The starting point for the PS1 data archive is at Pan-STARRS1 data archive home page.
Description: Contains the unconvolved fluxes within the SDSS R5 (r = 3.00 arcsec), R6 (r = 4.63 arcsec), and R7 (r = 7.43 arcsec) apertures (Stoughton 2003). Convolved fluxes within these same apertures are also provided for images convolved to 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) and 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec). All filters are matched into a single row. See StackObjectThin table for discussion of primary, secondary, and best detections. References: Stoughton, C., Lupton, R. H., Bernardi, M., et al. 2003, AJ, 123, 485. Name Unit Data Type Size Default Value Description objID dimensionless BIGINT 8 NA Unique object identifier. uniquePspsSTid dimensionless BIGINT 8 NA Unique internal PSPS stack identifier. ippObjID dimensionless BIGINT 8 NA IPP internal object identifier. randomStackObjID dimensionless FLOAT 8 NA Random value drawn from the interval between zero and one. primaryDetection dimensionless TINYINT 1 255 Identifies if this row is the primary stack detection. bestDetection dimensionless TINYINT 1 255 Identifies if this row is the best detection. gstackDetectID dimensionless BIGINT 8 NA Unique stack detection identifier. gstackImageID dimensionless BIGINT 8 NA Unique stack identifier for g filter detection. gippDetectID dimensionless BIGINT 8 NA IPP internal detection identifier. gflxR5 Janskys REAL 4 -999 Flux from g filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec. gflxR5Err Janskys REAL 4 -999 Error in flux from g filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec. gflxR5Std Janskys REAL 4 -999 Standard deviation of flux from g filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec. gflxR5Fill dimensionless REAL 4 -999 Aperture fill factor for g filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec. gflxR6 Janskys REAL 4 -999 Flux from g filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec. gflxR6Err Janskys REAL 4 -999 Error in flux from g filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec. gflxR6Std Janskys REAL 4 -999 Standard deviation of flux from g filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec. gflxR6Fill dimensionless REAL 4 -999 Aperture fill factor for g filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec. gflxR7 Janskys REAL 4 -999 Flux from g filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec. gflxR7Err Janskys REAL 4 -999 Error in flux from g filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec. gflxR7Std Janskys REAL 4 -999 Standard deviation of flux from g filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec. gflxR7Fill dimensionless REAL 4 -999 Aperture fill factor for g filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec. gc6flxR5 Janskys REAL 4 -999 Flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec. gc6flxR5Err Janskys REAL 4 -999 Error in flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec. gc6flxR5Std Janskys REAL 4 -999 Standard deviation of flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec. gc6flxR5Fill dimensionless REAL 4 -999 Aperture fill factor for g filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec. gc6flxR6 Janskys REAL 4 -999 Flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec. gc6flxR6Err Janskys REAL 4 -999 Error in flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec. gc6flxR6Std Janskys REAL 4 -999 Standard deviation of flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec. gc6flxR6Fill dimensionless REAL 4 -999 Aperture fill factor for g filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec. gc6flxR7 Janskys REAL 4 -999 Flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec. gc6flxR7Err Janskys REAL 4 -999 Error in flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec. gc6flxR7Std Janskys REAL 4 -999 Standard deviation of flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec. gc6flxR7Fill dimensionless REAL 4 -999 Aperture fill factor for g filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec. gc8flxR5 Janskys REAL 4 -999 Flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec. gc8flxR5Err Janskys REAL 4 -999 Error in flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec. gc8flxR5Std Janskys REAL 4 -999 Standard deviation of flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec. gc8flxR5Fill dimensionless REAL 4 -999 Aperture fill factor for g filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec. gc8flxR6 Janskys REAL 4 -999 Flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec. gc8flxR6Err Janskys REAL 4 -999 Error in flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec. gc8flxR6Std Janskys REAL 4 -999 Standard deviation of flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec. gc8flxR6Fill dimensionless REAL 4 -999 Aperture fill factor for g filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec. gc8flxR7 Janskys REAL 4 -999 Flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec. gc8flxR7Err Janskys REAL 4 -999 Error in flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec. gc8flxR7Std Janskys REAL 4 -999 Standard deviation of flux from g filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec. gc8flxR7Fill dimensionless REAL 4 -999 Aperture fill factor for g filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec. rstackDetectID dimensionless BIGINT 8 NA Unique stack detection identifier. rstackImageID dimensionless BIGINT 8 NA Unique stack identifier for r filter detection. rippDetectID