This page describes the contents of the PanSTARRS-1 database object and detection tables.  These tables have information such as positions, magnitudes, and morphological descriptions for the objects in the PS1 catalogs. They also include time-dependent measurements of those parameters.  Tables with multi-epoch measurements are not included in the DR1 data release and are listed separately.

These descriptions are extracted from the PSPS Schema Browser interface created by the University of Hawaii.  For a high-level overview of the tables, see the PS1 Source extraction and catalogs documentation page. 

The starting point for the PS1 data archive is at Pan-STARRS1 data archive home page.

Tables included in DR1















Tables included in DR2

These tables were not included in DR1 but are in the DR2 database.







Tables not included in DR1 or DR2

The tables below are not part of the DR1 or DR2 databases (yet), but their descriptions are included for completeness.



Views in DR1 and DR2

There are a number of views in the Pan-STARRS databases, which are generally cases where there are two related tables that are joined to make a wide table that includes columns from both tables.  Rather than make this page extremely long, we simply list the relevant views below with links to the individual pages that list the columns in those views.

There are also some views that are created because a very large table is broken up into multiple pieces for practical database implementation reasons.  The various chunks of rows are combined together into what looks like a single big table.  An example is the Detection table, which was simply too large to put into a single table.  Those "virtual" tables are listed above with the regular tables because they are never accessed by users as individual tables.  It is a confusing fact that they appear in the MyDB Views tab when exploring the database.

Name of ViewJoined tablesNotes
DetectionObjectViewObjectThin, DetectionDR2
DiffDetObjectViewDiffDetObject, DiffDetectionNot populated in DR2
ForcedGalaxyModelViewObjectThin, ForcedGalaxyShapeDR2
ForcedMeanObjectViewObjectThin, ForcedMeanObjectNot yet in DR2
MeanObjectViewMeanObject, ObjectThin
StackApFlxExGalCon6ObjectViewObjectThin, StackApFlxExGalCon6
StackApFlxExGalCon8ObjectViewObjectThin, StackApFlxExGalCon8
StackApFlxExGalUncViewObjectThin, StackApFlxExGalUnc
StackApFlxObjectView ObjectThin, StackApFlx, StackModelFitSer
StackModelFitDeVObjectViewObjectThin, StackModelFitDeV
StackModelFitExpObjectViewObjectThin, StackModelFitExp
StackModelFitPetObjectViewObjectThin, StackPetrosian
StackModelFitSerObjectViewObjectThin, StackModelFitSer
StackModelObjectViewObjectThin, StackModelFitExp, StackModelFitDeVm, StackModelFitSer, StackPetrosianNote: User beware that this view contains a lot of columns and selecting all of them is not recommended.
StackObjectViewObjectThin, StackObjectThin, StackObjectAttributes

Put one or more images or figures at the top of this column. Novices may simply "Insert" an "Image" here. Experts should create first go to the "Media Repository" page and "Create" a new "PS1 image information" page for the new image. The image information page provide a mechanism for capturing metadata and including alternate versions of the figure.

Include an infobox below the picture. Summarize key facts in the infobox. The infobox helps users quickly assess the content of the article.