The starting point for the PS1 data archive is at Pan-STARRS1 data archive home page.
Description: Contains the PSF, Kron (1980), and aperture fluxes for all filters in a single row, along with point-source object shape parameters. See StackObjectThin table for discussion of primary, secondary, and best detections. References: Kron, R. G. 1980, ApJS, 43, 305. Name Unit Data Type Size Default Value Description objID dimensionless BIGINT 8 NA Unique object identifier. uniquePspsSTid dimensionless BIGINT 8 NA Unique internal PSPS stack identifier. ippObjID dimensionless BIGINT 8 NA IPP internal object identifier. randomStackObjID dimensionless FLOAT 8 NA Random value drawn from the interval between zero and one. primaryDetection dimensionless TINYINT 1 255 Identifies if this row is the primary stack detection. bestDetection dimensionless TINYINT 1 255 Identifies if this row is the best detection. gippDetectID dimensionless BIGINT 8 NA IPP internal detection identifier. gstackDetectID dimensionless BIGINT 8 NA Unique stack detection identifier. gstackImageID dimensionless BIGINT 8 NA Unique stack identifier for g filter detection. gxPos sky pixels REAL 4 -999 PSF x center location from g filter stack detection. gyPos sky pixels REAL 4 -999 PSF y center location from g filter stack detection. gxPosErr sky pixels REAL 4 -999 Error in PSF x center location from g filter stack detection. gyPosErr sky pixels REAL 4 -999 Error in PSF y center location from g filter stack detection. gpsfMajorFWHM arcsec REAL 4 -999 PSF major axis FWHM from g filter stack detection. gpsfMinorFWHM arcsec REAL 4 -999 PSF minor axis FWHM from g filter stack detection. gpsfTheta degrees REAL 4 -999 PSF major axis orientation from g filter stack detection. gpsfCore dimensionless REAL 4 -999 PSF core parameter k from g filter stack detection, where F = F0 / (1 + k r^2 + r^3.33). gpsfLikelihood dimensionless REAL 4 -999 Likelihood that this g filter stack detection is best fit by a PSF. gpsfQf dimensionless REAL 4 -999 PSF coverage factor for g filter stack detection. gpsfQfPerfect dimensionless REAL 4 -999 PSF-weighted fraction of pixels totally unmasked for g filter stack detection. gpsfChiSq dimensionless REAL 4 -999 Reduced chi squared value of the PSF model fit for g filter stack detection. gmomentXX arcsec^2 REAL 4 -999 Second moment M_xx for g filter stack detection. gmomentXY arcsec^2 REAL 4 -999 Second moment M_xy for g filter stack detection. gmomentYY arcsec^2 REAL 4 -999 Second moment M_yy for g filter stack detection. gmomentR1 arcsec REAL 4 -999 First radial moment for g filter stack detection. gmomentRH arcsec^0.5 REAL 4 -999 Half radial moment (r^0.5 weighting) for g filter stack detection. gPSFFlux Janskys REAL 4 -999 PSF flux from g filter stack detection. gPSFFluxErr Janskys REAL 4 -999 Error in PSF flux from g filter stack detection. gApFlux Janskys REAL 4 -999 Aperture flux from g filter stack detection. gApFluxErr Janskys REAL 4 -999 Error in aperture flux from g filter stack detection. gApFillFac dimensionless REAL 4 -999 Aperture fill factor from g filter stack detection. gApRadius arcsec REAL 4 -999 Aperture radius for g filter stack detection. gKronFlux Janskys REAL 4 -999 Kron (1980) flux from g filter stack detection. gKronFluxErr Janskys REAL 4 -999 Error in Kron (1980) flux from g filter stack detection. gKronRad arcsec REAL 4 -999 Kron (1980) radius from g filter stack detection. gexpTime seconds REAL 4 -999 Exposure time of the g filter stack. Necessary for converting listed fluxes and magnitudes back to measured ADU counts. gExtNSigma dimensionless REAL 4 -999 An extendedness measure for the g filter stack detection based on the deviation between PSF and Kron (1980) magnitudes, normalized by the PSF magnitude uncertainty. gsky Janskys/arcsec^2 REAL 4 -999 Residual background sky level at the g filter stack detection. gskyErr Janskys/arcsec^2 REAL 4 -999 Error in residual background sky level at the g filter stack detection. gzp magnitudes REAL 4 0 Photometric zeropoint for the g filter stack. Necessary for converting listed fluxes and magnitudes back to measured ADU counts. gPlateScale arcsec/pixel REAL 4 0 Local plate scale for the g filter stack. rippDetectID dimensionless BIGINT 8 NA IPP internal detection identifier. rstackDetectID dimensionless BIGINT 8 NA Unique stack detection