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There are a variety of tools available for interacting with the results of a search. The most prominent tool in the search results window is the AstroView Tool, which shows the footprint(s) of entries in the results grid superimposed on a sky background (by default, the Digital Sky Survey). AstroView is described separately.

Of the remaining tools, not all are available for every result.  The following tools are indicated as icons in the Actions column:




Lcviz ViewerView the data using the Lcviz Visualization tool

Invoke spectral viewer

Spectral ViewerView the data in the Spectrum Visualization tool

JdavizView the data in the Jdaviz tool

Image overlay toggle

Toggle Overlay ImageToggle an image overlay in AstroView

Applicable Tools Only

Only icons for tools that are applicable to the results table row are displayed.

Cutout Tool

Some observations have cutouts of FITS images available for display.  Cutouts are hidden from search results by default.  To toggle the display of image cutouts, check the relevant cutout checkbox or radio button depending on the current view.

List View

Album View

Checking the box will show a new Cutout column which displays cutout images for all search results where available (Figure 1). Results that have no cutouts available will display "No Cutout Available". 

Search Results List with an example query and the 'show cutout' option checked. This displays available FITS cutouts

Figure 1 Search Results List View. Check the "Show Cutout" checkbox to display a new "Cutout" column in the table, which will display any available FITS image cutouts.

Viewing cutouts in Album View (see Figure 2) opens up the option to change the resolution of the cutout. Use the drop-down menu on the right-hand side. 

Search results with Album ViewSearch results with Album View and cutout size control

Figure 2 Search Results Album View. Left: Checking the "Cutout" radio button displays the image cutouts in the results panels.  Right: The resolution of the image cutouts can be changed with the dropdown menu on the far right.

Image Overlay 

The Image Overlay action button indicates that the image of the relevant observation can be overlaid on the AstroView on-sky panel; see Figure 3.

Overlaying an Image

Figure 3 the Image Overlay action. Clicking the "Image Overlay" action button overlays the image cutout in the AstroView tool, with the proper WCS coordinate matching.

Spectral Viewer 

The Spectral Viewer action button indicates that the relevant observation has a spectrum that can be viewed with the Spectrum Plotter tool.   Clicking this button opens up a new window (Fig. 4), displaying the spectrum for the given row.  To select and overplot multiple spectra (up to 10), select all valid rows of interest you wish to view, and click the Spectrum Viewer icon that is located in the Search Results Toolbar.  This opens up the same window with all selected spectra over-plotted. 

Spectral Viewer window

Figure 4 the Spectrum Viewer tool.  Configuration Panel (left): Options for configuring the spectrum display, adding markers or spectral lines, or performing spectral line fitting.  Spectrum Panel (middle): Displays any loaded spectrum as flux vs wavelength.  Legend Panel (right): Contains all spectra loaded into the tool, as  well as any additional markers, as toggle-able display elements.

Watch this video for details on the features of the Spectrum Viewer Tool.

The Configuration Panel has the following sections:



Change the x-axis or y-axis display range or scaling
OptionsChange plot grid and line styles, or smooth the spectrum
IndicatorsAdd a vertical line at a specified wavelength
Line ListsAdd a marker for a specified spectral line
FittingPerform simple spectral line fitting
Doppler ShiftShift the spectrum by a specified redshift or velocity value

Lcviz: Timeseries Viewer

The Lcviz action button indicates that the relevant observation has time-series that can be viewed with the Lcviz Plotter tool. Clicking this button opens up a new window (Figure 5), displaying the time series for the given row. The plugin sidebar (right, Figure 5) enables many additional analysis modes. For example, Lcviz has an option to phase fold the data to discover periodic events such as transiting exoplanets. You can accept the default phase folding (the period of the highest peak in the periodogram), or input your own ephemeris information.

Figure 5 Lcviz tool.  Timeseries Plot (left): Timeseries data, displayed in a plot as flux vs time.  Folded Curve (middle): Lcviz includes a tool that allows you to create phase-folded light curves. Here, the curve has been folded based on the periodogram; the highest power peak was selected as the period.  Plugin Sidebar (right): The sidebar contains options to display metadata, select the desired flux column, flatten the data, and more. In this example, a Lomb Scargle periodogram is displayed.

The Configuration Panel has the following sections:



Change the x-axis or y-axis display range or scaling
OptionsChange plot grid and line styles, or smooth the spectrum
Phase FoldingPhase fold the time series spectrum by a specified period

Cross-Match Tool 

To cross-match a set of search results against other MAST or CDS catalogs, click the Cross-Match button, located in the Search Results Toolbar, to display a pop-up window (Figure 6). Select the catalog resource against which to match, specify the match radius in arcseconds, choose whether to match against all rows or a selected subset, and click the cross-match button to begin the search.   The returned results will display as a new tab in the main Search Results Grid.  The new tab will display all columns from the original search plus all columns from the matched catalog.  To perform a successful cross-match, the original search results must contain proper RA and Dec coordinate columns.  If no results are found, or an error occurred during cross-match, a pop-up message will be displayed indicating the reason, and no new tab will be created.

Cross-match tool selection dialog

Figure 6 the Cross-Match tool. Select any single catalog to perform a cross-match against. Specify a search radius and which rows to perform the cross-match on, and click the Cross-Match button.

Charting Tool 

To explore scatter plot relationships between columns in a set of search results, click the Charting Tool button, located in the Search Results Toolbar, to display a pop-up window (Figure 7).   The plotter tool lets you plot any two numeric columns against each other for display as a scatter plot.  Columns can also be combined by selecting the Combine Columns button, which allows for arithmetic between two columns.  Each axis can be configured by adjusting the range sliders or manually specifying new axis bounds. The plot image will automatically adjust.  Click "Reset Range" to reset the axis ranges to their defaults.  The user may also click-and-drag in the plot window to zoom in on a region, which also updates the axis ranges automatically.  Data subsets may be selected by holding Shift while click-and-dragging.  The selected subsets will update the results displayed in the Results Grid. 

Chart tool window

Figure 7 the Plotter tool.  Configuration Panel (left): Options for configuring the plot axes and display columns.  Plot Panel (right): Displays the selected data.

The Configuration Panel has the following sections:



Change the selected columns to plot
RangeChange the x-axis or y-axis display range or scaling

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