The mission search interfaces provide both a graphical user-interface (web form) and programmatic access (via an API) to mission-specific data. These interfaces allow for searches with a large set of criteria, which are customized for each mission or collection.
Table of Contents
Search This Guide
New To The Mission Search Interface?
Watch our short introductory tutorial video.
Info on data products
Want to learn about the products in the search form, rather than the search form itself? Visit the MAST Data Collection Overview.
NOTE: If the video is blurry when watching in full screen mode, consider changing the playback setting to a higher resolution (for example, 720p). This is accomplished using the Gear icon in the lower right. Note that the gear icon may not be present when this webpage first loads, but it will appear when the video is first played. In some cases, even if the icon says "HD" there may be a need to select the 1080p HD setting using the Gear icon to ensure the highest quality video.
Mission Interfaces
Search interfaces are available for the following collections:
- Classy (High-level Science Product collection)
- Ullyses (High-level Science Product collection)
Interfaces for more missions and collections are planned.
User Support
For MAST user support, contact the HelpDesk: See the Archive Support page for details and other resources.
Citations and Acknowledgements
In publications, refer to this document as:
- MAST 2021, MAST Mission Search Guide, eds. S.W. Fleming, J. Yoon, J. Kotler (Version 1; Baltimore: STScI)
Please acknowledge the use of data obtained from MAST in publications, according to the mission(s) you use.
For Further Reading...
- The Python package astroquery.mast