Component Overview
A description of the Search Results Page: Column Sorting, Pagination, Page Size, Row Selection, Download Button, Export Search Results Button, Edit Search Button.
Component Features and Functionality
Sorting Columns
The columns of the search results table can be sorted in ascending or descending order by clicking on the column names. Multi-sort is supported—the table can be sorted by first one column, then a second, then a third, etc. Click a column name once to sort by ascending order (upward arrow and a number will show up next to the column), then again to sort by descending order (downward arrow and a number shows up next to column). Click a third time to turn off sorting for that column and the arrow and number will disappear.
Specification of multi-sort:
A number and an arrow will show up when sort functionality is active.
Ascending order can be verified by the upward arrow next to the column name
- Descending order can be checked by the downward arrow next to the column name
- The order of multi-sort can be determined by the number next to the arrow and the column name
Using Pagination
For search results larger than the page size, use the pagination buttons on either the top right of the table just above column names, or at the bottom right of the table to jump through the pages. To the left of pagination, the number of rows shown per table page is listed compared to the total number of observations retrieved. The pagination has options to jump to the first page (), the previous page(), the next page (), and the last page of search results().
Setting The Page Size
The page size is controlled with the 'Rows per page' drop-down menu. By default, 500 results per page are displayed. It can be adjusted to show 50, 100, 250, 500 or 1000 rows per page.
Row Selection
To select datasets to download or select rows to export, use the selection checkboxes on the far left in the table. The top-most checkbox that is inside the header row will select all the rows on the current page. Click that box again to deselect all rows on the current page. The checkbox at the far left of each row of the results table will select or deselect that individual row.
NOTE: The top-most checkbox selects all rows only on the current page. It does not select all the rows across all the pages. Rows that are selected or deselected will remain selected/deselected as the results table is paginated.
If there are too many results, consider constraining the search with Search Parameter Overview and Additional Search Parameters.
The Download Button
As datasets are selected in the results table, the 'DOWNLOAD DATA' button will become active. When ready to retrieve products for the selected datasets, press the button to begin the download process. From the download data menu, either press the 'Choose Files' option to open the Download Overlay or use one of the 'Quick API Script' options to download a curl script to programmatically retrieve the files associated with the selected datasets.
The Export Button (Exporting Search Results Table)
The search results table itself (that is, all the metadata shown in the table) can be exported in a variety of formats. All rows in the entire search results table can be exported, unlike downloading datasets. Alternatively, only selected rows can be exported. The supported export formats are CSV, JSON, and VO Table formats.
The Edit Search Button
Use the 'EDIT QUERY' button to change the search parameters. To start a new search, use the button and then use the 'CLEAR FORM' button to reset the search form.
Clicking the back button of the browser will lose the previous search history. Make sure to use "EDIT QUERY" to further constrain the existing search.
Non-Public (Exclusive Access) Search Results
Some data collections have products that are not publicly available to download, for example some of the HST observations. However, the metadata associated with those observations are publicly available. Any search results that contain observations that are not publicly released yet are shown with a yellow background in the search results table. The observational metadata in the search results table may be exported, but the products may not be downloaded unless signed into a MyST account that is authorized by the Principal Investigator of the observations to download those products. For login information, see MAST User Accounts. For more information, see Download Overlay section.