Instantly initiate a download of files for a single observation

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Context: Portal Search Results

One-click download is the simplest and fastest way to retrieve a single result from the results table. The result is usually an Observation, which can contain multiple files.

Portal search results, showing the Filters, results table, and AstroView tool

Instant observation download is available after a successful Portal search, where the results are presented in a table format flanked applicable filters (left) and the AstroView tool (right). It is also possible to export the search results table to a local file.

Observation Instant Download

Portal download dialog

Click the File icon to initiate a download of a single observation. The result will be a zip file containing the Minimum Recommended Products contained within that observation. A pop-up like the one on the left may appear, depending upon your browser settings.

Export Search Results

Portal dialog to save search results table

Click the Download icon to save the results table to a local file. The table can contain:

  • All columns, or only those displayed
  • All displayed rows, or only those selected with a checked box

For Further Reading...