identifier. rstackImageID dimensionless BIGINT 8 NA Unique stack identifier for r filter detection. rxPos sky pixels REAL 4 -999 PSF x center location from r filter stack detection. ryPos sky pixels REAL 4 -999 PSF y center location from r filter stack detection. rxPosErr sky pixels REAL 4 -999 Error in PSF x center location from r filter stack detection. ryPosErr sky pixels REAL 4 -999 Error in PSF y center location from r filter stack detection. rpsfMajorFWHM arcsec REAL 4 -999 PSF major axis FWHM from r filter stack detection. rpsfMinorFWHM arcsec REAL 4 -999 PSF minor axis FWHM from r filter stack detection. rpsfTheta degrees REAL 4 -999 PSF major axis orientation from r filter stack detection. rpsfCore dimensionless REAL 4 -999 PSF core parameter k from r filter stack detection, where F = F0 / (1 + k r^2 + r^3.33). rpsfLikelihood dimensionless REAL 4 -999 Likelihood that this r filter stack detection is best fit by a PSF. rpsfQf dimensionless REAL 4 -999 PSF coverage factor for r filter stack detection. rpsfQfPerfect dimensionless REAL 4 -999 PSF-weighted fraction of pixels totally unmasked for r filter stack detection. rpsfChiSq dimensionless REAL 4 -999 Reduced chi squared value of the PSF model fit for r filter stack detection. rmomentXX arcsec^2 REAL 4 -999 Second moment M_xx for r filter stack detection. rmomentXY arcsec^2 REAL 4 -999 Second moment M_xy for r filter stack detection. rmomentYY arcsec^2 REAL 4 -999 Second moment M_yy for r filter stack detection. rmomentR1 arcsec REAL 4 -999 First radial moment for r filter stack detection. rmomentRH arcsec^0.5 REAL 4 -999 Half radial moment (r^0.5 weighting) for r filter stack detection. rPSFFlux Janskys REAL 4 -999 PSF flux from r filter stack detection. rPSFFluxErr Janskys REAL 4 -999 Error in PSF flux from r filter stack detection. rApFlux Janskys REAL 4 -999 Aperture flux from r filter stack detection. rApFluxErr Janskys REAL 4 -999 Error in aperture flux from r filter stack detection. rApFillFac dimensionless REAL 4 -999 Aperture fill factor from r filter stack detection. rApRadius arcsec REAL 4 -999 Aperture radius for r filter stack detection. rKronFlux Janskys REAL 4 -999 Kron (1980) flux from r filter stack detection. rKronFluxErr Janskys REAL 4 -999 Error in Kron (1980) flux from r filter stack detection. rKronRad arcsec REAL 4 -999 Kron (1980) radius from r filter stack detection. rexpTime seconds REAL 4 -999 Exposure time of the r filter stack. Necessary for converting listed fluxes and magnitudes back to measured ADU counts. rExtNSigma dimensionless REAL 4 -999 An extendedness measure for the r filter stack detection based on the deviation between PSF and Kron (1980) magnitudes, normalized by the PSF magnitude uncertainty. rsky Janskys/arcsec^2 REAL 4 -999 Residual background sky level at the r filter stack detection. rskyErr Janskys/arcsec^2 REAL 4 -999 Error in residual background sky level at the r filter stack detection. rzp magnitudes REAL 4 0 Photometric zeropoint for the r filter stack. Necessary for converting listed fluxes and magnitudes back to measured ADU counts. rPlateScale arcsec/pixel REAL 4 0 Local plate scale for the r filter stack. iippDetectID dimensionless BIGINT 8 NA IPP internal detection identifier. istackDetectID dimensionless BIGINT 8 NA Unique stack detection identifier. istackImageID dimensionless BIGINT 8 NA Unique stack identifier for i filter detection. ixPos sky pixels REAL 4 -999 PSF x center location from i filter stack detection. iyPos sky pixels REAL 4 -999 PSF y center location from i filter stack detection. ixPosErr sky pixels REAL 4 -999 Error in PSF x center location from i filter stack detection. iyPosErr sky pixels REAL 4 -999 Error in PSF y center location from i filter stack detection. ipsfMajorFWHM arcsec REAL 4 -999 PSF major axis FWHM from i filter stack detection. ipsfMinorFWHM arcsec REAL 4 -999 PSF minor axis FWHM from i filter stack detection. ipsfTheta degrees REAL 4 -999 PSF major axis orientation from i filter stack detection. ipsfCore dimensionless REAL 4 -999 PSF core parameter k from i filter stack detection, where F = F0 / (1 + k r^2 + r^3.33). ipsfLikelihood dimensionless REAL 4 -999 Likelihood that this i filter stack detection is best fit by a PSF. ipsfQf dimensionless REAL 4 -999 PSF coverage factor for i filter stack detection. ipsfQfPerfect dimensionless REAL 4 -999 