The starting point for the PS1 data archive is at Pan-STARRS1 data archive home page.
This page describes a "View", which is a database table created by joining other tables.
Description: -- ObjectThin join StackModelFitDeV joined by objID column. | |||||
Name | Unit | Data Type | Size | Default Value | Description |
objName | dimensionless | VARCHAR(32) | 32 | NA | IAU name for this object. |
objAltName1 | dimensionless | VARCHAR(32) | 32 | NA | Alternate name for this object. |
objAltName2 | dimensionless | VARCHAR(32) | 32 | Altername name for this object. | |
objAltName3 | dimensionless | VARCHAR(32) | 32 | Altername name for this object. | |
objID | dimensionless | BIGINT | 8 | NA | Unique object identifier. |
uniquePspsOBid | dimensionless | BIGINT | 8 | NA | Unique internal PSPS object identifier. |
ippObjID | dimensionless | BIGINT | 8 | NA | IPP internal object identifier. |
surveyID | dimensionless | TINYINT | 1 | NA | Survey identifier. Details in the Survey table. |
htmID | dimensionless | BIGINT | 8 | NA | Hierarchical triangular mesh (Szalay 2007) index. |
zoneID | dimensionless | INT | 4 | NA | Local zone index, found by dividing the sky into bands of declination 1/2 arcminute in height: zoneID = floor((90 + declination)/0.0083333). |
tessID | dimensionless | TINYINT | 1 | 0 | Tessellation identifier. Details in the TessellationType table. |
projectionID | dimensionless | SMALLINT | 2 | -1 | Projection cell identifier. |
skyCellID | dimensionless | TINYINT | 1 | 255 | Skycell region identifier. |
randomID | dimensionless | FLOAT | 8 | NA | Random value drawn from the interval between zero and one. |
batchID | dimensionless | BIGINT | 8 | NA | Internal database batch identifier. |
dvoRegionID | dimensionless | INT | 4 | -1 | Internal DVO region identifier. |
processingVersion | dimensionless | TINYINT | 1 | NA | Data release version. |
objInfoFlag | dimensionless | INT | 4 | 0 | Information flag bitmask indicating details of the photometry. Values listed in ObjectInfoFlags. |
qualityFlag | dimensionless | TINYINT | 1 | 0 | Subset of objInfoFlag denoting whether this object is real or a likely false positive. Values listed in ObjectQualityFlags. |
raStack | degrees | FLOAT | 8 | -999 | Right ascension from stack detections, weighted mean value across filters, in equinox J2000. See StackObjectThin for stack epoch information. |
decStack | degrees | FLOAT | 8 | -999 | Declination from stack detections, weighted mean value across filters, in equinox J2000. See StackObjectThin for stack epoch information. |
raStackErr | arcsec | REAL | 4 | -999 | Right ascension standard deviation from stack detections. |
decStackErr | arcsec | REAL | 4 | -999 | Declination standard deviation from stack detections. |
raMean | degrees | FLOAT | 8 | -999 | Right ascension from single epoch detections (weighted mean) in equinox J2000 at the mean epoch given by epochMean. |
decMean | degrees | FLOAT | 8 | -999 | Declination from single epoch detections (weighted mean) in equinox J2000 at the mean epoch given by epochMean. |
raMeanErr | arcsec | REAL | 4 | -999 | Right ascension standard deviation from single epoch detections. |
decMeanErr | arcsec | REAL | 4 | -999 | Declination standard deviation from single epoch detections. |
epochMean | days | FLOAT | 8 | -999 | Modified Julian Date of the mean epoch corresponding to raMean, decMean (equinox J2000). |
posMeanChisq | dimensionless | REAL | 4 | -999 | Reduced chi squared value of mean position. |
cx | dimensionless | FLOAT | 8 | NA | Cartesian x on a unit sphere. |
cy | dimensionless | FLOAT | 8 | NA | Cartesian y on a unit sphere. |
cz | dimensionless | FLOAT | 8 | NA | Cartesian z on a unit sphere. |
lambda | degrees | FLOAT | 8 | -999 | Ecliptic longitude. |
beta | degrees | FLOAT | 8 | -999 | Ecliptic latitude. |
l | degrees | FLOAT | 8 | -999 | Galactic longitude. |
b | degrees | FLOAT | 8 | -999 | Galactic latitude. |
nStackObjectRows | dimensionless | SMALLINT | 2 | -999 | Number of independent StackObjectThin rows associated with this object. |
nStackDetections | dimensionless | SMALLINT | 2 | -999 | Number of stack detections. |
nDetections | dimensionless | SMALLINT | 2 | -999 | Number of single epoch detections in all filters. |
ng | dimensionless | SMALLINT | 2 | -999 | Number of single epoch detections in g filter. |
nr | dimensionless | SMALLINT | 2 | -999 | Number of single epoch detections in r filter. |
ni | dimensionless | SMALLINT | 2 | -999 | Number of single epoch detections in i filter. |
nz | dimensionless | SMALLINT | 2 | -999 | Number of single epoch detections in z filter. |
ny | dimensionless | SMALLINT | 2 | -999 | Number of single epoch detections in y filter. |
primaryDetection | dimensionless | TINYINT | 1 | 255 | Identifies if this row is the primary stack detection. |
bestDetection | dimensionless | TINYINT | 1 | 255 | Identifies if this row is the best detection. |
gippDetectID | dimensionless | BIGINT | 8 | NA | IPP internal detection identifier. |
gstackDetectID | dimensionless | BIGINT | 8 | NA | Unique stack detection identifier. |
gstackImageID | dimensionless | BIGINT | 8 | NA | Unique stack identifier for g filter detection. |
