REAL 4 -999 Error in galaxy minor axis for r filter measurement. rGalMag AB magnitudes REAL 4 -999 Galaxy fit magnitude for r filter measurement. rGalMagErr AB magnitudes REAL 4 -999 Error in galaxy fit magnitude for r filter measurement. rGalPhi degrees REAL 4 -999 Major axis position angle of the model fit for the r filter measurement. rGalIndex dimensionless REAL 4 -999 Sersic index of the model fit for the r filter measurement. rGalFlags dimensionless SMALLINT 2 -999 Analysis flags for the galaxy model chi-square fit (r filter measurement, values defined in ForcedGalaxyShapeFlags). rGalChisq dimensionless REAL 4 -999 Reduced chi squared value for r filter measurement. iippDetectID dimensionless BIGINT 8 NA IPP internal detection identifier. istackImageID dimensionless BIGINT 8 NA Unique stack identifier for the i filter stack that was the original detection source. iGalMajor arcsec REAL 4 -999 Galaxy major axis for i filter measurement. iGalMajorErr arcsec REAL 4 -999 Error in galaxy major axis for i filter measurement. iGalMinor arcsec REAL 4 -999 Galaxy minor axis for i filter measurement. iGalMinorErr arcsec REAL 4 -999 Error in galaxy minor axis for i filter measurement. iGalMag AB magnitudes REAL 4 -999 Galaxy fit magnitude for i filter measurement. iGalMagErr AB magnitudes REAL 4 -999 Error in galaxy fit magnitude for i filter measurement. iGalPhi degrees REAL 4 -999 Major axis position angle of the model fit for the i filter measurement. iGalIndex dimensionless REAL 4 -999 Sersic index of the model fit for the i filter measurement. iGalFlags dimensionless SMALLINT 2 -999 Analysis flags for the galaxy model chi-square fit (i filter measurement, values defined in ForcedGalaxyShapeFlags). iGalChisq dimensionless REAL 4 -999 Reduced chi squared value for i filter measurement. zippDetectID dimensionless BIGINT 8 NA IPP internal detection identifier. zstackImageID dimensionless BIGINT 8 NA Unique stack identifier for the z filter stack that was the original detection source. zGalMajor arcsec REAL 4 -999 Galaxy major axis for z filter measurement. zGalMajorErr arcsec REAL 4 -999 Error in galaxy major axis for z filter measurement. zGalMinor arcsec REAL 4 -999 Galaxy minor axis for z filter measurement. zGalMinorErr arcsec REAL 4 -999 Error in galaxy minor axis for z filter measurement. zGalMag AB magnitudes REAL 4 -999 Galaxy fit magnitude for z filter measurement. zGalMagErr AB magnitudes REAL 4 -999 Error in galaxy fit magnitude for z filter measurement. zGalPhi degrees REAL 4 -999 Major axis position angle of the model fit for the z filter measurement. zGalIndex dimensionless REAL 4 -999 Sersic index of the model fit for the z filter measurement. zGalFlags dimensionless SMALLINT 2 -999 Analysis flags for the galaxy model chi-square fit (z filter measurement, values defined in ForcedGalaxyShapeFlags). zGalChisq dimensionless REAL 4 -999 Reduced chi squared value for z filter measurement. yippDetectID dimensionless BIGINT 8 NA IPP internal detection identifier. ystackImageID dimensionless BIGINT 8 NA Unique stack identifier for the z filter stack that was the original detection source. yGalMajor arcsec REAL 4 -999 Galaxy major axis for y filter measurement. yGalMajorErr arcsec REAL 4 -999 Error in galaxy major axis for y filter measurement. yGalMinor arcsec REAL 4 -999 Galaxy minor axis for y filter measurement. yGalMinorErr arcsec REAL 4 -999 Error in galaxy minor axis for y filter measurement. yGalMag AB magnitudes REAL 4 -999 Galaxy fit magnitude for y filter measurement. yGalMagErr AB magnitudes REAL 4 -999 Error in galaxy fit magnitude for y filter measurement. yGalPhi degrees REAL 4 -999 Major axis position angle of the model fit for the y filter measurement. yGalIndex dimensionless REAL 4 -999 Sersic index of the model fit for the y filter measurement. yGalFlags dimensionless SMALLINT 2 -999 Analysis flags for the galaxy model chi-square fit (y filter measurement, values defined in ForcedGalaxyShapeFlags). yGalChisq dimensionless REAL 4 -999 Reduced chi squared value for y filter measurement.