PSF-weighted fraction of pixels totally unmasked for i filter stack detection. ipsfChiSq dimensionless REAL 4 -999 Reduced chi squared value of the PSF model fit for i filter stack detection. imomentXX arcsec^2 REAL 4 -999 Second moment M_xx for i filter stack detection. imomentXY arcsec^2 REAL 4 -999 Second moment M_xy for i filter stack detection. imomentYY arcsec^2 REAL 4 -999 Second moment M_yy for i filter stack detection. imomentR1 arcsec REAL 4 -999 First radial moment for i filter stack detection. imomentRH arcsec^0.5 REAL 4 -999 Half radial moment (r^0.5 weighting) for i filter stack detection. iPSFFlux Janskys REAL 4 -999 PSF flux from i filter stack detection. iPSFFluxErr Janskys REAL 4 -999 Error in PSF flux from i filter stack detection. iApFlux Janskys REAL 4 -999 Aperture flux from i filter stack detection. iApFluxErr Janskys REAL 4 -999 Error in aperture flux from i filter stack detection. iApFillFac dimensionless REAL 4 -999 Aperture fill factor from i filter stack detection. iApRadius arcsec REAL 4 -999 Aperture radius for i filter stack detection. iKronFlux Janskys REAL 4 -999 Kron (1980) flux from i filter stack detection. iKronFluxErr Janskys REAL 4 -999 Error in Kron (1980) flux from i filter stack detection. iKronRad arcsec REAL 4 -999 Kron (1980) radius from i filter stack detection. iexpTime seconds REAL 4 -999 Exposure time of the i filter stack. Necessary for converting listed fluxes and magnitudes back to measured ADU counts. iExtNSigma dimensionless REAL 4 -999 An extendedness measure for the i filter stack detection based on the deviation between PSF and Kron (1980) magnitudes, normalized by the PSF magnitude uncertainty. isky Janskys/arcsec^2 REAL 4 -999 Residual background sky level at the i filter stack detection. iskyErr Janskys/arcsec^2 REAL 4 -999 Error in residual background sky level at the i filter stack detection. izp magnitudes REAL 4 0 Photometric zeropoint for the i filter stack. Necessary for converting listed fluxes and magnitudes back to measured ADU counts. iPlateScale arcsec/pixel REAL 4 0 Local plate scale for the i filter stack. zippDetectID dimensionless BIGINT 8 NA IPP internal detection identifier. zstackDetectID dimensionless BIGINT 8 NA Unique stack detection identifier. zstackImageID dimensionless BIGINT 8 NA Unique stack identifier for z filter detection. zxPos sky pixels REAL 4 -999 PSF x center location from z filter stack detection. zyPos sky pixels REAL 4 -999 PSF y center location from z filter stack detection. zxPosErr sky pixels REAL 4 -999 Error in PSF x center location from z filter stack detection. zyPosErr sky pixels REAL 4 -999 Error in PSF y center location from z filter stack detection. zpsfMajorFWHM arcsec REAL 4 -999 PSF major axis FWHM from z filter stack detection. zpsfMinorFWHM arcsec REAL 4 -999 PSF minor axis FWHM from z filter stack detection. zpsfTheta degrees REAL 4 -999 PSF major axis orientation from z filter stack detection. zpsfCore dimensionless REAL 4 -999 PSF core parameter k from z filter stack detection, where F = F0 / (1 + k r^2 + r^3.33). zpsfLikelihood dimensionless REAL 4 -999 Likelihood that this z filter stack detection is best fit by a PSF. zpsfQf dimensionless REAL 4 -999 PSF coverage factor for z filter stack detection. zpsfQfPerfect dimensionless REAL 4 -999 PSF-weighted fraction of pixels totally unmasked for z filter stack detection. zpsfChiSq dimensionless REAL 4 -999 Reduced chi squared value of the PSF model fit for z filter stack detection. zmomentXX arcsec^2 REAL 4 -999 Second moment M_xx for z filter stack detection. zmomentXY arcsec^2 REAL 4 -999 Second moment M_xy for z filter stack detection. zmomentYY arcsec^2 REAL 4 -999 Second moment M_yy for z filter stack detection. zmomentR1 arcsec REAL 4 -999 First radial moment for z filter stack detection. zmomentRH arcsec^0.5 REAL 4 -999 Half radial moment (r^0.5 weighting) for z filter stack detection. zPSFFlux Janskys REAL 4 -999 PSF flux from z filter stack detection. zPSFFluxErr Janskys REAL 4 -999 Error in PSF flux from z filter stack detection. zApFlux Janskys REAL 4 -999 Aperture flux from z filter stack detection. zApFluxErr Janskys REAL 4 -999 Error in aperture flux from z filter stack detection. zApFillFac dimensionless REAL 4 -999 Aperture fill factor from z filter stack detection. zApRadius arcsec REAL 4 -999 Aperture radius for z