gDeVRadius | arcsec | REAL | 4 | -999 | De Vaucouleurs (1948) fit radius for g filter stack detection. |
gDeVRadiusErr | arcsec | REAL | 4 | -999 | Error in de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit radius for g filter stack detection. |
gDeVMag | AB magnitudes | REAL | 4 | -999 | De Vaucouleurs (1948) fit magnitude for g filter stack detection. |
gDeVMagErr | AB magnitudes | REAL | 4 | -999 | Error in de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit magnitude for g filter stack detection. |
gDeVAb | dimensionless | REAL | 4 | -999 | De Vaucouleurs (1948) fit axis ratio for g filter stack detection. |
gDeVAbErr | dimensionless | REAL | 4 | -999 | Error in de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit axis ratio for g filter stack detection. |
gDeVPhi | degrees | REAL | 4 | -999 | Major axis position angle, phi, of de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit for g filter stack detection. |
gDeVPhiErr | degrees | REAL | 4 | -999 | Error in major axis position angle of de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit for g filter stack detection. |
gDeVRa | degrees | FLOAT | 8 | -999 | Right ascension of de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit center for g filter stack detection. |
gDeVDec | degrees | FLOAT | 8 | -999 | Declination of de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit center for g filter stack detection. |
gDeVRaErr | arcsec | REAL | 4 | -999 | Error in right ascension of de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit center for g filter stack detection. |
gDeVDecErr | arcsec | REAL | 4 | -999 | Error in declination of de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit center for g filter stack detection. |
gDeVChisq | dimensionless | REAL | 4 | -999 | De Vaucouleurs (1948) fit reduced chi squared for g filter stack detection. |
rippDetectID | dimensionless | BIGINT | 8 | NA | IPP internal detection identifier. |
rstackDetectID | dimensionless | BIGINT | 8 | NA | Unique stack detection identifier. |
rstackImageID | dimensionless | BIGINT | 8 | NA | Unique stack identifier for r filter detection. |
rDeVRadius | arcsec | REAL | 4 | -999 | De Vaucouleurs (1948) fit radius for r filter stack detection. |
rDeVRadiusErr | arcsec | REAL | 4 | -999 | Error in de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit radius for r filter stack detection. |
rDeVMag | AB magnitudes | REAL | 4 | -999 | De Vaucouleurs (1948) fit magnitude for r filter stack detection. |
rDeVMagErr | AB magnitudes | REAL | 4 | -999 | Error in de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit magnitude for r filter stack detection. |
rDeVAb | dimensionless | REAL | 4 | -999 | De Vaucouleurs (1948) fit axis ratio for r filter stack detection. |
rDeVAbErr | dimensionless | REAL | 4 | -999 | Error in de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit axis ratio for r filter stack detection. |
rDeVPhi | degrees | REAL | 4 | -999 | Major axis position angle, phi, of de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit for r filter stack detection. |
rDeVPhiErr | degrees | REAL | 4 | -999 | Error in major axis position angle of de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit for r filter stack detection. |
rDeVRa | degrees | FLOAT | 8 | -999 | Right ascension of de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit center for r filter stack detection. |
rDeVDec | degrees | FLOAT | 8 | -999 | Declination of de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit center for r filter stack detection. |
rDeVRaErr | arcsec | REAL | 4 | -999 | Error in right ascension of de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit center for r filter stack detection. |
rDeVDecErr | arcsec | REAL | 4 | -999 | Error in declination of de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit center for r filter stack detection. |
rDeVChisq | dimensionless | REAL | 4 | -999 | De Vaucouleurs (1948) fit reduced chi squared for r filter stack detection. |
iippDetectID | dimensionless | BIGINT | 8 | NA | IPP internal detection identifier. |
istackDetectID | dimensionless | BIGINT | 8 | NA | Unique stack detection identifier. |
istackImageID | dimensionless | BIGINT | 8 | NA | Unique stack identifier for i filter detection. |
iDeVRadius | arcsec | REAL | 4 | -999 | De Vaucouleurs (1948) fit radius for i filter stack detection. |
iDeVRadiusErr | arcsec | REAL | 4 | -999 | Error in de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit radius for i filter stack detection. |
iDeVMag | AB magnitudes | REAL | 4 | -999 | De Vaucouleurs (1948) fit magnitude for i filter stack detection. |
iDeVMagErr | AB magnitudes | REAL | 4 | -999 | Error in de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit magnitude for i filter stack detection. |
iDeVAb | dimensionless | REAL | 4 | -999 | De Vaucouleurs (1948) fit axis ratio for i filter stack detection. |
iDeVAbErr | dimensionless | REAL | 4 | -999 | Error in de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit axis ratio for i filter stack detection. |
iDeVPhi | degrees | REAL | 4 | -999 | Major axis position angle, phi, of de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit for i filter stack detection. |
