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Recommended Data Products
Of the many different data products produced by the science calibration pipeline, a subset has been identified as essential for extracting the intended science from the data, or for users who wish to recalibrate lower-level products with the calibration pipeline on their own platforms. These are termed the minimum recommended products (MRP). The selection of data products that are included in this set depends upon the instrument used to obtain the data, its configuration and operating mode, and the level to which the observations have been calibrated. Generally, products in the MRP include the most calibrated science product (i.e., those for which the instrumental signature has been removed) along with the associated data products.
Products not included in the MRP set supplement science investigations, or help users assess the quality of the science data products. Depending on the Mission, such products might include:
- contemporaneous guide-star data
- target acquisition images
- thumbnail (preview) images of science products
- calibration reference files
MRP by Default