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Choose an option for retrieving files from MAST


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Direct from Search Results

Retrieving data from MAST in the Portal context requires first executing a successful search (see the chapter on Searching). Each of the rows in the search results includes a File icon which enables a direct download of a single file or observation (see One-Click Download for details).

Using the Download Manager

In the Portal Download Manager you must check one of more directories or file boxes in the File panel before download methods become available to you (see Download Basket).

titlePortal Log-on

You must be logged in to the Portal to download data that is marked as Exclusive Access. Such observations appear with a yellow background in the Search Results table.

titleBrowser Pop-ups

The Portal requires that pop-up blockers be disabled for the domain: in order to download data. Check the documentation for your browser to determine how this is done, and be alert for notifications from the browser that popups are being blocked.  In many cases it simply requires giving approval for pop-ups when you are asked.


Click one of the buttons described below to choose the details of your download.

Browser Download

Follow the steps below to initiate a download of the selected files. The files will be bundled into a .zip or a .tar (optionally compressed) file.

1Click the Download button.

Download products button

2Select your prefered form for the download bundle and click Download.

Download bundle format dialog

3Save the file bundle to your local storage. The appearance of the file-save dialog depends upon your browser settings.

Download to local disk dialog (browser specific)

Curl Script

You may elect to download a custom Bash script, which when run on your host system will retrieve your selected data files using cURL commands.

1Click the Download button.

Download products button

2Select Curl from the file Format pull-down menu.

Download bundle format dialog

3Save the cURL shell script in a directory where you wish the data files to be stored.

Download to local disk dialog (browser specific)


Bring up a shell and execute the script.

Note: If you are retrieving Exclusive Access Protected data, you will need to either provide your MyST login credentials, or have established a MAST Auth token, in order for the shell to complete the retrieval successfully.

Note: The cURL script is targeted to a bash shell. Specifying bash on the command line allows it to be invoked from any unix shell.

Code Block
titleChoosing Shippable Media

Requesting data via shippable media will involve considerable delay. Note that you will need to certify that you are unable to use another means of data retrieval.

titleMAST Auth Tokens

Authentication for access to Exclusive Access data via a cURL or other scripts is managed in MAST via tokens. See MAST API Tokens to learn how to create or update a MAST.auth token.

Batch Retrieval

The Batch option allows the selected files to be written to external media for subsequent retrieval. Follow the steps below to stage data on the ftp server. Note that requesting data via shippable media will incur a substantial delay, and requires that you certify that you cannot retrieve data via staging.


Staging files for ftp retrieval is currently supported for a few MAST missions (including JWST and HST), but not all. It is highly recommended to instead retrieve large numbers of files via cURL.

1Click the Batch Retrieval button.

Batch retrieval button


Select staging from the file Delivery Method pull-down menu and (if you are not logged in) provide the email address where you wish the notification to be sent.

Note: If you are logged in to MAST, the e-mail address on record will be pre-filled.

Batch retrieval options dialog

3Acknowledge the pop-up notification, and check your email at the delivery address you specified.

Pop-up status notification

4The email notification will give the location of the files that have been staged.


Bring up a shell and initiate an ftp session on The appropriate login credentials will be one of the following:

  • If you were logged into MAST when you requested that your data be staged, use your MyST login credentials.
  • If you requested a retrieval anonymously (for non-exclusive access data), use:
    • User: anonymous
    • Password: <any syntactically valid email address>
Code Block
% ftp
Connected to
# [Welcome message...]
Name: anonymous
331 Guest login ok, type your email address as 
the password
6Navigate to the directory specified in the email notification and initiate the transfer of data files.
Code Block
ftp> cd /stage/anonymous/anonymous_20190107Z_2339f1c0
# turn off interactive prompt:
ftp> prompt
ftp> mget *
titleMAC OS X 10.14+ Users

Apple has removed the native ftp application for Mac OS 10.14 (Mojave) and higher. A solution is to install a third-party file-transfer application, such as Cyberduck or wget.

Other Download Methods

It is possible to search for and retrieve data using MAST web services, or the python astroquery.mast library. These methods are described in Beyond the Portal.

For Further Reading...