iDeVPhiErr | degrees | REAL | 4 | -999 | Error in major axis position angle of de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit for i filter stack detection. |
iDeVRa | degrees | FLOAT | 8 | -999 | Right ascension of de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit center for i filter stack detection. |
iDeVDec | degrees | FLOAT | 8 | -999 | Declination of de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit center for i filter stack detection. |
iDeVRaErr | arcsec | REAL | 4 | -999 | Error in right ascension of de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit center for i filter stack detection. |
iDeVDecErr | arcsec | REAL | 4 | -999 | Error in declination of de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit center for i filter stack detection. |
iDeVChisq | dimensionless | REAL | 4 | -999 | De Vaucouleurs (1948) fit reduced chi squared for i filter stack detection. |
zippDetectID | dimensionless | BIGINT | 8 | NA | IPP internal detection identifier. |
zstackDetectID | dimensionless | BIGINT | 8 | NA | Unique stack detection identifier. |
zstackImageID | dimensionless | BIGINT | 8 | NA | Unique stack identifier for z filter detection. |
zDeVRadius | arcsec | REAL | 4 | -999 | De Vaucouleurs (1948) fit radius for z filter stack detection. |
zDeVRadiusErr | arcsec | REAL | 4 | -999 | Error in de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit radius for z filter stack detection. |
zDeVMag | AB magnitudes | REAL | 4 | -999 | De Vaucouleurs (1948) fit magnitude for z filter stack detection. |
zDeVMagErr | AB magnitudes | REAL | 4 | -999 | Error in de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit magnitude for z filter stack detection. |
zDeVAb | dimensionless | REAL | 4 | -999 | De Vaucouleurs (1948) fit axis ratio for z filter stack detection. |
zDeVAbErr | dimensionless | REAL | 4 | -999 | Error in de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit axis ratio for z filter stack detection. |
zDeVPhi | degrees | REAL | 4 | -999 | Major axis position angle, phi, of de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit for z filter stack detection. |
zDeVPhiErr | degrees | REAL | 4 | -999 | Error in major axis position angle of de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit for z filter stack detection. |
zDeVRa | degrees | FLOAT | 8 | -999 | Right ascension of de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit center for z filter stack detection. |
zDeVDec | degrees | FLOAT | 8 | -999 | Declination of de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit center for z filter stack detection. |
zDeVRaErr | arcsec | REAL | 4 | -999 | Error in right ascension of de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit center for z filter stack detection. |
zDeVDecErr | arcsec | REAL | 4 | -999 | Error in declination of de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit center for z filter stack detection. |
zDeVChisq | dimensionless | REAL | 4 | -999 | De Vaucouleurs (1948) fit reduced chi squared for z filter stack detection. |
yippDetectID | dimensionless | BIGINT | 8 | NA | IPP internal detection identifier. |
ystackDetectID | dimensionless | BIGINT | 8 | NA | Unique stack detection identifier. |
ystackImageID | dimensionless | BIGINT | 8 | NA | Unique stack identifier for y filter detection. |
yDeVRadius | arcsec | REAL | 4 | -999 | De Vaucouleurs (1948) fit radius for y filter stack detection. |
yDeVRadiusErr | arcsec | REAL | 4 | -999 | Error in de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit radius for y filter stack detection. |
yDeVMag | AB magnitudes | REAL | 4 | -999 | De Vaucouleurs (1948) fit magnitude for y filter stack detection. |
yDeVMagErr | AB magnitudes | REAL | 4 | -999 | Error in de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit magnitude for y filter stack detection. |
yDeVAb | dimensionless | REAL | 4 | -999 | De Vaucouleurs (1948) fit axis ratio for y filter stack detection. |
yDeVAbErr | dimensionless | REAL | 4 | -999 | Error in de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit axis ratio for y filter stack detection. |
yDeVPhi | degrees | REAL | 4 | -999 | Major axis position angle, phi, of de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit for y filter stack detection. |
yDeVPhiErr | degrees | REAL | 4 | -999 | Error in major axis position angle of de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit for y filter stack detection. |
yDeVRa | degrees | FLOAT | 8 | -999 | Right ascension of de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit center for y filter stack detection. |
yDeVDec | degrees | FLOAT | 8 | -999 | Declination of de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit center for y filter stack detection. |
yDeVRaErr | arcsec | REAL | 4 | -999 | Error in right ascension of de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit center for y filter stack detection. |
yDeVDecErr | arcsec | REAL | 4 | -999 | Error in declination of de Vaucouleurs (1948) fit center for y filter stack detection. |
yDeVChisq | dimensionless | REAL | 4 | -999 | De Vaucouleurs (1948) fit reduced chi squared for y filter stack detection. |