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  • Nestor Espinoza will contact the Mission Office/JDox leads to ask where/how to put information about scheduling observations with multiple observatories.
Nestor Espinoza2024-11-13 TSO CT Meeting notes
Nestor Espinoza2024-11-13 TSO CT Meeting notes
  • Nestor Espinoza will contact the schedulers to discuss the percentage of TSOs with this issue.
Nestor Espinoza2024-04-17 TSO CT Meeting notes
  • Nikolay Nikolov and Nestor Espinoza should write a document that lists obvious tests that need to be included in the Pipeline Validation project and present at upcoming TSO WG meetings
Nikolay Nikolov2023-10-18 TSO WG Meeting notes
  • Leonardo Ubeda will re-do the plots, but doing the average of the ratio of (3-2)/(2-1) at the end (i.e., compute (3-2)/(2-1) at each integration, then take the average).

Leonardo Ubeda2021-07-28 TSO WG Meeting notes
  • Leonardo Ubeda will also perform sigma-clipping on the ratios for the final plots (scipy.stat.sigmaclip should be enough!).

Leonardo Ubeda2021-07-28 TSO WG Meeting notes
  • Leonardo Ubeda will repeat the anayses for subsets of the data. First leaving the first 3,000 integrations out. Then only the last ~6,000 integrations.
Leonardo Ubeda2021-07-28 TSO WG Meeting notes
  • Michael Regan will present on the next TSO WG meeting details on why currently the pipeline has troubles on calculating the real, underlying "photon" noise.
Michael Regan2021-06-02 TSO WG Meeting notes
  • Michael Regan will get the paragraph explaining the concept for the high-efficiency mode decided here. Will get it to Sarah Kendrew and Nestor Espinoza by the end of next week (June 11; Note from Néstor: Mike, I made that date up. If this. is not OK with you and you need more time, please let me know!).
Michael Regan2021-06-02 TSO WG Meeting notes
  • Nestor Espinoza and Sarah Kendrew will work together to define a handful of TSO WG members to take care of this. They will supervise this part of the work.
Nestor Espinoza2021-05-19 TSO WG Meeting notes

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