filter stack detection. zKronFlux Janskys REAL 4 -999 Kron (1980) flux from z filter stack detection. zKronFluxErr Janskys REAL 4 -999 Error in Kron (1980) flux from z filter stack detection. zKronRad arcsec REAL 4 -999 Kron (1980) radius from z filter stack detection. zexpTime seconds REAL 4 -999 Exposure time of the z filter stack. Necessary for converting listed fluxes and magnitudes back to measured ADU counts. zExtNSigma dimensionless REAL 4 -999 An extendedness measure for the z filter stack detection based on the deviation between PSF and Kron (1980) magnitudes, normalized by the PSF magnitude uncertainty. zsky Janskys/arcsec^2 REAL 4 -999 Residual background sky level at the z filter stack detection. zskyErr Janskys/arcsec^2 REAL 4 -999 Error in residual background sky level at the z filter stack detection. zzp magnitudes REAL 4 0 Photometric zeropoint for the z filter stack. Necessary for converting listed fluxes and magnitudes back to measured ADU counts. zPlateScale arcsec/pixel REAL 4 0 Local plate scale for the z filter stack. yippDetectID dimensionless BIGINT 8 NA IPP internal detection identifier. ystackDetectID dimensionless BIGINT 8 NA Unique stack detection identifier. ystackImageID dimensionless BIGINT 8 NA Unique stack identifier for y filter detection. yxPos sky pixels REAL 4 -999 PSF x center location from y filter stack detection. yyPos sky pixels REAL 4 -999 PSF y center location from y filter stack detection. yxPosErr sky pixels REAL 4 -999 Error in PSF x center location from y filter stack detection. yyPosErr sky pixels REAL 4 -999 Error in PSF y center location from y filter stack detection. ypsfMajorFWHM arcsec REAL 4 -999 PSF major axis FWHM from y filter stack detection. ypsfMinorFWHM arcsec REAL 4 -999 PSF minor axis FWHM from y filter stack detection. ypsfTheta degrees REAL 4 -999 PSF major axis orientation from y filter stack detection. ypsfCore dimensionless REAL 4 -999 PSF core parameter k from y filter stack detection, where F = F0 / (1 + k r^2 + r^3.33). ypsfLikelihood dimensionless REAL 4 -999 Likelihood that this y filter stack detection is best fit by a PSF. ypsfQf dimensionless REAL 4 -999 PSF coverage factor for y filter stack detection. ypsfQfPerfect dimensionless REAL 4 -999 PSF-weighted fraction of pixels totally unmasked for y filter stack detection. ypsfChiSq dimensionless REAL 4 -999 Reduced chi squared value of the PSF model fit for y filter stack detection. ymomentXX arcsec^2 REAL 4 -999 Second moment M_xx for y filter stack detection. ymomentXY arcsec^2 REAL 4 -999 Second moment M_xy for y filter stack detection. ymomentYY arcsec^2 REAL 4 -999 Second moment M_yy for y filter stack detection. ymomentR1 arcsec REAL 4 -999 First radial moment for y filter stack detection. ymomentRH arcsec^0.5 REAL 4 -999 Half radial moment (r^0.5 weighting) for y filter stack detection. yPSFFlux Janskys REAL 4 -999 PSF flux from y filter stack detection. yPSFFluxErr Janskys REAL 4 -999 Error in PSF flux from y filter stack detection. yApFlux Janskys REAL 4 -999 Aperture flux from y filter stack detection. yApFluxErr Janskys REAL 4 -999 Error in aperture flux from y filter stack detection. yApFillFac dimensionless REAL 4 -999 Aperture fill factor from y filter stack detection. yApRadius arcsec REAL 4 -999 Aperture radius for y filter stack detection. yKronFlux Janskys REAL 4 -999 Kron (1980) flux from y filter stack detection. yKronFluxErr Janskys REAL 4 -999 Error in Kron (1980) flux from y filter stack detection. yKronRad arcsec REAL 4 -999 Kron (1980) radius from y filter stack detection. yexpTime seconds REAL 4 -999 Exposure time of the y filter stack. Necessary for converting listed fluxes and magnitudes back to measured ADU counts. yExtNSigma dimensionless REAL 4 -999 An extendedness measure for the y filter stack detection based on the deviation between PSF and Kron (1980) magnitudes, normalized by the PSF magnitude uncertainty. ysky Janskys/arcsec^2 REAL 4 -999 Residual background sky level at the y filter stack detection. yskyErr Janskys/arcsec^2 REAL 4 -999 Error in residual background sky level at the y filter stack detection. yzp magnitudes REAL 4 0 Photometric zeropoint for the y filter stack. Necessary for converting listed fluxes and magnitudes back to measured ADU counts. yPlateScale arcsec/pixel REAL 4 0 Local plate scale for the y filter stack.