This article describes the division of responsibilities between the two teams responsible for the FIMS-SPEAR mission, FIMS and SPEAR.

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FIMS-SPEAR was the primary payload on STSAT-1, Korea's first astronomy satellite. Known in Korea as the "Far-Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrograph" (FIMS) and in the U.S. as "Spectroscopy of Plasma Evolution from Astrophysical Radiation" (SPEAR), FIMS-SPEAR was a joint mission between the Korean Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI), the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), and the University of California, Berkeley, with support from NASA and the Korean ministry of science and technology.

"FIMS" and "SPEAR" are different names for the exact same payload (hereafter FIMS-SPEAR), but this manual will also use them as shorthand to refer to the FIMS (KAIST/KASI) and SPEAR (Berkeley) mission teams, who worked semi-independently of each other. Although parts of the pipeline were performed identically by both the FIMS and SPEAR teams, other parts of the data processing and final products differ in substantial ways. MAST provides mission products from both the FIMS team and the SPEAR team. A partial list of mission team members can be found below, with the Principal Investigators listed first under each institute. Additional contributors and science investigators can be found in the ADS libraries curated in References.

The FIMS Team


민경욱 / Kyoung-Wook Min

유광선 / Kwangsun Ryu

이진근 / Jingeun Rhee

김일중 / Il-Joong Kim

조영수 / Young-Soo Jo


한원용 / Wonyong Han

선광일 / Kwang-Il Seon

이대희 / Dae-Hee Lee

진호 / Ho Jin

육인수 / In-Soo Yuk

남욱원 / Uk-Won Nam

박장현 / Jang-Hyun Park

The SPEAR Team

UC Berkeley

Jerry Edelstein

Eric Korpela

Martin Sirk

Kaori Nishikida

Julia M. Kregenow

Joe Adolfo

Barry Y. Welsh

The following mission team members worked with MAST to prepare the 2023 public release: Kwang-Il Seon, Eric Korpela, Young-Soo Jo, Martin Sirk, Kyoung-Wook Min, and Jerry Edelstein.  For citation information, see How to Cite.

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