dimensionless BIGINT 8 NA IPP internal detection identifier. rflxR5 Janskys REAL 4 -999 Flux from r filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec. rflxR5Err Janskys REAL 4 -999 Error in flux from r filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec. rflxR5Std Janskys REAL 4 -999 Standard deviation of flux from r filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec. rflxR5Fill dimensionless REAL 4 -999 Aperture fill factor for r filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec. rflxR6 Janskys REAL 4 -999 Flux from r filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec. rflxR6Err Janskys REAL 4 -999 Error in flux from r filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec. rflxR6Std Janskys REAL 4 -999 Standard deviation of flux from r filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec. rflxR6Fill dimensionless REAL 4 -999 Aperture fill factor for r filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec. rflxR7 Janskys REAL 4 -999 Flux from r filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec. rflxR7Err Janskys REAL 4 -999 Error in flux from r filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec. rflxR7Std Janskys REAL 4 -999 Standard deviation of flux from r filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec. rflxR7Fill dimensionless REAL 4 -999 Aperture fill factor for r filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec. rc6flxR5 Janskys REAL 4 -999 Flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec. rc6flxR5Err Janskys REAL 4 -999 Error in flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec. rc6flxR5Std Janskys REAL 4 -999 Standard deviation of flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec. rc6flxR5Fill dimensionless REAL 4 -999 Aperture fill factor for r filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec. rc6flxR6 Janskys REAL 4 -999 Flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec. rc6flxR6Err Janskys REAL 4 -999 Error in flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec. rc6flxR6Std Janskys REAL 4 -999 Standard deviation of flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec. rc6flxR6Fill dimensionless REAL 4 -999 Aperture fill factor for r filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec. rc6flxR7 Janskys REAL 4 -999 Flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec. rc6flxR7Err Janskys REAL 4 -999 Error in flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec. rc6flxR7Std Janskys REAL 4 -999 Standard deviation of flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec. rc6flxR7Fill dimensionless REAL 4 -999 Aperture fill factor for r filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec. rc8flxR5 Janskys REAL 4 -999 Flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec. rc8flxR5Err Janskys REAL 4 -999 Error in flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec. rc8flxR5Std Janskys REAL 4 -999 Standard deviation of flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec. rc8flxR5Fill dimensionless REAL 4 -999 Aperture fill factor for r filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec. rc8flxR6 Janskys REAL 4 -999 Flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec. rc8flxR6Err Janskys REAL 4 -999 Error in flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec. rc8flxR6Std Janskys REAL 4 -999 Standard deviation of flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec. rc8flxR6Fill dimensionless REAL 4 -999 Aperture fill factor for r filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec. rc8flxR7 Janskys REAL 4 -999 Flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec. rc8flxR7Err Janskys REAL 4 -999 Error in flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec. rc8flxR7Std Janskys REAL 4 -999 Standard deviation of flux from r filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec. rc8flxR7Fill dimensionless REAL 4 -999 Aperture fill factor for r filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec. istackDetectID dimensionless BIGINT 8 NA Unique stack detection identifier. istackImageID dimensionless BIGINT 8 NA Unique stack identifier for i filter detection. iippDetectID dimensionless BIGINT 8 NA IPP internal detection identifier. iflxR5 Janskys REAL 4 -999 Flux from i filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec. iflxR5Err Janskys REAL 4 -999 Error in flux from i filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec. iflxR5Std Janskys REAL 4 -999 Standard deviation of flux from i filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec. iflxR5Fill dimensionless REAL 4 -999 Aperture fill factor for i filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec. iflxR6 Janskys REAL 4 -999 Flux from i filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec. iflxR6Err Janskys REAL 4 -999 Error in flux from i filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec. iflxR6Std Janskys REAL 4 -999 Standard deviation of flux from i filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec. iflxR6Fill dimensionless REAL 4 -999 Aperture fill factor for i filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec. iflxR7 Janskys REAL 4 -999 Flux from i filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec. iflxR7Err Janskys REAL 4 -999 Error in flux from i filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec. iflxR7Std Janskys REAL 4 -999 Standard deviation of flux from i filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec. iflxR7Fill dimensionless REAL 4 -999 Aperture fill factor for i filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec. ic6flxR5 Janskys REAL 4 -999 Flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec. ic6flxR5Err Janskys REAL 4 -999 Error in flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec. ic6flxR5Std Janskys REAL 4 -999 Standard deviation of flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec. ic6flxR5Fill dimensionless REAL 4 -999 Aperture fill factor for i filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec. ic6flxR6 Janskys REAL 4 -999 Flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec. ic6flxR6Err Janskys REAL 4 -999 Error in flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec. ic6flxR6Std Janskys REAL 4 -999 Standard deviation of flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec. ic6flxR6Fill dimensionless REAL 4 -999 Aperture fill factor for i filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec. ic6flxR7 Janskys REAL 4 -999 Flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec. ic6flxR7Err Janskys REAL 4 -999 Error in flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec. ic6flxR7Std Janskys REAL 4 -999 Standard deviation of flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec. ic6flxR7Fill dimensionless REAL 4 -999 Aperture fill factor for i filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec. ic8flxR5 Janskys REAL 4 -999 Flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec. ic8flxR5Err Janskys REAL 4 -999 Error in flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec. ic8flxR5Std Janskys REAL 4 -999 Standard deviation of flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec. ic8flxR5Fill dimensionless REAL 4 -999 Aperture fill factor for i filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec. ic8flxR6 Janskys REAL 4 -999 Flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec. ic8flxR6Err Janskys REAL 4 -999 Error in flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec. ic8flxR6Std Janskys REAL 4 -999 Standard deviation of flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec. ic8flxR6Fill dimensionless REAL 4 -999 Aperture fill factor for i filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec. ic8flxR7 Janskys REAL 4 -999 Flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec. ic8flxR7Err Janskys REAL 4 -999 Error in flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec. ic8flxR7Std Janskys REAL 4 -999 Standard deviation of flux from i filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec. ic8flxR7Fill dimensionless REAL 4 -999 Aperture fill factor for i filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec. zstackDetectID dimensionless BIGINT 8 NA Unique stack detection identifier. zstackImageID dimensionless BIGINT 8 NA Unique stack identifier for z filter detection. zippDetectID dimensionless BIGINT 8 NA IPP internal detection identifier. zflxR5 Janskys REAL 4 -999 Flux from z filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec. zflxR5Err Janskys REAL 4 -999 Error in flux from z filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec. zflxR5Std Janskys REAL 4 -999 Standard deviation of flux from z filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec. zflxR5Fill dimensionless REAL 4 -999 Aperture fill factor for z filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec. zflxR6 Janskys REAL 4 -999 Flux from z filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec. zflxR6Err Janskys REAL 4 -999 Error in flux from z filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec. zflxR6Std Janskys REAL 4 -999 Standard deviation of flux from z filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec. zflxR6Fill dimensionless REAL 4 -999 Aperture fill factor for z filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec. zflxR7 Janskys REAL 4 -999 Flux from z filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec. zflxR7Err Janskys REAL 4 -999 Error in flux from z filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec. zflxR7Std Janskys REAL 4 -999 Standard deviation of flux from z filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec. zflxR7Fill dimensionless REAL 4 -999 Aperture fill factor for z filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec. zc6flxR5 Janskys REAL 4 -999 Flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec. zc6flxR5Err Janskys REAL 4 -999 Error in flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec. zc6flxR5Std Janskys REAL 4 -999 Standard deviation of flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec. zc6flxR5Fill dimensionless REAL 4 -999 Aperture fill factor for z filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec. zc6flxR6 Janskys REAL 4 -999 Flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec. zc6flxR6Err Janskys REAL 4 -999 Error in flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec. zc6flxR6Std Janskys REAL 4 -999 Standard deviation of flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec. zc6flxR6Fill dimensionless REAL 4 -999 Aperture fill factor for z filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec. zc6flxR7 Janskys REAL 4 -999 Flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec. zc6flxR7Err Janskys REAL 4 -999 Error in flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec. zc6flxR7Std Janskys REAL 4 -999 Standard deviation of flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec. zc6flxR7Fill dimensionless REAL 4 -999 Aperture fill factor for z filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec. zc8flxR5 Janskys REAL 4 -999 Flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec. zc8flxR5Err Janskys REAL 4 -999 Error in flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec. zc8flxR5Std Janskys REAL 4 -999 Standard deviation of flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec. zc8flxR5Fill dimensionless REAL 4 -999 Aperture fill factor for z filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec. zc8flxR6 Janskys REAL 4 -999 Flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec. zc8flxR6Err Janskys REAL 4 -999 Error in flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec. zc8flxR6Std Janskys REAL 4 -999 Standard deviation of flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec. zc8flxR6Fill dimensionless REAL 4 -999 Aperture fill factor for z filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec. zc8flxR7 Janskys REAL 4 -999 Flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec. zc8flxR7Err Janskys REAL 4 -999 Error in flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec. zc8flxR7Std Janskys REAL 4 -999 Standard deviation of flux from z filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec. zc8flxR7Fill dimensionless REAL 4 -999 Aperture fill factor for z filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec. ystackDetectID dimensionless BIGINT 8 NA Unique stack detection identifier. ystackImageID dimensionless BIGINT 8 NA Unique stack identifier for y filter detection. yippDetectID dimensionless BIGINT 8 NA IPP internal detection identifier. yflxR5 Janskys REAL 4 -999 Flux from y filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec. yflxR5Err Janskys REAL 4 -999 Error in flux from y filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec. yflxR5Std Janskys REAL 4 -999 Standard deviation of flux from y filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec. yflxR5Fill dimensionless REAL 4 -999 Aperture fill factor for y filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec. yflxR6 Janskys REAL 4 -999 Flux from y filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec. yflxR6Err Janskys REAL 4 -999 Error in flux from y filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec. yflxR6Std Janskys REAL 4 -999 Standard deviation of flux from y filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec. yflxR6Fill dimensionless REAL 4 -999 Aperture fill factor for y filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec. yflxR7 Janskys REAL 4 -999 Flux from y filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec. yflxR7Err Janskys REAL 4 -999 Error in flux from y filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec. yflxR7Std Janskys REAL 4 -999 Standard deviation of flux from y filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec. yflxR7Fill dimensionless REAL 4 -999 Aperture fill factor for y filter detection within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec. yc6flxR5 Janskys REAL 4 -999 Flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec. yc6flxR5Err Janskys REAL 4 -999 Error in flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec. yc6flxR5Std Janskys REAL 4 -999 Standard deviation of flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec. yc6flxR5Fill dimensionless REAL 4 -999 Aperture fill factor for y filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec. yc6flxR6 Janskys REAL 4 -999 Flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec. yc6flxR6Err Janskys REAL 4 -999 Error in flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec. yc6flxR6Std Janskys REAL 4 -999 Standard deviation of flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec. yc6flxR6Fill dimensionless REAL 4 -999 Aperture fill factor for y filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec. yc6flxR7 Janskys REAL 4 -999 Flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec. yc6flxR7Err Janskys REAL 4 -999 Error in flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec. yc6flxR7Std Janskys REAL 4 -999 Standard deviation of flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec. yc6flxR7Fill dimensionless REAL 4 -999 Aperture fill factor for y filter detection convolved to a target of 6 sky pixels (1.5 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec. yc8flxR5 Janskys REAL 4 -999 Flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec. yc8flxR5Err Janskys REAL 4 -999 Error in flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec. yc8flxR5Std Janskys REAL 4 -999 Standard deviation of flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec. yc8flxR5Fill dimensionless REAL 4 -999 Aperture fill factor for y filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 3.00 arcsec. yc8flxR6 Janskys REAL 4 -999 Flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec. yc8flxR6Err Janskys REAL 4 -999 Error in flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec. yc8flxR6Std Janskys REAL 4 -999 Standard deviation of flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec. yc8flxR6Fill dimensionless REAL 4 -999 Aperture fill factor for y filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 4.63 arcsec. yc8flxR7 Janskys REAL 4 -999 Flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec. yc8flxR7Err Janskys REAL 4 -999 Error in flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec. yc8flxR7Std Janskys REAL 4 -999 Standard deviation of flux from y filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec. yc8flxR7Fill dimensionless REAL 4 -999 Aperture fill factor for y filter detection convolved to a target of 8 sky pixels (2.0 arcsec) within an aperture of radius r = 7.43 arcsec.